国大的毕业是要是CAP4.5以上,但HONOR PROJECT没拿A-以上会怎么样?
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作者:kaduqhwknd (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1) 发表:2006-10-07 14:40:50  楼主  关注此帖
国大的毕业是要是CAP4.5以上,但HONOR PROJECT没拿A-以上会怎么样?
还是1ST CLASS吗?A-容易拿吗?
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作者:StefinieSun (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2067) 发表:2006-10-07 17:28:35  2楼 评分:
当然不会是1ST HONOR.....
学校的degree requirement 里面写的很清楚!
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作者:江南渔夫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:13480) 发表:2006-10-08 19:36:08  3楼 评分:
当然不会是1ST HONOR.....学校的degree requirement 里面写的很清楚! 我想:谁也不会例外吧1
这个规定其实很瞎, 很多老师也很反对...
CAP是累积起来的, 多少还客观点. HYP的成绩基本就是看导师和两个examiner喜欢不喜欢, 好说不好说. 碰到运气差的不讲理的, 死都不知道怎么死...

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作者:noah (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:753) 发表:2006-10-08 22:44:14  4楼 评分:
这个规定其实很瞎, 很多老师也很反对...CAP是累积起来的, 多少还客观点. HYP的成绩基本就是看导师和两个examiner喜欢不喜欢, 好说不好说. 碰到运气差的不讲理的, 死都不知道怎么死...
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作者:吞并日本 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1205) 发表:2006-10-08 23:46:57  5楼 评分:
这个规定其实很瞎, 很多老师也很反对...CAP是累积起来的, 多少还客观点. HYP的成绩基本就是看导师和两个examiner喜欢不喜欢, 好说不好说. 碰到运气差的不讲理的, 死都不知道怎么死...

不过话说回来,如果碰上什么都不懂的人来evaluate,那真的是够呛了。如果是那样,只能认倒霉了,因为你只有一个选择:把你的论文做好然后发表一篇rank 1的文章来确保你的A-以上(不过几率不大)。
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-09 12:30:50  6楼
这个规定其实很瞎, 很多老师也很反对...CAP是累积起来的, 多少还客观点. HYP的成绩基本就是看导师和两个examiner喜欢不喜欢, 好说不好说. 碰到运气差的不讲理的, 死都不知道怎么死...
This is just one point, but another point is that FYP/HYP is a project
Which examines you the ability to solve real problem rather than recite textbooks and PYP

My supervisor once gave an example of a student who's CAP is 3.99 (4 max) and failed to complete his FYP in 4 years. He changed a few supervisors and FOE gave him a special extension of 1 year of study (normal students can only extend his study for the maximum of 2 years) and he still failed it. My supervisor said this student is good at finding "shortcuts" and reciting past year paper, but not at all good at understand complex issues, nor have the perseverance or patience to complete some relatvie simple but tidous task.

Frankly speaking it is very common that the students with the highest CAP are not the best students in the practical world. Loot at the the NUS course structure: Will Einstein get A for sth like Law and Human Resource Management?
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-09 12:37:04  7楼 评分:
Supervisor dominates
He can decide you pass or fail. Evaluator can only "fine tune" your score.
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作者:noah (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:753) 发表:2006-10-10 21:21:03  8楼 评分:
Supervisor dominatesHe can decide you pass or fail. Evaluator can only "fine tune" your score.
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作者:我丑不是罪 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:939) 发表:2006-10-11 15:04:08  9楼 评分:
但是网站上明明写的由evaluator决定阿,还有详细的分数分配。http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/students/guidess1_2006_7.htm 怎么能说是导师说得算呢?

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作者:hash (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5077) 发表:2006-10-13 00:29:50  10楼
这个规定其实很瞎, 很多老师也很反对...CAP是累积起来的, 多少还客观点. HYP的成绩基本就是看导师和两个examiner喜欢不喜欢, 好说不好说. 碰到运气差的不讲理的, 死都不知道怎么死...
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-13 17:29:58  11楼
Isn't the topic been chosen by the student him/herself?
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-13 17:39:12  12楼 评分:
导师给你A难道evaluator会fail你?? 而且导师对你做的东西理解更多点~~evaluator能花多少时间在你的project上?
Supervisor is the person who knows your project and performance best other than yourself. Evaluators usually will show some respect to them and grade accordingly. Moreover, if you knows that there is a big difference between the grading of your supervisor and evaluator, you can appeal, and this will cause some severe problem if the evaulator can not provide enough justification for his/her low grade. Thus usually evaulator(s) won't rish themselves to challenge supervisors decision unless they can find major flaws (e.g. major theoretical flaw, fake data or copying) in your report/presentation.
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作者:hash (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5077) 发表:2006-10-18 01:16:08  13楼
Isn't the topic been chosen by the student him/herself?
1. many students don't get what they have chosen.
I rarely see any FYP student get their first choice. Instead, many didn't get any among their 7 bets.

2. Students are not able judge from the 200 word project synopsis whether that project may lead to meaningful results within their FYP time. Attractive synopsis doesn't mean good project. Many graduate students are tricked into bull-shit projects, not to mention FYPs.

When 3rd year students ask me on FYP projects, I always tell them to contact a GOOD professor and convince that professor to propose a project for him (self-propose).
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-19 13:54:19  14楼
1. many students don't get what they have chosen.I rarely see any FYP student get their first choice. Instead, many didn't get any among their 7 bets. 2. Students are not able judge from the 200 word project synopsis whether that project may lead to meaningful results within their FYP time. Attractive synopsis doesn't mean good project. Many graduate students are tricked into bull-shit projects, not to mention FYPs. When 3rd year students ask me on FYP projects, I always tell them to contact a GOOD professor and convince that professor to propose a project for him (self-propose).
Your para is a good point
Chosing a good project and shape it to fit oneself or shape onself to fit it is a part of FYP itself. If it is a fixed-topic, fixed-supervisor project it will be a course project, not FYP.

Anyway final year students should be able to be dominate on how his/her project goes and what's he/she will achieve rather than let the supervisor tell him. Real world after he/she graduate will be full of "projects" with few "courses" no matter he/she takes academic or industrial career path. Those who can not cope with projects well have higher chances to suffer in the real life.

Thus why I agree that FYP is at least as important as CAP.
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-19 20:29:52  15楼
Your para is a good pointChosing a good project and shape it to fit oneself or shape onself to fit it is a part of FYP itself. If it is a fixed-topic, fixed-supervisor project it will be a course project, not FYP. Anyway final year students should be able to be dominate on how his/her project goes and what's he/she will achieve rather than let the supervisor tell him. Real world after he/she graduate will be full of "projects" with few "courses" no matter he/she takes academic or industrial career path. Those who can not cope with projects well have higher chances to suffer in the real life. Thus why I agree that FYP is at least as important as CAP.
typo, I mean "your last para is a good point"
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作者:noah (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:753) 发表:2006-10-22 18:46:53  16楼
True...Supervisor is the person who knows your project and performance best other than yourself. Evaluators usually will show some respect to them and grade accordingly. Moreover, if you knows that there is a big difference between the grading of your supervisor and evaluator, you can appeal, and this will cause some severe problem if the evaulator can not provide enough justification for his/her low grade. Thus usually evaulator(s) won't rish themselves to challenge supervisors decision unless they can find major flaws (e.g. major theoretical flaw, fake data or copying) in your report/presentation.
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-10-23 01:12:38  17楼
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