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作者:南洋暴雪 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2818) 发表:2015-06-01 09:32:19  楼主  关注此帖
【法律咨询】请问@南洋暴雪 这样犯法么?假如我看到联合早报的一条新闻,我想转到华新上来。 根据联合早报母公司SPH的T&C, http://sph.com.sg/legal/website_tnc.html 以下关键段落: 4. Content Use Conditions 4.1 You may not reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, publish, display, communicate, transmit, broadcast, podcast, webcast, distribute, sell, trade or exploit for any commercial or other purposes, any portion of, or any access to:   4.1.1 any Service; 4.1.2 the Site; 4.1.3 any SPH Content except, to the extent permitted, with the prior written consent of SPH or unless expressly permitted in these Website Conditions; or 4.1.4 any Third Party User Content except, to the extent permitted, with the prior written consent of SPH and the owner or licensee of the specific User Content. 4.2 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 4.1, you agree not to reproduce, display or otherwise provide access to the Services, SPH Content, or Third Party User Content on another website or server, for example throug (more...)
如果是别人自己i写的, 你直接拿来复制肯定是侵犯别人作品复制权。但是针对你的行为,你很可能有一个fair comment的抗辩。

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作者:南洋暴雪 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2818) 发表:2015-06-01 15:37:02  2楼
谢谢回复。个人方面很清楚了。假如个别用户有侵权行为把SPH旗下的网站/报纸的内容贴华新上来。 SPH要追究的话也是去追究那个用户,而不是华新。 如果他们要求华新把内容删掉,华新是有义务配合的。 但是华新不会被追究更多的责任。 可以这么理解么?
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