【法律咨询】男方患有精神病,婚前没有告知,可以离婚吗夫妻双方都是中国籍绿卡,在新加坡婚姻注册局ROM的,男方患有精神病,之前有犯过病,在新加坡医院有看过医生。 跟女方认识,恋爱到结婚,一直没有提,女方完全不知道。这期间男方除了脾气比较急躁之外,没有出格表现。
本帖已由 有问题 在 2015-02-11 23:37:12 时顶起 ---该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2015-02-12 22:00:01。
可以直接申请婚姻无效 (annulment)
The grounds for an annulment are:
- One of the parties was already married to someone else when the marriage took place
- Willfully not consummating the marriage
- Not consummating the marriage due to incapacity
- Mental illness that makes the person not fit for marriage
- The spouse is pregnant by another man
- If it can be proven that the spouse had a communicable venereal disease before the marriage took place
这个比离婚要彻底,因为annulment的法律效应是把结婚状态打回到这段无效婚姻之前,也就是说在法律意义上,这段婚姻从来没有发生过。如果你这段婚姻之前没有结过婚的话,那你在法律上就是Single, Never Married!
An annulment is a legal procedure to dissolve a marriage, declaring it null and void. However, unlike divorce proceedings, an annulment works on the basis that the marriage never properly existed in the first place.