Singapore must be prepared for more Covid-19 infections, deaths with reopening
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作者:Broadway (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:148) 发表:2021-08-07 17:05:24  77楼 
政府是深思熟虑的在现有数据的基础上做的决定。相信如果本地(或欧美)的孩童数据恶化,会收紧政策的。 ------------------------------------------------ 卫生部医药服务总监麦锡威副教授今天(8月6日)在抗疫跨部门工作小组记者会指出,上述两家医院自去年3月起开始针对照顾年幼孩童及青少年冠病病患展开研究。参与研究的259名病患年龄介于两个月至18岁。 研究发现,当中有不少孩童是从同住家属受感染,此外,每五名孩童当中有一人有相关疾病。 所有确诊孩童中有将近一半出现症状,但大部分都只出现呼吸道感染或发烧等轻微症状。此外,没有孩童出现呼吸困难、需要输氧或入住加护病房的情况。 研究也发现,这些孩童复诊时没有出现冠病后综合症。 麦锡威提醒,尽管本地确诊冠病的孩童占少数,但国外出现确诊孩童入住加护病房甚至死亡的情况。“庆幸的是,我们没有这种情况,但马来西亚和印度尼西亚等邻国都有孩童在确诊冠病后死亡。”
Long COVID and kids: scientists race to find answers

He and his colleagues have been taking blood samples from secondary-school children in Dresden since May 2020 to track rates of infection. In March and April this year, surveys were taken from more than 1,500 children — nearly 200 of whom had antibodies indicating previous SARS-CoV-2 infection — to see how many reported long COVID.

In May, Armann’s group reported in a preprint that it found no difference in rates of symptoms reported by the two groups3. “This was kind of striking,” says Armann, and suggests that long COVID in children is probably lower than some studies have indicated. That doesn’t mean that long COVID doesn’t exist in children, he says, but it does mean the number is probably below 10%, a level that would have been picked up in the study. The true figure is perhaps as low as 1%, he says.
Seven Deadly Sins: Wealth without work,Pleasure without conscience,Science without humanity,Knowledge without character,Politics without principle,Commerce without morality,Worship without sacrifice. One more literally deadly: Eat without hunger :)
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