Long COVID and kids: scientists race to find answers
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2021-08-07 17:05

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He and his colleagues have been taking blood samples from secondary-school children in Dresden since May 2020 to track rates of infection. In March and April this year, surveys were taken from more than 1,500 children — nearly 200 of whom had antibodies indicating previous SARS-CoV-2 infection — to see how many reported long COVID.

In May, Armann’s group reported in a preprint that it found no difference in rates of symptoms reported by the two groups3. “This was kind of striking,” says Armann, and suggests that long COVID in children is probably lower than some studies have indicated. That doesn’t mean that long COVID doesn’t exist in children, he says, but it does mean the number is probably below 10%, a level that would have been picked up in the study. The true figure is perhaps as low as 1%, he says.

Seven Deadly Sins: Wealth without work,Pleasure without conscience,Science without humanity,Knowledge without character,Politics without principle,Commerce without morality,Worship without sacrifice. One more literally deadly: Eat without hunger :)
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现在还是收收放放当中放的阶段,包括今天 andy99   (35 bytes , 7reads )
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政策,方阵策略不能走极端。但要有远见合金决断力。 andy99   (65 bytes , 9reads )
记忆都那么短吗? 阿拉玛   (30 bytes , 5reads )
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@andy99 你是哪个行业的? 21   (28 bytes , 9reads )
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明明是自己心理素质不行 笑天   (109 bytes , 4reads )
这个逻辑是这样的-现在封城,全部人收入储蓄上交抗疫(斗内), 干不干?可不可以? 笑天   (337 bytes , 7reads )
有些行业因为疫情变得更繁荣了啊 andy99   (187 bytes , 6reads )
是啊,所以看问题要全面啊 笑天   (89 bytes , 2reads )
疫情没办法的,利好一部分,另一部分不利好 andy99   (73 bytes , 6reads )
一句话, 因为疫情在BBS指点江山的 笑天   (146 bytes , 7reads )
我没焦虑 andy99   (115 bytes , 5reads )
我没焦虑 andy99   (115 bytes , 5reads )
你说得太容易了 阿拉玛   (157 bytes , 4reads )
上面有人说要走啊 andy99   (383 bytes , 6reads )
建议争取找机会喝咖啡 笑天   (39 bytes , 5reads )
我不需要,也不可能 andy99   (58 bytes , 6reads )
萎缩成啥样了? 南勍   (48 bytes , 8reads )
举个例子,美国要说辉瑞疫苗有问题暂停使用,新加坡精英们绝对不会等超过3个月就跟随 andy99   (50 bytes , 6reads )
没觉得谁多不pa si啊, Blzrd   (14 bytes , 7reads )
不是的 Freki   (38 bytes , 12reads )
哦,那就当试点吧, Blzrd   (20 bytes , 9reads )
我说的是其他的"模范们"都时候回退了,新加坡精英们怕输怕死绝对不敢抵抗 andy99   (97 bytes , 10reads )
所谓的怕输怕死,我觉得根本不客观 mltt   (315 bytes , 7reads )
层主多读点书吧 南勍   (306 bytes , 10reads )
读书要活学活用 mltt   (179 bytes , 5reads )
当年吴做东还说过,钱不够的 qingni2   (28 bytes , 13reads )
这很难理解吗 mltt   (32 bytes , 7reads )
没了如来佛 x4   (153 bytes , 8reads )
这件事情在新加坡闹得那么大 阿拉玛   (48 bytes , 11reads )
我佩服老爷子 x4   (26 bytes , 4reads )
早报写的一字不差呀,那句没写?这算造谣吗我可以举报吗 Flag888   (0 bytes , 7reads )
你给个链接呢 x4   (165 bytes , 9reads )
早报找得到的一字不差,劝你删贴 Flag888   (53 bytes , 8reads )
请你贴新闻标题 x4   (53 bytes , 5reads )
关我屁事啊我不会威胁你 Flag888   (8 bytes , 3reads )
你肯定用的是假 Google。 喜大普奔   (66 bytes , 8reads )
哦,我理解错了。 喜大普奔   (80 bytes , 11reads )
学过传媒的都懂为什么 x4   (168 bytes , 10reads )
你想多了。 喜大普奔   (150 bytes , 5reads )
这些部长到了国外 就啥也不是了 普通人而已 Bandit_let   (162 bytes , 8reads )
能去澳加的早就去了,而不是在这里bb mltt   (0 bytes , 9reads )
呵呵 你说的都对 Bandit_let   (18 bytes , 11reads )
咋准备,烧香拜佛么 弗劳恩霍夫   (42 bytes , 12reads )
给层主提供一条捷径, Blzrd   (16 bytes , 10reads )
是啊都这么烦躁了 弗劳恩霍夫   (42 bytes , 7reads )
准备躺平   (0 bytes , 13reads )
某些人让我不由地想起来 typhoonzj   (21 bytes , 11reads )
怕的人自我隔离不就行了 mltt   (82 bytes , 6reads )
身体健康成为最大财富 花より男子   (129 bytes , 7reads )
大家小心吧 云山   (120 bytes , 25reads )
德尔塔变种蔓延美国,比新加坡迟了很久,所以冠病也急不得 andy99   (16 bytes , 15reads )
在病死和饿死之间只能二选一了 sonatam   (0 bytes , 4reads )
继续看。新加坡的精英们不是特朗普,不是那个巴西总统 andy99   (25 bytes , 8reads )
还要看啥 duoduodf   (276 bytes , 4reads )
我拍手叫好,也打完两针 21   (150 bytes , 12reads )
孑然一身 duoduodf   (4 bytes , 4reads )
我家小孩在上小学,还没打疫苗。 21   (78 bytes , 11reads )
呵呵 duoduodf   (0 bytes , 8reads )
尽人事知天命 dsx1   (98 bytes , 6reads )
我说的看,是接下来半年甚至更久,不是短短2,3个月 andy99   (173 bytes , 7reads )
这么久时间 不知道多少孩子被祸害 duoduodf   (0 bytes , 9reads )
从国家角度看没错 开放的利益 和 感染与死亡的代价 边走边看啊 ESPRITEE   (183 bytes , 6reads )
喜大普奔,这一天我已等了一年多 21   (30 bytes , 7reads )
你哪位? 喜大普奔   (0 bytes , 7reads )
@喜大普奔,我是Limpeh啊。 21   (46 bytes , 6reads )
我没打过 @针 啊,不是我打的。 喜大普奔   (0 bytes , 4reads )
所谓开放 typhoonzj   (26 bytes , 11reads )
就是,这种内部开放 Blzrd   (12 bytes , 5reads )
赶紧回国躲几年 mltt   (0 bytes , 7reads )
这不就是物竞天择吗 mltt   (24 bytes , 8reads )
8月19号以后只要政府任何收紧措施(前提重症率不高),你就要在本坛发帖,说政府怂了 andy99   (12 bytes , 14reads )
政府不是说 8.19以后如果继续好转 duoduodf   (41 bytes , 8reads )
根本问题是承受民间和舆论的压力,这才是重点 andy99   (61 bytes , 7reads )
本地人和舆论有啥压力 南勍   (48 bytes , 10reads )
不同人看法,角度不同 andy99   (145 bytes , 10reads )
我越来越不相信会退了 lilybaby2003   (26 bytes , 11reads )
只要医疗上不出问题,不死人 云山   (64 bytes , 21reads )
小孩现在一百多了 duoduodf   (76 bytes , 8reads )
继续看,现在还是小菜一碟嘛 andy99   (106 bytes , 7reads )
不懂是穷疯了 还是自信地疯了 duoduodf   (19 bytes , 6reads )
各种被严重影响的相关行业大佬还是会给压力的吧 云山   (72 bytes , 23reads )
现在真的不算什么了 duoduodf   (12 bytes , 8reads )
政府说了,小孩都是轻症…… 南勍   (38 bytes , 11reads )
所以是弱势群体啊 duoduodf   (20 bytes , 7reads )
代表政府已经没办法承受压力 云山   (98 bytes , 23reads )