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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2013-12-26 00:23:07  67楼 
没有正式的合约,房东也需要给 reasonable notice

大意是:我在网上没有搜到关于新加坡房东驱赶房客的程序 (eviction process),但是考虑到新加坡和英国都是 common law 地区,也许英国的做法会适用。我无法加相关的网站链接,因为华新不让。

因为楼主是和房东一起住的,所以房东可以不用去法庭就驱逐房客,这类房客叫 "Excluded Occupier" :

"You are likely to be an excluded occupier if you share living accommodation with your landlord. If you are an excluded occupier your landlord can evict you without having to go to court. This section explains how landlords can evict excluded occupiers."

让后要evict这类房客,但是又没有之前的协议的话,那房东要给合理的预先通知 "Reasonable Notice":

"What is 'reasonable notice'?

If you have a written agreement with your landlord it may state how much notice the landlord has to give you. If that is the case then this is the minimum notice required. If you have lived in your home for a long time it may be possible to argue that it would be reasonable to give a longer period of notice.

If you don't have a written agreement with the landlord you may still have agreed with your landlord about the length of notice before you leave. If not the landlord has to give reasonable notice.

There are no set rules about what is reasonable. It depends on:

the length of time you have been living there
the length of time between rent payments
whether you have been getting on with your landlord
how quickly the landlord needs someone else to move in.
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