"that's a slip, not a fall."
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作者:oceanxin2 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:348) 发表:2009-07-14 00:21:09  楼主  关注此帖
结婚6年,准备离婚了好久没来华新了,一来就是发这样得帖子,自己都觉得可笑。 他昨天早上搬出去了,一点征兆都没有,就在前一天晚上,我们还和孩子再一起吃饭,很高兴,隔天早上就告诉我,我已经找了律师,房子也租好了,我要离婚。我没想到他是这么冷静得瞒着我办妥一切事情,我更没想到他可以不要孩子,连出门都没看孩子一眼,好狠得心。我尽了一切力量想挽回,为了孩子,我们要好好考虑,不是考虑我们自己,是为了我们得孩子。他还那么小。
"that's a slip, not a fall."
Just learn a story and share with you.
One guy died and unfortunately he go to hell. The devil guided him to tour the hell. They went to one room, he saw full of urgly and dirty staff. So he asked the devil:" oh my god, what are they?" Devil answerd:"these are the things that stop people achieve their dreams in the world." The guy went into the room and explore, he found the most urgly staff, which made he feel faint. He asked again:" what's this?" The devil answerd:"that's discouragment."
A lot of people here want to comfort you and help you. But it may not a good idea to follow, because people here do have so much marriage experience. I suggest you look for marriage counseller to help.
And be tough.
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