what i thnk is
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作者:小土 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:17144) 发表:2008-10-02 20:24:00  楼主  关注此帖评分:
what i thnk is
when the time they decided to live together....the issues shuld be considered already.

so one from china,one in singapore. strangers struggle in the cilvilied junggle of singapore.

nothing more to expect" 1000s of resume with no reponse..all should be in her expectiona and also the husband's'

what i feel : each of them has little sign of depress. most importnt, change attitude . be positibe. try another time. try until it successeful. dont give up.

so maybe 1 year later, a happy couple again. for the exprience now,, they will forget in future.
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作者:小土 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:17144) 发表:2008-10-03 03:07:04  2楼
这女生够可怜的没有找到工作,有点自暴自弃心态,说明她社会适应能力和心理承受能力都有限。另外没有找到一个有担当的成熟男人做丈夫,运气也不是很好。她就是我们芸芸众生普通女孩当中的一个,所以得到这么多回帖。 值得讨论的不是这个女生该不该养-因为该不该,是主观愿意不愿意,当这个问题被拿出来问,用到‘养’这个词语的时候,已经是把这个女孩,以及女孩的父母的尊严都完全踩在脚下了。这里根本不存在事实正确,抑或是义理正确的考量,而是到了是可忍,孰不可忍的生死地步。 我的建议是直接把这个主贴拿给女孩看,撕下温情脉脉的面纱,给她看看丈夫的懊恼,直面自己被放在老公良心砧板上的惨状,然后决定是要爆发做个大写的人,还是要做条摇尾乞怜的宠物狗。 贱者虽自贱,重之若千钧。人无论到了什么穷途末路上,都必须有绝不可触及的底线。
i dont think the guy really minds to support her financially
but rather think further.
see where all this thing goes to.

which make him feel depress. and i dont think "chat and meeting cyber frid" is a sign that the gal enjoy the life style now.

so someoen need to cut the crap and encourage her/him to strike back. keep working on it~

until problem solved. the peaceful mind will be reinstalled for both of them

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作者:小土 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:17144) 发表:2008-10-04 11:03:05  3楼
haha------------- what i feel : each of them has little sign of depress. most importnt, change attitude . be positibe. try another time. try until it successeful. dont give up. so maybe 1 year later, a happy couple again. for the exprience now,, they will forget in future. ------------------- simply by reading this part of your post, the reader might think that u r talking abt something else.
hahaha .......i guess i wouldnt blame my english for that.
sigh. :P
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作者:小土 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:17144) 发表:2008-10-04 11:03:33  4楼
not really. sex is very impt for man.
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