Living a life does not rely only on "love"
yes he loves her for sure, and he is willing to lower his head and wait for her to scold him. But so what?
If he only expects the two sides to resolve the issue by time, he is somehow too naive (sorry but I really feel that). A very sensitive point here is that his parents may have biased view on China and Chinese people, and that's 100% unacceptable for a normal person from PRC. Any other issues disappear with time, such as habits, manners, or communication etc., but this one? Never! Unless his parents somehow show that they don't have such view on China and Chinese people...
If he only expects the two sides to resolve the issue by time, he is somehow too naive (sorry but I really feel that). A very sensitive point here is that his parents may have biased view on China and Chinese people, and that's 100% unacceptable for a normal person from PRC. Any other issues disappear with time, such as habits, manners, or communication etc., but this one? Never! Unless his parents somehow show that they don't have such view on China and Chinese people...
天下英雄, 忠直豪杰言无隐, 志垂日月保江山,
古今八风吹不动天地月, 改尽这江山昔旧,
自古人生谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。