Overall这个东西不能比的啊,没有哪个Hall像EH那样有那么强的pre-flag...EH凭借自己超强的Alumni每年在flag day之前就早已经把flag No.1的地位握在手里了,那些flag day当天起早摸黑不过是锦上添花。
come on~~~
Regarding the pre-flag, we raise up no more than 20k per year. This year, we got more than 50k from flag day itself.
Alumni of course will donate, but most pre-flag is from sponsorship itself. If you got any friend from EH, just ask about the matric pack this year, i dun think all of them are from alumni-related companies, right?
Alumni of course will donate, but most pre-flag is from sponsorship itself. If you got any friend from EH, just ask about the matric pack this year, i dun think all of them are from alumni-related companies, right?