come on~~~
所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2004-08-05 22:00

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Regarding the pre-flag, we raise up no more than 20k per year. This year, we got more than 50k from flag day itself.

Alumni of course will donate, but most pre-flag is from sponsorship itself. If you got any friend from EH, just ask about the matric pack this year, i dun think all of them are from alumni-related companies, right?

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TH也太嚣张了,居然把04/05的intro video放在了自己的website上,里面 SM2NUS   (247 bytes , 892reads )
如果您没看清楚的话,in that video, the engineer doing stuff and costume are panther   (323 bytes , 235reads )
哦哦哦哦!好失望哦!还以为th好强呢! calvin   (0 bytes , 180reads )
只不过是一个best float,他们怎么不说他们从来没有赢过overall? 香蕉   (212 bytes , 271reads )
至于有钱没有钱这个里面更有猫腻, SM2NUS   (605 bytes , 299reads )
hehe, you are right in some sense 香蕉   (172 bytes , 266reads )
Overall这个东西不能比的啊,没有哪个Hall像EH那样有那么强的pre-flag... SM2NUS   (119 bytes , 398reads )
come on~~~ 香蕉   (334 bytes , 222reads )
再说了,有钱?每年rag and flag 都是亏钱的,即使有了收入也要给charity 香蕉   (0 bytes , 242reads )
其实TH也不是很rich啦,只不过。。。 树荫   (243 bytes , 283reads )