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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-03-05 16:10:10  41楼
Why difficult?
You can remit back and exchange in singapore, it's the same.

From the currency policy adopted by government these years, I don't think the exchange rate will drop much.
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 17:04:54  42楼
Why difficult?You can remit back and exchange in singapore, it's the same. From the currency policy adopted by government these years, I don't think the exchange rate will drop much.
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 17:08:03  43楼
Well... if take 911 into account... maybe you are right.But you have idea when will the next 911 comes?
No need 911. "President Chen" continue do some more things, some affect will be

China now military exercise, barking dog, wont bite you might say,

Chen's fellow now one more step , want to add "2 countries" into constitution, how to react?

Not necessarily a 911. but some "smaller" things, we small investor will already cannot take it lah.
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 17:16:28  44楼
A kind of issurance.It will give you dividends each year, depending on their investment return.
oh.. so it is ILP lah.. Investment linked policy?
hehe, ok.

Out of all insurance, this one I never like .

My point is , the sentiment towards general insurance products was quite , down. I just feel that, this should not be the case. So many insurance products, there are some indeed, have very attractive points for a long term investment.

Just take one for the sake of discussion,

Prime Life Policy. Idea: to hold it till 20 years (of coz provided the policy holder did not die), then surrounder.
The surrounder return in all will give you around 3.4% return p.a. (excluding all fees, and non-guarrenteed portion we take a conservative measure. i.e. not get all non-guarrenteed portion)

So I may say, to many low risk appetite ppl, these kind of long term investment is worth considering ?

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作者:神州六号 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1741) 发表:2006-03-05 22:12:46  45楼
Well... if take 911 into account... maybe you are right.But you have idea when will the next 911 comes?
911 is only an example...
and the previous one was SARS. Who knows the next one could be Bird Flu or any others!!!
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作者:nuswolf (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:579) 发表:2006-03-06 00:04:23  46楼
If you have more than US$100K spare cash can contact me. we can work out something very attractive for you. Can check out my website at http://www.sgmoneymatters.com for some of the basic financial knowledges used in singapore as well.
- Ivan, Guan Bo. Premimer Financial Services Consultant.
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作者:大象 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:9150) 发表:2006-03-06 09:52:03  47楼 评分:
some private bank product garantees you 15% return
really don't know how they do it....

but you need 5M USD to qualify to be a private bank customer.....
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作者:xiaoqiuqiu (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:286) 发表:2006-03-06 10:39:32  48楼
some private bank product garantees you 15% returnreally don't know how they do it.... but you need 5M USD to qualify to be a private bank customer.....
How is this impossible?
Even for Warren Buffet, his long term returen is only about 20% per annum?
If you can achieve consistently 15% of return, you can find a fund manager job anytime, anywhere.
Which bank in singapore can provide this? Do you know?
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作者:xiaoqiuqiu (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:286) 发表:2006-03-06 10:53:17  49楼
How is this impossible?Even for Warren Buffet, his long term returen is only about 20% per annum? If you can achieve consistently 15% of return, you can find a fund manager job anytime, anywhere. Which bank in singapore can provide this? Do you know?
Sorry, I mean how is this POSSIBLE?
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作者:mobydick (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:326) 发表:2006-03-06 11:07:25  50楼
oh.. so it is ILP lah.. Investment linked policy?hehe, ok. Out of all insurance, this one I never like . My point is , the sentiment towards general insurance products was quite , down. I just feel that, this should not be the case. So many insurance products, there are some indeed, have very attractive points for a long term investment. Just take one for the sake of discussion, Prime Life Policy. Idea: to hold it till 20 years (of coz provided the policy holder did not die), then surrounder. The surrounder return in all will give you around 3.4% return p.a. (excluding all fees, and non-guarrenteed portion we take a conservative measure. i.e. not get all non-guarrenteed portion) So I may say, to many low risk appetite ppl, these kind of long term investment is worth considering ?
To this specific issurance.
You'd better look how many equite-investment funds which generates annual return less than 3.4%. There should be very few of such bad skilled fund managers.

Then you may want to evaluate the expected return from the equity funds. If the expected return is high, say 7% on average, of course, you should not buy the issurance since you can put part of the money on the equity fund, and use the rest to buy purely life insurances.

If so the result will be either the insurance gives the same protection and you get higher return for the investment, or you get the same return for investment and be more protected by the insurance.
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作者:mobydick (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:326) 发表:2006-03-06 11:09:02  51楼
Why difficult?You can remit back and exchange in singapore, it's the same. From the currency policy adopted by government these years, I don't think the exchange rate will drop much.
Did you try to remit over RMB20,000 from China?
I don't think it is convenient to do it.
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作者:大象 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:9150) 发表:2006-03-06 15:58:52  52楼
How is this impossible?Even for Warren Buffet, his long term returen is only about 20% per annum? If you can achieve consistently 15% of return, you can find a fund manager job anytime, anywhere. Which bank in singapore can provide this? Do you know?
I don't know which bank, just heard from my friends...
I also don't know how is that possible...
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作者:fama (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:64) 发表:2006-03-06 17:05:27  53楼
FOR THE RICH ONLYIf you have more than US$100K spare cash can contact me. we can work out something very attractive for you. Can check out my website at http://www.sgmoneymatters.com for some of the basic financial knowledges used in singapore as well. - Ivan, Guan Bo. Premimer Financial Services Consultant. (more...)
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作者:fama (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:64) 发表:2006-03-06 17:28:29  54楼 评分:
这个帖子应当顶一下!只是有一句话不妥N多研究显示,专业基金的表现都很难超越市场指数。 第一,不是所有的基金表现都难超市场。 第二,就算不能超越市场,大多数基金回报应该也会比定期存款要高。 第三,就算投资债券,也可以考虑债券型基金,不一定非要直接购买债券死守到底啊。
其次,在扣除基金收取的各种费用之后,投资者得到的平均回报率都不如指数。(参看Wermers 2000 JF)
所以,不要觉得基金经理们很了不起。Buffet 这样的人几十年才出一个,他的表现好,很可能是他的运气好。换句话说,如果你中了多多,你的表现会比他好得多。


同意这一点。可惜对新加坡的普通投资者来说,可选择的债券基金很少。SGX有一个Bond ETF. 但是信息很少,不太了解。
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作者:mobydick (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:326) 发表:2006-03-06 18:32:49  55楼 评分:
回复第一,不是所有的基金表现都难超市场。 不错,有的基金在某些年份会比指数表现好。可是基金的表现并没有持续性。所以在你投资之前,你根本不知道哪支基金明年的表现会比指数好。 其次,在扣除基金收取的各种费用之后,投资者得到的平均回报率都不如指数。(参看Wermers 2000 JF) 所以,不要觉得基金经理们很了不起。Buffet 这样的人几十年才出一个,他的表现好,很可能是他的运气好。换句话说,如果你中了多多,你的表现会比他好得多。 第二,就算不能超越市场,大多数基金回报应该也会比定期存款要高。 别忘了,基金的风险比定期存款高得多。 第三,就算投资债券,也可以考虑债券型基金,不一定非要直接购买债券死守到底啊。 同意这一点。可惜对新加坡的普通投资者来说,可选择的债券基金很少。SGX有一个Bond ETF. 但是信息很少,不太了解。





http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/fundinfo/generateTable.svdo 债券基金


http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/fundinfo/worst_Funds.tpl 表现最差基金

http://www.fundsupermart.com/main/fundinfo/topFunds.tpl 表现最佳基金
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作者:mobydick (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:326) 发表:2006-03-06 18:40:01  56楼
I am not kidding ....You may left with 20k .... Compare the prices for most of the SGX stocks in 1996 and now, you will know what I mean. However, if you compare prices for 2001 (after 911) and 2011, for 100k you invested in 2001, you may get back 300k in 2011. So it all depends on your entry level (or entry year) and what is going to happen when you exit. If you enter in 2001, STI was 1200. If you enter now, STI is 2500. In 2011 and 2016, STI should be 800 or 3500????? I don't know the answer, do you know???
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-03-06 21:38:38  57楼
No need 911. "President Chen" continue do some more things, some affect will beseen. China now military exercise, barking dog, wont bite you might say, Chen's fellow now one more step , want to add "2 countries" into constitution, how to react? Not necessarily a 911. but some "smaller" things, we small investor will already cannot take it lah.
So better stay away from Taiwan shares lor...
The sign of Mr Chen will do something similar have been very obvious for quite long...

Of course if you want to take high risk and get high gain, just try it lor...
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2006-03-06 21:45:26  58楼
some private bank product garantees you 15% returnreally don't know how they do it.... but you need 5M USD to qualify to be a private bank customer.....
Do you think anybody here got 5M USD in hand?
I do think this kind of person can be excluded from this board anyway. Either there is no such person, or they operates in a very different manner like us.
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作者:无名 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:646) 发表:2006-03-06 23:28:15  59楼
Do you think anybody here got 5M USD in hand?I do think this kind of person can be excluded from this board anyway. Either there is no such person, or they operates in a very different manner like us.
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作者:box (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1469) 发表:2006-03-07 00:02:10  60楼
Do you think anybody here got 5M USD in hand?I do think this kind of person can be excluded from this board anyway. Either there is no such person, or they operates in a very different manner like us.
well, i figure some people have value > 5M here.
simply estimate their assets 10 years (20 years) later and divided by the inflation rate in 10 (20) years. Ye, that's the present value.

haha, just kidding.

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