昨夜顶着压力用4.05的价格买入了大量的citi bank
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作者:mkx (等级:0 - 我是小白,发帖:21381) 发表:2009-04-20 13:00:09  41楼
unless you have sufficient funds, other suggests you sold them out earlier.
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作者:watercooler (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:12846) 发表:2009-04-21 14:34:55  42楼
2.85 after hour
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作者:hangz (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:77) 发表:2009-04-21 14:42:23  43楼
放票了吗? now < 3
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作者:Spring (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:6732) 发表:2009-04-21 14:44:32  44楼
2.85 after hour正在考虑要不要进。偶还没有户口:(
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作者:mkx (等级:0 - 我是小白,发帖:21381) 发表:2009-04-21 17:11:48  45楼
放票了吗? now < 3
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作者:小钻风 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:27) 发表:2009-04-21 17:16:20  46楼
mkx兄莫着急,我来救你啦负负得正,我也来曝光一次,刚买citi 3.89,但是还是留了点钱打算补仓。 我看好5月4号stress test,这就是政府演给大众的一场戏。一个标准无法去test 19个不同类型的银行,政府花了这么多钱进去,现在万事俱备只缺信心。只要这场戏能演好,至少让主要的银行都pass test,那么政府之前的钱才不会百花。 所以5月4号是一个利好。 可能银行股还会跌一下,到时候再补点就好了。美国的这次五四运动将是一个转折点。 我个人是很看好的,倒并不是说银行没问题,现在政府要做的就是没钱,没关系,我给你,但是我也要包装你,这样给你钱才有用。就这么简单。光给钱,不打广告,看样子行不通了。
政府的Stress Test 会有什么结果呢?



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作者:牛魔王 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5225) 发表:2009-04-21 17:32:26  47楼
ZT: Citigroup's profit isn't all that it seems

Business Times - 21 Apr 2009

Citigroup's profit isn't all that it seems


CITIGROUP has finally made some money again. After five quarters of posting multibillion-dollar losses and requiring two capital injections and a partial government guarantee on some US$300 billion of assets, that's a welcome relief - not least to embattled chief Vikram Pandit.

But the US$1.6 billion profit the troubled megabank posted for the first three months of the year is not as good as it looks.

First, it's barely enough to cover US$1.3 billion in dividend payments to preferred stockholders, including the US Treasury. Of course, most will soon be swapping these securities into common stock - aside from the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority's preferreds, which start converting next year.

That'll sharply reduce the dividend, but at the expense of diluting current shareholders by quadrupling the amount of common stock. But Citi struggled to make money anyway. Selling its remaining stake in Brazilian credit card company Redecard brought in US$700 million.

Accounting rules came to the bank's aid, too: some 12 per cent, or US$2.9 billion, of the bank's total revenue resulted from gains revaluing its own liabilities.

Even assuming expenses and taxes offset these revenues to the same extent as for Citi overall, stripping out the Redecard sale and the debt accounting boost roughly wipes out Citi's profit for the quarter.

There are a couple of smaller one-off items, too - US$250 million released from reserves that had been set aside to cover litigation costs and, ironically given the amount of government assistance Citi has received, a US$110 million rebate from the tax man.

True, this is at least money the bank had earned in the past, but it does flatter the quarter's results.

And one or two other things look odd. Citi increased reserves by just US$2.1 billion even as corporate and consumer defaults grew by US$4.5 billion - though Citi argues it added more to reserves at the end of last year as it expected first-quarter losses to be higher.

More intriguingly, total expenses at the investment bank, at US$2.8 billion, were a third less than last year's run rate and just 40 per cent of the quarter's revenue.

Goldman Sachs set aside half its revenue for pay alone. That implies Citi either has changed its compensation policy or may have higher expenses later in the year.

All in, there's less to Citi's first profit under Mr Pandit than meets the eye.

But in the bank's defence, even after stripping out the one-off items, it's the best result the bank has managed in a long time.

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作者:AXL (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2413) 发表:2009-04-21 17:54:36  48楼
资金够 跟拿住有什么关系????
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2009-04-21 18:10:32  49楼
2.85 after hour正在考虑要不要进。偶还没有户口:(
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作者:福福 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:743) 发表:2009-04-21 18:13:16  50楼
ZT: Citigroup's profit isn't all that it seems Business Times - 21 Apr 2009 BREAKINGVIEWS.COM Citigroup's profit isn't all that it seems By ANTONY CURRIE CITIGROUP has finally made some money again. After five quarters of posting multibillion-dollar losses and requiring two capital injections and a partial government guarantee on some US$300 billion of assets, that's a welcome relief - not least to embattled chief Vikram Pandit. But the US$1.6 billion profit the troubled megabank posted for the first three months of the year is not as good as it looks. First, it's barely enough to cover US$1.3 billion in dividend payments to preferred stockholders, including the US Treasury. Of course, most will soon be swapping these securities into common stock - aside from the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority's preferreds, which start converting next year. That'll sharply reduce the dividend, but at the expense of diluting current shareholders by quadrupling the amount of common stock. But Citi struggled to make money (more...)
牛王这一转帖,citi future 哗啦哗啦的掉啊
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作者:不得不说 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:25) 发表:2009-04-21 18:18:52  51楼
资金够 跟拿住有什么关系????
都是闲钱吧, 套住可以当长线投资了
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作者:AXL (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2413) 发表:2009-04-21 20:35:00  52楼
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作者:奔向小康 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:335) 发表:2009-04-21 22:27:05  53楼
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作者:mkx (等级:0 - 我是小白,发帖:21381) 发表:2009-04-21 22:27:57  54楼
都是闲钱吧, 套住可以当长线投资了不过看来M兄当时买Citi的时候可能有赌一把的想法...
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作者: (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:64) 发表:2009-04-21 23:18:35  55楼
Citi 涨回一点了 3.2
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作者:mkx (等级:0 - 我是小白,发帖:21381) 发表:2009-04-21 23:44:11  56楼
Citi 涨回一点了 3.2
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作者:嘉兽 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3043) 发表:2009-04-21 23:47:33  57楼
政府的Stress Test 会有什么结果呢?  如果都pass了,本身就是一个Joke,金融危机是从天上掉下来的?   如果有个银行fail了,股价一定跳水,一冲到底,股东会饶了政府?   所以5.4是一个不好过的关,看奥巴玛怎么处理。   俺如果敢睹一下C的话,那会是因为很多外国主权基金都有持股,让它倒了,美国丢不起这个人罢。


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作者:小钻风 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:27) 发表:2009-04-22 10:03:43  58楼
你周围如果我投行的朋友,你问问,最近有坏消息吗?我最近是听到都是不错的消息。至少在赚钱了。 假设现在银行是负资产,那么他正在前进。这个其实和我们玩simcity,主题医院是一个道理,你之前没上轨道,资产负了,然后你问电脑借钱,只要上了轨道可能能度过难关。 美国一共19家银行,100%通过时不可能能的,但是大银行现在上轨道的不少了。所以政府只想把钱借好,借有效,因此现在不买银行股那还什么时候买?
如果大家都觉得经济好转了, 敢消费了, 就会良性循环, 促进经济, 增加就业... 银行这一版块会很快受惠

所以如果觉得经济开始复苏了, 就可以买银行股了

问题是, 经济开始复苏了吗? 我是不太肯定滴....
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作者:小钻风 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:27) 发表:2009-04-22 11:08:33  59楼
请教高手: CITI 21号$2.9买的,是收住呢还是take profit?
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作者:jingy (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:611) 发表:2009-04-22 14:18:25  60楼
请教高手: CITI 21号$2.9买的,是收住呢还是take profit?
虽然我是菜鸟,可我觉得还是take profit
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