ZT: Citigroup's profit isn't all that it seems
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Business Times - 21 Apr 2009

Citigroup's profit isn't all that it seems


CITIGROUP has finally made some money again. After five quarters of posting multibillion-dollar losses and requiring two capital injections and a partial government guarantee on some US$300 billion of assets, that's a welcome relief - not least to embattled chief Vikram Pandit.

But the US$1.6 billion profit the troubled megabank posted for the first three months of the year is not as good as it looks.

First, it's barely enough to cover US$1.3 billion in dividend payments to preferred stockholders, including the US Treasury. Of course, most will soon be swapping these securities into common stock - aside from the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority's preferreds, which start converting next year.

That'll sharply reduce the dividend, but at the expense of diluting current shareholders by quadrupling the amount of common stock. But Citi struggled to make money anyway. Selling its remaining stake in Brazilian credit card company Redecard brought in US$700 million.

Accounting rules came to the bank's aid, too: some 12 per cent, or US$2.9 billion, of the bank's total revenue resulted from gains revaluing its own liabilities.

Even assuming expenses and taxes offset these revenues to the same extent as for Citi overall, stripping out the Redecard sale and the debt accounting boost roughly wipes out Citi's profit for the quarter.

There are a couple of smaller one-off items, too - US$250 million released from reserves that had been set aside to cover litigation costs and, ironically given the amount of government assistance Citi has received, a US$110 million rebate from the tax man.

True, this is at least money the bank had earned in the past, but it does flatter the quarter's results.

And one or two other things look odd. Citi increased reserves by just US$2.1 billion even as corporate and consumer defaults grew by US$4.5 billion - though Citi argues it added more to reserves at the end of last year as it expected first-quarter losses to be higher.

More intriguingly, total expenses at the investment bank, at US$2.8 billion, were a third less than last year's run rate and just 40 per cent of the quarter's revenue.

Goldman Sachs set aside half its revenue for pay alone. That implies Citi either has changed its compensation policy or may have higher expenses later in the year.

All in, there's less to Citi's first profit under Mr Pandit than meets the eye.

But in the bank's defence, even after stripping out the one-off items, it's the best result the bank has managed in a long time.

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citi已经回升。。。。我以为是你托市救我。。。 mkx   (14 bytes , 367reads )
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那就打一辈子光棍吧。。。。。 mkx   (0 bytes , 227reads )
这个倒不用担心,长期hold着应该没问题的,citi最艰难的时期都挺过来了 aspernet   (0 bytes , 255reads )
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不到1万股。。。。 mkx   (76 bytes , 374reads )
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请教AXL兄。。。 谢谢 hangz   (146 bytes , 323reads )
其实NOL投机比较容易 AXL   (123 bytes , 398reads )
哎,我也不懂,瞎弄。。。。 mkx   (34 bytes , 340reads )
这是我四月以来第一次亏钱 mkx   (0 bytes , 266reads )
hoho, 大哥. citi 见光死了. 不过放心, 长远来看,应该是赚的. black85   (0 bytes , 291reads )
其实觉得pfizer可能更好点儿,毕竟分红多。:) RK   (0 bytes , 236reads )
觉得长期持有挺不错,除了金融,其实也可以考虑一下制药业 RK   (0 bytes , 223reads )
你这种喜欢孤注一掷的做法不足取,早晚要出事。 昌昊   (12 bytes , 451reads )
恩,谢谢 mkx   (15 bytes , 302reads )
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爽啊 ddafa   (0 bytes , 220reads )
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.......今天公布业绩嘛。。。。。美国人作假帐的功夫应该是一流的。 mkx   (0 bytes , 255reads )
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我反应慢啊。。。。哪里能和您比 mkx   (0 bytes , 207reads )
前几天高盛也超预期... aspernet   (20 bytes , 231reads )
下个拜一BAC再来个超预期 aspernet   (0 bytes , 207reads )
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