哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 (9月8日) -- 6 teams at 3 pm ?!
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-10 01:04:42  21楼
I noticed that she played 5 games on Friday night ....of course, these 5 games were played for fun by the 4 players (she and 3 SIXGA members) (by the way, 棋人生 not in these few games) she won a SIXGA Gr 2 player for 2 games followed by won a SIXGA no-grade player for 2 games followed by lost to a SIXGA Gr 2 player for 1 game.
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-10 01:06:20  22楼
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-10 01:08:37  23楼
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作者:棋儒 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:108) 发表:2007-09-10 01:14:24  24楼
成绩报告:甘榜格南8分获得冠军!哥南亚逸A,飞鹰,白沙东5分并列第二。成绩报告:甘榜格南8分获得冠军!哥南亚逸A,飞鹰,白沙东5分并列第二。 甘榜格南 8分 哥南亚逸A 5分 飞鹰 5分 白沙东 5分 哥南亚逸B 4分 碧山3分 感谢棋儒先生的组织和总裁判工作。
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-10 01:19:06  25楼
不错不错卷心菜这盘下得不错了,虽然下面的变化未必都能算过,但临场的纠缠,看得出计算已经比以前更能抓住局势的中心了。以友谊赛限时的环境来说,双方都下出了高水平。总的来说,看完这局我有两个感觉,一是顺炮局熟悉谱着还是很重要,二是高手在比赛中被爆冷的原因,有时是被自己的计算吓死的。 下面是我自己的一些拆解。有错请大家指正。 红第15步没有选择炮八平三的攻法,黑抢位还是挺准确的。红方第19、21两步亮车,着法别致,战术意识强烈。22步黑也可考虑炮2平4,红如车八进七,黑卒1进1,仕六进五,车1进2,车七进三?炮4平3,红双马受制是弱点,黑弃象可以反先。 25着红看准黑方急于从边线突破的心理,补仕暗设陷阱。第一感觉,红应仕四进五,左翼底线较强,又避免让黑车控制帅门。但从后面的着法看,补左仕使得黑没有炮3进4的先手,能更有效地控制局势,是高瞻远瞩的好棋。 26着黑过卒不够小心。先车1进2会较好。以下红一系列的反击卓有成效。32着黑已全面受制,红似可兵九进一,黑方难走。32着黑平中车必然,如卒5进1,车七退一,红优。33着红车六平七,感觉便宜不大,或许是误算,或许是为了避开黑炮4平6的威胁,但这着红似乎仍可兵九进一。黑如炮4平6,红有炮六进五。 36着红打卒让 (more...)


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作者:棋儒 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:108) 发表:2007-09-10 01:28:13  26楼
told 棋儒that 哥南亚逸 is not a "good" place for 碧山in all three years .... (more...)
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作者:理解象棋 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:19) 发表:2007-09-10 02:06:42  27楼

Hi all friends and 棋儒

I would like to make an apologize that Yishun North CC chess club failed to trun up the 哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 on 08.09.2007 .
This is eventually my mistaken (wulong) as I thought that the event was held on Sunday instead.
It had caused so much inconvenience to 哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会 and they had to form up another team on last minutes .
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2007-09-10 02:37:34  28楼
多谢几度,我想探讨一下这个局里黑方右车的出路。进边兵较缓,车1进2不错。 然后不进边兵的话能不能继续贯彻象3进1,车1平3兑车的战术? 这个局我之前看过很多人下,红方包括黄俊铭赖汉顺都喜爱(见赖汉顺vs将五进九),加上其他棋手最起码有25人以上本地高手在红方时擅长此局。 作为黑方,我棋力不及各位高手,但风格上比较喜欢针尖对麦芒,冒昧请几度先生对此开局黑方的防守要点做个简要分析? 呵呵。



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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2007-09-10 03:05:52  29楼
多谢几度,我想探讨一下这个局里黑方右车的出路。进边兵较缓,车1进2不错。 然后不进边兵的话能不能继续贯彻象3进1,车1平3兑车的战术? 这个局我之前看过很多人下,红方包括黄俊铭赖汉顺都喜爱(见赖汉顺vs将五进九),加上其他棋手最起码有25人以上本地高手在红方时擅长此局。 作为黑方,我棋力不及各位高手,但风格上比较喜欢针尖对麦芒,冒昧请几度先生对此开局黑方的防守要点做个简要分析? 呵呵。
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作者:marauder (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:97) 发表:2007-09-10 10:25:54  30楼
I noticed that she played 5 games on Friday night ....of course, these 5 games were played for fun by the 4 players (she and 3 SIXGA members) (by the way, 棋人生 not in these few games) she won a SIXGA Gr 2 player for 2 games followed by won a SIXGA no-grade player for 2 games followed by lost to a SIXGA Gr 2 player for 1 game.
Does she have any title back in China?

According to what you described, I would be very interested to know how she would fare against our GM Zhang Xin Huan, who I think is still the best female chess player in Singapore.
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-10 11:27:27  31楼
My personal reply (does not represent the opinion and ideals of my club)Boon Lay CC Chinese Chess club did not encourage our players to play for another team. On the other hand, we also did not strongly enforce the rule of them not to play for another team as we believe it is the player's freedom to decide for himself. As the players who played for 2 diferent teams are youth players. They still do not have the idea of TEAM and CLUB embedded strongly in them yet. To them, they just want to play chess, wherever there are opportunities. Well, maybe it's not gd for team and club policies. But if we step back and look from a wider perspective, what they are doing is good for the development of chess in Singapore. This is because they will be the next batch of potential players to represent Singapore and to bring chinese chess to a higher level. Personally, as much as I do not like them representing other teams, I feel bad in hampering their progress as well. What is causing this problem might be that there are t (more...)
to share some personal views on good overseas players

I have clarified on "Team Friendly Match" in a separate note.

Regarding the issue of good overseas players, I wish to share some personal views here.

When I mentioned overseas players, actually I am referring to those coming to Singapore for a few days to represent a local team in a team competition.

For those holding work permits or students passes etc, I am considering them as players in Singaspore for the duration when they are working or studying in Singapore. Definitely, they help to improve the skill levels of Singaporeans during their stays.

For those overseas players with a few days stay in Singapore, their main goal is to win in a team competition sponsored and it is the only expectation from their sponsor(s). It has no or little improvement to the skill levels of their other Singapore team members during the stay.

I do not think their sponsors will "invite them over to give the other Singaporeans from other teams the opportunities to play with these top players for free." If this is the thinking of the sponsor, could it be very unfair to the Singaporeans in their own team (???).

As mentioned, the Champion is just in NAME and only valid during the competition duration with overseas good player(s).

If the good overseas players or trainers come over for a longer period, say a few weeks or even months, then it is a total different issue and it will definitely bring up the skill levels of some or more Singapore players at least during their stays or even better after their stays. Sponsor(s) for such nature of ativities will be very much appreciated, this is also why we build up a closer relationships with, in examples 黄少龙教授(中国象棋大师) and 言穆江(中国象棋大师) during their stays in Singapore and they even contributed articles to our 5th Anniversary Newsletter Special Edition later.

For details, please refer to two early postings on

海外来稿 : 黄少龙(中国象棋大师) -- 漫谈象棋人才 Publicity 8 ......
2007-06-22 14:21

海外来稿 : 言穆江(中国象棋大师) Publicity 9 ......
2007-06-22 14:23

Of course, during the team competition, players from any team will like to have chances to play with good overseas player(s) provided the sponsors are having the same thinkings, to the sponsors, they need to know their purposes of sponsoring the events.
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-10 11:32:04  32楼
Does she have any title back in China? According to what you described, I would be very interested to know how she would fare against our GM Zhang Xin Huan, who I think is still the best female chess player in Singapore.
find out more from her on Sunday afternoons at SIXGA ....

if I am not wrong, she got under 16 champion previously in Canton.
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-10 12:21:21  33楼
成绩报告:甘榜格南8分获得冠军!哥南亚逸A,飞鹰,白沙东5分并列第二。成绩报告:甘榜格南8分获得冠军!哥南亚逸A,飞鹰,白沙东5分并列第二。 甘榜格南 8分 哥南亚逸A 5分 飞鹰 5分 白沙东 5分 哥南亚逸B 4分 碧山3分 感谢棋儒先生的组织和总裁判工作。
一人多队, our current way to handle ....

just to share our current way to handle this matter as we do not object 一人多队 in the past, present and of course, hopefully into the future.

For our members under 一人多队, they participate in all internal activities as other members, eig. internal competition, but for external activities, they have to decide (we also communicate with the leader of the other team) to represent one team only during the specific period, of course, they can indicate if they want to represent another team for another period (we communicate with the leader of the other team again).

One example is we have one Grade 1 player joined us in July 2005, particiapted in our internal competitions 2005 and 2006 but only starting to represent us from Apr 2007 in external activities.

So far, we do not encounter any problem in this way of handling, and we will continue to use this method until review to be conducted if any.
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-10 12:39:36  34楼

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作者:marauder (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:97) 发表:2007-09-10 13:52:35  35楼
to share some personal views on good overseas players I have clarified on "Team Friendly Match" in a separate note. Regarding the issue of good overseas players, I wish to share some personal views here. When I mentioned overseas players, actually I am referring to those coming to Singapore for a few days to represent a local team in a team competition. For those holding work permits or students passes etc, I am considering them as players in Singaspore for the duration when they are working or studying in Singapore. Definitely, they help to improve the skill levels of Singaporeans during their stays. For those overseas players with a few days stay in Singapore, their main goal is to win in a team competition sponsored and it is the only expectation from their sponsor(s). It has no or little improvement to the skill levels of their other Singapore team members during the stay. I do not think their sponsors will "invite them over to give the other Singaporeans from other teams the opportunities to play w (more...)
My opinion (from the player's perspective)
There is always a cloud of pessimism over the issue of bringing in top players from overseas to represent their teams.

I would also like to clarify further on my statement "invite them over to give the other Singaporeans from other teams the opportunities to play with these top players for free." What I am trying to say here is that Singaporeans from other teams have a chance to play with this top players (free of charge) during the competition without the need to be able to represent Singapore. How many people have the chance to represent Singapore, when the players representating Singapore, sad to say, are almost always the same few. This encounters with these top players, despite being only a game, our players will still learn from such encounters! I am confident that the players who had played Wan Chun Lin, Zhao Nu Quan or any other GM would have agree with me. Furthermore, it is the team that is trying to win that is spending the money.

For me, I would be very happy to be able to just play one game with Hu Rong Hua, or Liu Da Hua, or any other top ranking players overseas. I doubt many would be able to have such a chance.

So the team that recruited the help of a grandmaster might win the championship, but did the other teams totally lose out too? No... The other teams benefit from such an arrangement that their players had experience playing with such top hands. Also, they also have a close encounter to experience how these top hands handle chess positions and games. When should we ponder more in a game? When should we not? These are all valuable lessons to be learnt. This are not to be learnt from any chess books that are on the market. Of course, we will learn much more if we are able to communicate with the player during or after the games.

Furthermore, when a top player visit Singapore, the team that recruited his help also benefit. The players from that team can ask more specific questions personally and challenge him as well.

Therefore, I am strongly in disagreement with your statement that "It has no or little improvement to the skill levels of their other Singapore team members during the stay." Unless that top player invited only play in competitions and no other games during his stay here, then the benefits would be minimal but still existing.

I am also sure that many of the players have experience a bottleneck in their chess after some time. And it is hard to have a breakthrough. Perhaps the introduction of these top players could have sparked a breakthrough in some of these players if they have the chance to match up in the competition? This would be invaluable and would worth all the money spent!

You have also mentioned 黄少龙教授(中国象棋大师) and 言穆江(中国象棋大师). Yes, I have to agree that they are very nice people and have contribute a lot to try and improve the levels of chess wherever they go. Furthermore, they are heavily involved in the coaching of players. However, they are already not involved in competitive chess. Their level might be able to help the average players like me a lot. But to those strong Singaporean players, these masters' standards might not be enough for them to benefit much too. If we can get the whole of any of the existing team in the China League to just visit Singapore for a few days, That would be marvellous.

Let us also look at other board game in Singapore. From what I know, the team that represent Singapore for othello world cup last year included a former world champion from Japan. And the Singapore team got 3rd overall last year. Though the ranking is mostly due to that Japanese player, our players would have benefit much from fighting alongside with him. This is something not to be measured plainly by money.

In sum, those teams that valued so much of prestige and the champion would have gotten what they wanted from hiring these top hands. But they are also indirectly providing the chance for the other players to play with these people. There are lots of things to ponder about when considering whether or not to include foreign talents within the Singapore team, but I would still prefer to have a more positive attitude on this issue. And of course, this is the player's perspective. Sponsors almost always have to weigh amongst lots of factors before making a decision. The most important thing is where the sponsor's objective lies - the champion or the development of chess in Singapore...
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作者:棋仙 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:222) 发表:2007-09-10 14:19:21  36楼
哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 Hi all friends and 棋儒 I would like to make an apologize that Yishun North CC chess club failed to trun up the 哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会3周年会庆象棋团体友谊赛 on 08.09.2007 . This is eventually my mistaken (wulong) as I thought that the event was held on Sunday instead. It had caused so much inconvenience to 哥南亚逸乐龄中心象棋会 and they had to form up another team on last minutes .
怎么没有请BONA VISTA?好久没下这种比赛,手痒心痒
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-10 15:24:10  37楼
My opinion (from the player's perspective)There is always a cloud of pessimism over the issue of bringing in top players from overseas to represent their teams. I would also like to clarify further on my statement "invite them over to give the other Singaporeans from other teams the opportunities to play with these top players for free." What I am trying to say here is that Singaporeans from other teams have a chance to play with this top players (free of charge) during the competition without the need to be able to represent Singapore. How many people have the chance to represent Singapore, when the players representating Singapore, sad to say, are almost always the same few. This encounters with these top players, despite being only a game, our players will still learn from such encounters! I am confident that the players who had played Wan Chun Lin, Zhao Nu Quan or any other GM would have agree with me. Furthermore, it is the team that is trying to win that is spending the money. For me, I would be ver (more...)
From a player’s view, I would agree to most of your points......

As highlighted in my previous posting : “When I mentioned overseas players, actually I am referring to those coming to Singapore for a few days to represent a local team in a team competition.”, in such case, the benefits to other players definitely more than your own team players excluding getting Champion in the team competition.

To look at it from another angle, if I am able to get a sponsor to contribute a few thousand dollars, do I plan to get good overseas player(s) into Singapore to get Champion for our team in Lion City’s Cup or Lee Bee Wah’s Cup etc. My answer is NO, but if your answer is YES for your team if you are able to get a sponsor to contribute a few thousand dollars, then definitely I am happy for our team players as at least one or few of them having chances to play with your good overseas player(s) in the Lion City’s Cup or Lee Bee Wah’s Cup competitions etc.
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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-09-10 15:33:35  38楼
怎么没有请BONA VISTA?好久没下这种比赛,手痒心痒
Usual due to limitation of space and budget, you may wish to ask.....
郑启岁 to find out more from 棋儒.
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作者:几度 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:3128) 发表:2007-09-10 16:21:27  39楼
怎么没有请BONA VISTA?好久没下这种比赛,手痒心痒
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2007-09-10 16:24:35  40楼
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