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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-12-13 14:39:07  楼主  关注此帖

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-12-13 14:40:31  2楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-12-29 18:26:35  3楼
求助帖:悲催的妈想解决娃喝奶睡觉的问题我家宝宝马上18个月了。从她出生后一直是母乳 + 跟我同床睡。她3个多月我开始上班后,每天晚上我回家给她喂完奶,因为我太累,娘俩就直接都睡着了,她从此养成了奶睡的习惯。一个晚上她会叫唤2-3次,但是没有睁开眼,而我也一直偷懒,直接亲喂,让她继续睡。这种情况一直持续到最近,因为准备断奶,也想培养她自己睡觉,所以开始改变睡前模式,变成吃奶、洗澡、看书、睡觉。娃有时表现好,睡前不亲喂,她也就嚷嚷一会儿,自己睡着。但有时就是不肯自己睡,折腾到凌晨1点多。 其实娃是可以自己睡的,白天不用我喂奶能自己睡,有时需要人抱抱才可以睡着,但是有时自己在床上多翻几次也睡着了。 我的理解是,她需要RT比需要喝奶多,RT就是她的pacifier,含着她就睡着了。因为我们试过睡前给她用奶瓶喝奶,但是她不怎么喝,还是吵着要我喂。我下午6点多才挤完奶,到晚上睡觉10点左右其实并没有产生多少奶,而且现在每天晚上回家,都被她拉着要先吃奶,才肯放我去吃饭。。。555。。。她就是依恋RT。 而且她这么大了也从来没有睡过整夜,我也跟着没有整夜觉睡。。。累啊。。。 姐妹们有什么好办法,让娃断夜奶,再断奶?谢谢!!!

Why Mothers Nurse Their Children into Toddlerhood
by Norma Jane Bumgarner

When I ask mothers who have nursed longer than a year why they chose to do so, they usually say, "It just seemed natural," or, "He seemed to need it still." Some mothers, taking their cues from the child rather than the calendar, say, "I never even thought about it."
One mother describes the way she felt about her child's continued nursing: "I knew and felt her need for me and her desire to nurse. I love her, and it would break my own heart to disappoint her and refuse myself to her." If we look past all the social rules, and look at the children these rules are supposed to benefit, as did this mother, it is not difficult to see the need our children have for continued nursing - their joy in nursing and their distress when it is denied. A simple but compelling reason for continuing to nurse is to please the child. More and more mothers are watching their children and seeing the need that is there.

Nursing is not only a pleasure, but also quite a convenience. A major task in mothering is helping your child several times daily to overcome fears or hurts or exhaustion. There are various ways to comfort a crying child - walking, rocking, singing - but none is easier or more efficient than nursing. It has been described as a little bit of magic on your side: presto, a fussy child is happy again.

It is nothing short of amazing how quickly a bruise or scrape stops hurting when the first-aid includes nursing. And if it is more than a bruise or a scrape, the fact that nursing does not seem to make the pain go away, tells you quickly that you are dealing with a bigger hurt that may need extra attention. Other methods do quiet children, too, but the psychological network of the very young seems to be wired with nursing as the choice channel for feeling better. Though not all children will verbalize it, nursing toddlers no doubt appreciate nursing for comfort as much as did the two-year-old who, having fallen and then nursed, amply rewarded her mother by saying, "Thanks, Mom, for nursing me. Bye now, I'll be okay."

Teething is the most recurrent physiological cause for discomfort in little children, and when new teeth are making their gums sore, little ones often ask for a great deal of time at the breast. Many a nursing mother has been pleased to help her child through the discomfort of teething with nursing alone, or perhaps with nursing for soothing and cold celery for biting. Of course we are glad sometimes for the relief that aspirin or anesthetic ointments can bring when gums get really painful. It is gratifying, however, to be able to keep our reliance upon chemical comforters to a minimum through use of a natural analgesic: nursing.

Being very close to a warm, cuddly child is the advantage mothers like best about extended nursing. "I used to believe," one mother says, "any mother who continued nursing after so many years had unmet needs of her own that nursing was satisfying." But this mother found as her own nursling grew older that those "unmet needs" she was worried about were actually normal, healthy needs that are intended to be met by nursing.

No matter how much effort has gone into the selling of distance between mother and child - distance achieved by mother substitutes, like playpens and pacifiers, and by child substitutes, like hobbies and pets - mothers, it seems, cannot be changed. We still are happiest when we can hold our children close.

Comforting a sleepy child at bed time and nap time is so easy for families when the little one is nursing. Rarely do nursing families experience the fuss and tension we have come to expect in our culture when a little one needs to go to sleep. Nursing is so effective a tranquilizer for tired children that fathers tease their wives about their "knock-out drops." Few families who have experienced a nursing child's bedtime or nap time will ever want to rear a child any other way

Mothers also nurse their children to help them overcome upsets, emotional as well as physical. Most mothers, even if they do plan to wean, refrain from doing so during an upheaval such as a family crisis or a move. Nursing is too beneficial to children when their families are upset or in transition to cut it off at a time when the child may especially need it. One mother whose family experienced half a year of illness and loss wrote about nursing her daughter during this difficult time: "Nursing has certainly helped her; it has been like an anchor in a storm."

Though little ones who are nursing do experience illness, their time at the breast is an investment toward their good health. Your bloodstream and - to almost that same degree - your milk, carry antibodies to the infectious diseases you have encountered. Researchers are discovering new immunological factors in the living fluid that is mother's milk at a breathtaking rate these days. One of the antibodies, IgG, is in a form that is destroyed by digestion. But others, such as IgA and certain human milk leukocytes, have been shown to be quite active in helping little ones fight off disease. IgA, by way of illustration, protects by serving as a potent barrier, preventing your nursing child from being infected by specific organisms through his intestinal tract.

Most parents who have had the experience of caring for a nursing toddler cannot imagine rearing subsequent children any other way. Only four or five of the nearly one thousand mothers who wrote to me about nursing past one year said that they would not do so again. And the very few who did not want to repeat the experience were overwhelmed, not by nursing, but by the attitudes of other people who were against the nursing.

A few fortunate mothers have had even more than their own experience to help them enjoy a long nursing relationship. One mother says, "My mother nursed me until I was two, so I had a good backup source." Another wrote, "My grandmother and great-grandmother both nursed their children as long as the children wanted to nurse, and I received encouragement and support from both of them." People who have nursed well past infancy have learned in their own homes what a good thing extended nursing is and would rarely advocate any alternatives for themselves - or for their grandchildren. An increasing number of parents or grandparents will agree with the mother who wrote, "Of course I would nurse past infancy again - he turned out so cute and nice and smart," or the parents who said, "We found that the longer we nursed our kids, the better they turned out."

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-12-29 20:26:57  4楼
本来我还不介意适当的时机断奶,偏偏这段时间三大姑八大姨都在念我断说我的奶不新鲜了?次奥,我就偏不断 Why Mothers Nurse Their Children into Toddlerhood by Norma Jane Bumgarner When I ask mothers who have nursed longer than a year why they chose to do so, they usually say, "It just seemed natural," or, "He seemed to need it still." Some mothers, taking their cues from the child rather than the calendar, say, "I never even thought about it." One mother describes the way she felt about her child's continued nursing: "I knew and felt her need for me and her desire to nurse. I love her, and it would break my own heart to disappoint her and refuse myself to her." If we look past all the social rules, and look at the children these rules are supposed to benefit, as did this mother, it is not difficult to see the need our children have for continued nursing - their joy in nursing and their distress when it is denied. A simple but compelling reason for continuing to nurse is to please the child. More and more mothers (more...)
A US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two. (Novello 1990)

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-12-31 09:25:07  5楼
我断奶时为了在蛇年生老二一直喂奶,一直没MC,只能断奶,555。 要是没有生老二的压力,我也不介意继续喂下去。


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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-12-31 21:45:21  6楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 09:07:39  7楼
牛妹还没断奶呀?我要向你学习!2010年,我在喂奶;2011年,我在喂奶;2012年,我在喂奶。 2013年,我继续在喂奶。 看来如果向牛妈学习,我可以预知:2014年,我仍然在喂奶....

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 09:09:37  8楼
牛妹还没断奶呀?我要向你学习!2010年,我在喂奶;2011年,我在喂奶;2012年,我在喂奶。 2013年,我继续在喂奶。 看来如果向牛妈学习,我可以预知:2014年,我仍然在喂奶....
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 10:12:34  9楼
我喂到20个月,不到2岁不过最后那几个月纯属吃安慰的,吃几口就没什么奶了。 这个二宝还没想好喂多久。

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 10:43:13  10楼

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 14:03:30  11楼
谢谢niuma最近放假在家,娃经常吸奶,产量又有所回升。我也不知道啥时候能完全断奶,或者不断奶也怀上? niuma怀牛妹是喂到阿牛多大的时候啊?也是没断奶就怀孕了吗?

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 14:12:40  12楼
再顺便感叹下,咱们娃差不多大,咋就身高体重差这么多涅?我家女娃现在差不多才10kg, 82cm左右, 不过好在还算健康,活泼好动吧,吃的也不少,就是感觉睡眠质量不太好,一点小动静就容易醒,希望慢慢能睡整觉了会好点。
查了下新加坡health booklet(南方人体格的吧),18个月女娃97 percentile大概是12.5kg和86cm
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 14:26:00  13楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 15:40:38  14楼
恩,她是在97 percentile。我家是个壮妞妞,曾经被别人家的奶奶叫“胖Y”。。。现在瘦些了。 她生下来才2.966kg,算小的。出生之后长得比较快。
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-03 16:52:43  15楼

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 Chelseann 的帖子 “哈,好,有图有真相”
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-04 13:13:37  16楼
是不是准备备孕就要断奶了呢?不是担心怀上怀不上的问题 是感觉喂奶耗妈妈的身子,对待怀孕的或者已经怀上的的宝宝不好,营养给不到胎儿 牛妈知道这种说法么? 要不是想要老二,我也不介意一直喂下去
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