suggest 几度 to write one article on this event for the next 象总棋讯. :-)
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-02 16:16:03  楼主  关注此帖
综合大多观众和参赛者的意见:象总此次活动大获成功,棋友希望来年继续办下去。综合大多观众和参赛者的意见:象总此次活动大获成功,棋友希望来年继续办下去。 新秀队在此次惨败后将重整旗鼓,来年再战。
suggest 几度 to write one article on this event for the next 象总棋讯. :-)
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-02 17:25:06  2楼
Sorry Can'tI could not observe this event from the start and know little about the background. Some more I am not inside the Committee. Perhaps you could volunteer to collect the information and do the writing, since you have the time and experience?
not in the Committee too and went there around 3 pm.... and the opening part ...

not in the Committee too and went there around 3 pm.... and the opening part only
due to Bishan Xiangqi Club usual opening hours from 10:30 am to 2 pm followed by lunch.

In this case, just wait for others or someone from committee to contribute if needed by 象总棋讯.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-03 07:31:33  3楼
oh, yes, you miss the prediction results at 2009-01-31 17:09 :-)
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-03 13:17:39  4楼
Yes, we also need to ensure all donations put into good uses. :-)
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-20 09:29:18  5楼 评分:
象总有意在今年的中秋节举办一个类似的棋赛,欢迎棋友们提出构思与参加!!!我的构思: 一)象棋团体四角赛:邀请四支队伍,每队8名代表。 1)风烛残年队: 队员:年龄45岁或以上的甲级棋手 2)锋芒毕露队: 队员:年龄45岁以下的甲级棋手 3)锋芒初露队: 队员:乙级棋手 4)待字闺中队: 队员:有潜能的优秀无级棋手 5)默默无闻队: 队员:名不见经传的无级棋手(自行组队) 比赛制度采雅柏杯的方式进行。 二)象棋擂台赛: 钻石台:擂台主-特级或国际大师 报名费-$50 奖 金-$100 钢铁台:擂台主-甲级 报名费-$30 奖 金-$60 铜板台:擂台主-乙级 报名费-$20 奖 金-$10 豆腐台:擂台主-无级 报名费-$10 奖 金-$5 以上纯属个人构思,如有不尽善之处,敬请修正。 同时,也希望棋友们能够提出更多更有新意的构思,让象总理事会参考。希望棋友们于中秋节当晚能够一起高高兴兴的猜灯谜,吃月饼,下下棋,欢度一个愉快的夜晚。!!!


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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-20 20:07:23  6楼
The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. .......

The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. could be considered again .....

If you have 5 teams of 8 players each, can complete in two rounds.

If you have 7 teams of 8 players each, can complete in three rounds.

I am open to discussion if you wish to know more or check with the organiser(s) from 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (Golden Horse 7-Team Event).


Method of Divisions A and B -- 1 Day Event
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-20 20:41:05  7楼
过三关擂台赛 -- Nee Soon South and Bishan both had this event in 2005 .....

For Bishan, members can participate free and residents can participate with $1 fee.

NTUC FairPrice Voucher for

Round 1 -- $5 for win (or draw ?), if win advance to Round 2

Round 2 -- $ 10 for win (or draw ?), if win advance to Round 3

Round 3 -- $ 20 for win (or draw ?)

We spent in total of $200 NTUC FairPrice Vouchers or less.

碧山民众俱乐部象棋会简讯 (5)


非常偶然的,在911事件的四周年, 碧山民众俱乐部主办了开放日,我会全力支持而为居民与会员们举办了过三关擂台赛,完成了共48场赛事,在各别的22次,17次,和9次的攻擂之后, 只有我会的两名甲级棋士通过所有的三关.


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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-20 20:46:33  8楼
象总不是在办正式的棋赛!!! 罗明士杯是一项正式的象棋团体赛,棋友们只需把这场棋赛当成是一场友谊赛就好,不需要想得太复杂,错误的以为象总要办正式的团体赛!!! 我所指的以雅柏杯的形式指的是棋赛的制度,一场棋就能决定谁是优胜者。
I only try to answer your two questions above, ....

I do not talk about 罗明士杯, I only try to answer your two questions above, ....anyway, since you are not open to suggestions, I stop here.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-21 05:30:46  9楼
也许我的华文写得不是很好,词不达意!!! 我只是在解释象总所计划举办棋赛的性质,对你完全没有恶意,而且也了解与感谢你的善意,改天有空我会向你请教有关的制度。 不要处处怀疑别人与你为敌,应该处处相信别人与你为友, 不要处处怀疑别人恶意针对你,应该处处相信别人善意劝导你, 不要处处只为个人着想,应该处处为他人着想,则棋界太平矣!!!
Please also learn from what you have written above ........

you asked for 构思 (象总有意在今年的中秋节举办一个类似的棋赛,欢迎棋友们提出构思与参加!!!)

you mentioned 不很熟悉罗名士赛制 when 卷心菜 indicated it。 (我对这个制度不很熟悉???)

you asked for one-day or one-night system (如果六至九支队伍八个比赛员有办法一日或一个晚上赛完决定名次吗?)

I know that 罗名士赛制 is at least 7-round 2-day system, this is the reason for me to bring up one-day system used previously (The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. .......)

Since you have indicated (同时,也希望棋友们能够提出更多更有新意的构思,让象总理事会参考。)

I expect you to bring all 构思 to 象总理事会 for discussion, and if you need to know more after 象总理事会 select the system used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C., I am willing to share the system with you (I am open to discussion if you wish to know more or check with the organiser(s) from 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (Golden Horse 7-Team Event).

As a start, I only wish to alert you to plan with 中秋节雅柏杯 in mind since they have organised the event 6 times since 2003 during 中秋节 period and many 棋友 hope to continue with this type of one-day system 。。。。。

As mentioned by 卷心菜, 罗名士赛制和全国团体联赛激烈程度媲美, but 罗名士赛制 needs at least 2 days for 7 rounds, 全国团体联赛 needs at least 7 days for 8 teams or more, The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. needs ONE DAY only and you can have 4 players (2+2), or 6 players (3+3), or 8 players (4+4), or 10 players (5+5), or 12 players (6+6) etc ....... depending on how many players needed to play with the other teams, 8 players (4+4) mentioned here as since 2004, the two Lion City Cups, 2007 Lee Bee Wah Cup and 2007 Mind Sport all 4 competitions used 4-member team method, furthermore, you indicate 八个比赛员 per team.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-21 09:40:37  10楼
象总有意在今年的中秋节举办一个类似的棋赛,欢迎棋友们提出构思与参加!!!我的构思: 一)象棋团体四角赛:邀请四支队伍,每队8名代表。 1)风烛残年队: 队员:年龄45岁或以上的甲级棋手 2)锋芒毕露队: 队员:年龄45岁以下的甲级棋手 3)锋芒初露队: 队员:乙级棋手 4)待字闺中队: 队员:有潜能的优秀无级棋手 5)默默无闻队: 队员:名不见经传的无级棋手(自行组队) 比赛制度采雅柏杯的方式进行。 二)象棋擂台赛: 钻石台:擂台主-特级或国际大师 报名费-$50 奖 金-$100 钢铁台:擂台主-甲级 报名费-$30 奖 金-$60 铜板台:擂台主-乙级 报名费-$20 奖 金-$10 豆腐台:擂台主-无级 报名费-$10 奖 金-$5 以上纯属个人构思,如有不尽善之处,敬请修正。 同时,也希望棋友们能够提出更多更有新意的构思,让象总理事会参考。希望棋友们于中秋节当晚能够一起高高兴兴的猜灯谜,吃月饼,下下棋,欢度一个愉快的夜晚。!!!
象棋擂台赛 ...... concept of donations ?

For 钻石台 and 钢铁台, 报名费 is 50% of 奖 金, personal feel that it is 赌。

For 铜板台 and 豆腐台, 奖 金 is 50% of 报名费, any error here, if not, it is donation lah, the more games you join, the more $$$ to pay even if you win all the games.


奖 金-$100
奖 金-$60
奖 金-$10
奖 金-$5
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