walkover for last round, picture not taken.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-10-29 20:19:24  楼主  关注此帖
walkover for last round, picture not taken.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-03 14:28:26  2楼 评分:
个人觉得peanut年輕突真言,所说的是事实!!!我周边的棋友,都批评国家队的代表除了吴宗翰之外,实力只是一般,不是最佳的人选。但在华新,所看的,则是另外一面的看法。我不知道这些看法,是从什么角度出发的? 个人只是知道,看一个问题,有几种不同角度的看法,见仁见智: 1)国家的角度:象总这几年究竟做了些什么工作,为什么没有培养出一些优秀的棋手? 2)团体的角度:派出全国赛前4名的代表,为什么还不能争取到理想的成绩,是不是其他国家的水平明显的比我们高?还是遴选的制度出了差错? 3)个别棋手的角度:虽然明知自己的实力不行,难得有机会代表国家,那里可以轻言放弃,失去一个锻炼个人棋艺的机会? 4)朋友的角度:即使明知道自己的朋友棋艺还不行,基于友情,那里敢开口说他不行,开口说了可能连朋友都没得做。 5)赞助商的角度:赞助一个无法为国家争取荣誉的团体,一点好处都没有,倒不如去赞助一个能够为赞助商带来荣誉的团体。 6)旁观者的角度:就有如peanut所说,新加坡的象棋水平给他的印象,只是亚洲的弱旅!!!
suggest to pay attention to 国家 and 团体的角度 only .......

and what is the action plan for the next 2 years (at least), before 2010 第16届亚洲象棋锦标赛 in East Malaysia. (quite a number of previous posts discussed about setting directions for the selection and training of players at National Level if we could not use 全国赛 only.)

个别棋手, 朋友, 赞助商 and 旁观者的角度 should not affect the main direction.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-03 16:27:30  3楼 评分:
i nvr said i was the best player(i'm at work i can't type chinese) Top priority for Singapore team is to get good results for the team itself and not for me to get my grandmaster title. it is also my top priority therefore this time to strategist the team well and in a different manner. I take red for certain teams to try to secure the 2 points first for the whole team. This strategy worked for nearly all teams, except Australia. For macau there was miscommunication as i thought zhuyongji was at home. If everything would have gone smoothly as planned, we would have gotten 5th which meant tht our strategy was not tht bad. Against China team i did not play has a few reasons one is to let ruizhan play more, 2 is to secure a winning percentage on my part.(This was the second priority for team singapore told to me by one of leaders.) I'm not obligated to waste my time and effort to explain to you even though i didn't play China. It is your right to have the freedom of speech, and my rights to decide how i should s (more...)
why China needs to follow Asian Xiangqi rules when playing in .....
International events ?

I may not agree with all the views from 棋儒, same for you too.

Of course, we are not in the positions to talk about the skill upgrade areas etc but 国家棋手代表的棋品形象 is our concerns, personally, I also feel that you still have a lot to learn in these areas, especially, you will be the example for young players with your new title of 特级大师.

We should not compare with the local events and conclude that we are not "right" because China xiangqi professionals are not doing it.

Do you know, in 2005 Lion City Cup, a few China players were asked not to move around in the competition area.

Organisers should know their priorities better.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-03 17:05:16  4楼
why China needs to follow Asian Xiangqi rules when playing in .....International events ? I may not agree with all the views from 棋儒, same for you too. Of course, we are not in the positions to talk about the skill upgrade areas etc but 国家棋手代表的棋品形象 is our concerns, personally, I also feel that you still have a lot to learn in these areas, especially, you will be the example for young players with your new title of 特级大师. We should not compare with the local events and conclude that we are not "right" because China xiangqi professionals are not doing it. Do you know, in 2005 Lion City Cup, a few China players were asked not to move around in the competition area. Organisers should know their priorities better.
Regarding players walking around, anyone know about the practices in ........
the other 4 types of World Mind Sports ?

If only Xiangqi is doing it, then most likely China Xiangqi Professionals are doing wrongly for many many years.

the meanings of team event should cover many areas even if the players are not allowed to walk around.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-05 06:10:04  5楼 评分:
10月21-25日新加坡举办第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛汇总贴亚洲锦标赛新加坡揭幕 中国许银川等4将出战 发布时间 [2008-10-21 9:54:00] 新快报讯 (记者 吴禄庭) 今日上午,第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛将在新加坡南洋理工学院揭幕,其中“岭南双雄”吕钦、许银川以及孙勇征和谢靖四人将参加男子团体赛。   昨日下午,“岭南双雄”吕钦、许银川一行乘机飞往新加坡,参加今日举行的亚洲象棋锦标赛。   据记者了解,第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛共设男子团体、女子个人和少年个人三个比赛项目。   上届亚洲象棋锦标赛在越南举行,由吕钦、许银川、李鸿嘉和陈富杰组成的中国队夺得冠军。在女子个人赛和少年个人赛中,中国队棋手赵冠芳和钟少鸿也均以明显优势顺利问鼎。   本次比赛为期5天,从今日起至本月25日结束。据主办方新加坡象棋协会透露,中国象棋特级大师柳大华和大师黄少华将在现场评棋。
if you want to know the records of all games ........

亚象联 website has included all games of 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛 on 31 Oct 2008 ......

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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-06 09:17:12  6楼
赖俊杰拿手的单提马经过柳大华指导一番,果然不同凡响!!!东马龚杰胜新加坡赖俊杰 红方夹马巡河炮对单提马,黄俊铭与吴宗汉都爱采用,我也因此近年来都不敢采用单提马布局。开赛前我和赖俊杰请教柳大华兄应如何应付红方这种布局?他向我们讲解了其中的玄机。 红方的恶手是第15着不走车九进二,而是改走车二平七,柳兄教了我们一步应付的妙手。由于往后我可能会有机会用到这个布局对付吴宗翰与黄俊铭,在这里卖一个关子不便透露,让各位自行研究! (more...)
no credit to 黄少龙教授 ???

黄少龙教授 trained our 女子 and 少年棋手 for more than a month when I left on 16 Oct, at that time I believed 柳大华 was not in Singapore yet.

Since 赖俊杰拿手单提马, he should have many discussions with 黄少龙教授 in Sep and Oct 2008.

Personally, I feel that when you gave credits to 柳大华 without mentioned 黄少龙教授, do you think it is unfair to 黄少龙教授 ?

just share my view as an outsider.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-07 22:35:46  7楼 评分:
10月21-25日新加坡举办第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛汇总贴亚洲锦标赛新加坡揭幕 中国许银川等4将出战 发布时间 [2008-10-21 9:54:00] 新快报讯 (记者 吴禄庭) 今日上午,第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛将在新加坡南洋理工学院揭幕,其中“岭南双雄”吕钦、许银川以及孙勇征和谢靖四人将参加男子团体赛。   昨日下午,“岭南双雄”吕钦、许银川一行乘机飞往新加坡,参加今日举行的亚洲象棋锦标赛。   据记者了解,第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛共设男子团体、女子个人和少年个人三个比赛项目。   上届亚洲象棋锦标赛在越南举行,由吕钦、许银川、李鸿嘉和陈富杰组成的中国队夺得冠军。在女子个人赛和少年个人赛中,中国队棋手赵冠芳和钟少鸿也均以明显优势顺利问鼎。   本次比赛为期5天,从今日起至本月25日结束。据主办方新加坡象棋协会透露,中国象棋特级大师柳大华和大师黄少华将在现场评棋。
hear-say regarding "playing host" about 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛 ......

views regarding playing host from outsider ......

as from beginning, I pay more attention in "how Singapore playing host" as compared to "getting better results" in this 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛.

noticed that and also heard that at least 3 times communication breakdowns with 黄少龙教授 during the period he trained 女子 and 少年棋手, especially to replace him by 柳大华 on 17 Oct 2008 !!!! This is a serious matter and whoever did it has done badly for Singapore (in the area of playing host). (I was not in Singapore that time and I heard from others.)

secondly, I heard that regarding Singapore team of 6 members including 女子 and 少年棋手, one of the members, say “A” wanted to punch another member, say “B”, luckily it did not happen. Could the member B talking something nonsense etc etc and member A almost lost the control etc etc. Anyway, SIXGA may wish to look into this matter. (I also heard from others as I was not around during that period.)
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-08 07:01:55  8楼
hear-say regarding "playing host" about 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛 ...... views regarding playing host from outsider ...... as from beginning, I pay more attention in "how Singapore playing host" as compared to "getting better results" in this 第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛. noticed that and also heard that at least 3 times communication breakdowns with 黄少龙教授 during the period he trained 女子 and 少年棋手, especially to replace him by 柳大华 on 17 Oct 2008 !!!! This is a serious matter and whoever did it has done badly for Singapore (in the area of playing host). (I was not in Singapore that time and I heard from others.) secondly, I heard that regarding Singapore team of 6 members including 女子 and 少年棋手, one of the members, say “A” wanted to punch another member, say “B”, luckily it did not happen. Could the member B talking something nonsense etc etc and member A almost lost the control etc etc. Anyway, SIXGA may wish to look into this matter. (I also heard from others as I was not around during that per
if I am not telling the truth, ......
I should send apology to SIXGA, otherwise the two below should do likewise.

By the way, who to give Red Card to Referee for sending wrong information ???

华新论坛守则 is the first to observe, any of 碧山's posts talking nonsense ???

Regarding the other issue, I saw one later post to talk on the same matter.

Last but not least, I attended 黄少龙教授's class in end 2004, i.e. he is considered as one of my teachers .... I knew about the first two communication breakdowns before I went for tour (on 16 Oct 2008) and also noticed that 17 Oct 2008 should be his last training for 女子 and 少年棋手 but ..........
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-11-09 06:52:14  9楼
希望往后在象总听到未经确实的闲言与是非,请不要在这里讨论。 请在事情未查清楚之前,不要在这里小题大做,无事生非,唯恐天下不乱,让有关当局先将有关的事件查清与解决之后,如果仍觉得不满,才来这里讨论,寻求大家的见解。 我们应该让人们感觉到下棋是舒畅高雅的,象棋界是和谐平静的,这样象棋才能够推广,才能够普及!!!
Please refer to "if I am not telling the truth, ......" and I hope that .....
SIXGA can handle the situations better in future.
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