投资的话,大约10万以下大约可以不考虑<z>.... 汗....
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-03 18:04:19  楼主  关注此帖
偶也想知道点理财的知识新加坡有几个银行年定期利息为2.5%->3% CPF利息还好 股票适做长期,10年内每年买些,但一般不卖 保险中储蓄保险可以,买房时也需要保险 投资的话,大约10万以下大约可以不考虑 若有10到50万,可以考虑以上 50到100,可以考虑投资房地产 100到500可以考虑投资基金 500到1000,可以考虑实业了 偶对理财是外行,基本是不投资的,若将来金钱多了,大约会请懂行的可信的朋友或者亲属代为管理。 大家多指教。
投资的话,大约10万以下大约可以不考虑<z>.... 汗....
Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-03 18:05:21  2楼 评分:
再加个议题:大家如何理财?新加坡好像没有国内那种纯粹的零存整取,一般都与保险组合在一起。我对保险没兴趣,且组合保险的零存整取一般都在10年以上,太长。 DBS的户头渐涨,新加坡存款利息又太低。以前常回国出差,在人民币去年升值前转移了一些在国内,还算划算。 大家一般如何处置闲钱?
why not insurance? Insurance is not a bad thing.
disclaimer: i am not in insurance business...
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-03 18:08:44  3楼
why not insurance? Insurance is not a bad thing.disclaimer: i am not in insurance business...
define frame lor. Short term/intermediate term/long term
each term fill in different products.

hehe, details, wait for all those experts in this forum to say ba. I listen together with you :)
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-03 18:09:45  4楼
Hmmm. I have a question...
you mean really buy those FI for yields or

Trade FI?

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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-04 10:26:09  5楼
Equity should be better than bond in long termIf you really have a great lum-sum, you should go for the higher risk choice.
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 15:48:10  6楼
具体是谁就不说了,课是微观经济学EC4101。他是国大经济系不多的几位副教授之一。对这位老师鄙人还是十分敬重的,所以请阁下出言慎重些。 他的这个“笑话”是为了活跃气氛,但有它的道理,并非什么乱套假理论。简而言之,这种保险在你出事的时候不会给你太多的保障,如果没出事的话,它也不会给你太多的投资回报。 当然,很多人会喜欢这种保险,认为它既有保障的作用,又有投资的价值。可实际上的结果很可能是两头都不占。
sorry, what is 分红保险?
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 17:04:54  7楼
Why difficult?You can remit back and exchange in singapore, it's the same. From the currency policy adopted by government these years, I don't think the exchange rate will drop much.
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 17:08:03  8楼
Well... if take 911 into account... maybe you are right.But you have idea when will the next 911 comes?
No need 911. "President Chen" continue do some more things, some affect will be

China now military exercise, barking dog, wont bite you might say,

Chen's fellow now one more step , want to add "2 countries" into constitution, how to react?

Not necessarily a 911. but some "smaller" things, we small investor will already cannot take it lah.
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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-05 17:16:28  9楼
A kind of issurance.It will give you dividends each year, depending on their investment return.
oh.. so it is ILP lah.. Investment linked policy?
hehe, ok.

Out of all insurance, this one I never like .

My point is , the sentiment towards general insurance products was quite , down. I just feel that, this should not be the case. So many insurance products, there are some indeed, have very attractive points for a long term investment.

Just take one for the sake of discussion,

Prime Life Policy. Idea: to hold it till 20 years (of coz provided the policy holder did not die), then surrounder.
The surrounder return in all will give you around 3.4% return p.a. (excluding all fees, and non-guarrenteed portion we take a conservative measure. i.e. not get all non-guarrenteed portion)

So I may say, to many low risk appetite ppl, these kind of long term investment is worth considering ?

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作者:MrDJay (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:10172) 发表:2006-03-07 13:52:22  10楼
So better stay away from Taiwan shares lor...The sign of Mr Chen will do something similar have been very obvious for quite long... Of course if you want to take high risk and get high gain, just try it lor...
global market
do you think you can stay away from global market?

Face the risk and deal with it

BTW, Pred. Chen is just an example. Example.
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