所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2013-08-22 18:32

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
转篇文章吧,大叔能否抽空对下面的文章看法?即对流通性,杠杆,分散投资和market timing的考量?

Stocks versus property. Why I prefer stocks over property.(zt)

Singaporeans love the property market. The fact that it took our government seven anti-speculative measures to dampen Singaporeans' love affair with property since 2007 is evidence that it is very hard to break this strong love. In the meantime, the lack of success is not exactly bad news to the government. They have made 1 billion in tax revenues from the property curbs.

There is substantial anecdotal evidence that more Singaporeans made more money from property than stocks. Just ask and look around. Our parents' generation who dared to invest in property have secured their retirement. It is small wonder the next generation will do the same thing since property investments have worked for decades for so many people.

I have peers who took the plunge and invested a second property 5 years ago. I am sure they are doing quite well. Some have urged me to stop hoarding my money and take a plunge into the property market. Another told me I will never become rich because of my steadfast refusal to take the risk to buy a second property. I probably look stupid to these people. However, I think it is fine to look stupid for good reasons which will be explained here.

In one sentence why I refused to buy an investment property - I cannot control risk with property investments with the same ease as stocks.

Given the very high property prices in Singapore and my own financial resources, I only have enough money to buy 1 property for investment. Only 1. What can be more concentrated than that? The lack of diversification makes it hard to manage risk. With stocks, I can construct a portfolio of 30 stocks with not a single one taking up more than 5% of my net-worth. I can afford to make several mistakes without facing financial ruin. Can the same be said with a concentrated property portfolio consisting of only 1 property? To make matters worse, this single property has to be bought with leverage. How many Singaporeans can buy a property with cash? When an investor uses leverage, his margin of error is greatly reduced. The mortgage debt is usually quite substantial because it can take 20-30 years to repay with today's high property prices. It is quite common to pay 25% cash with the rest using borrowed money to purchase a property. The investor loses 20% when the property drops 5%. Leverage introduces the risk of margin call. Although banks seldom ask borrowers to top up their mortgage loan when property price drops, they are legally allowed to do so. If the borrower misses the interest payment because he loses his job, the bank may foreclose and force-sell his property in a battered-down market at a lousy price. With stocks, there is no need to use leverage. One can build a diversified portfolio with as little as SGD30000 with cash.

Value investors tend to steer clear of bubbles. I do not shun participation in a bubble if the underlying asset is liquid. The end period of a stock bubble is historically characterized by a parabolic rise of stocks in a short time. Being out of the market at this stage means missing out the opportunity to make lots of money in a short time. Thus, I will join in the crowd despite knowing that it is a stock bubble, although only a manageable portion of the net-worth will be inside the market. (Don't try this if you are a newbie in the stock market, particularly if you have yet to suffer gut-wrenching losses) The reason why I dare to join the bubble is that stocks are liquid. The moment danger is sensed, one can get the hell out in a single trading day. This is one of the advantages of being a retail investor with a small fund to manage. It makes risk management much easier. Properties are illiquid with high transaction costs. Unlike an equity investor, there is no way for a property investor to get the hell out even if he desperately wants to because of property's illiquid nature.

If a hired fund manager shows me a portfolio with a highly leveraged, super-concentrated and illiquid portfolio, I will sack him straightaway so that I can sleep better. How to manage risk with a portfolio like that? Middle-class Singaporeans who took on a 20-year mortgage to buy an investment property are doing just that.

Besides the inability to manage risk, there is another good reason to avoid property investments. I hate debt intensely. The only time I overcame this hate was to buy my first residential HDB Singapore flat so that I can marry the love of my life. While this article frowns on property investment, a HDB flat is highly desirable. One motivation foreigners convert to become a Singapore citizen is to have the privilege to buy our HDB flats. Particularly for Singaporeans who have sacrificed for National Service, don't ever miss your privilege to buy a HDB flat. It is almost a sure-win as it is subsidized by the government. Besides, everyone needs a roof over our heads that provides the stability for us to marry and start a family.

Buying an investment property today usually involves taking on a huge debt that requires at least 20 years to repay. This makes a person a financial slave. If the goal of investment is to be financially free, then does it make sense to take on so much debt for an investment that it risk making one a slave for the next 20 years? It is not just money anymore. It is freedom. With a heavy debt, a person has to tolerate bullies at work. It is easy to slip into mental depression if a person has to drag his feet every day to work in an environment that drives him crazy. Although my present workplace is wonderful and I am working with and for pleasant and smarter people at the moment, there is no guarantee that this can continue. The advantage of investing and saving hard is to accumulate enough "fuck-you" money to have the freedom to show the middle finger and quit when faced with unreasonable behavior at work. Buying a second property at this point will take away all the "fuck-you" money that I have painstakingly accumulated over the years.

For high net-worth individuals with enough money to buy up multiple properties with cash, property is an appropriate component in this investment portfolio. It is easier for the rich to manage risk in their property portfolio. For the majority of middle-class Singaporeans like me, I think they should think twice before committing to a highly leveraged, concentrated and illiquid investment that can potentially make a slave out of them for the next 20 years.

每人都能数出苹果里的种籽,没人能够数出种籽里的苹果。 人生的最高境界是投资,而最有价值的投资是投资于人。
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧 大叔一名   (838 bytes , 33650reads )
大叔投资英国 sg02   (38 bytes , 174reads )
继续投资大业(之草草收场) 大叔一名   (1495 bytes , 373reads )
好像知道大叔现在的英国房产怎样了 JenniferCrane   (96 bytes , 45reads )
卖了呀 大叔一名   (220 bytes , 66reads )
感觉经验是很重要的 JenniferCrane   (42 bytes , 42reads )
正在关注该帖…… brjin   (24 bytes , 52reads )
算是有些联系吧 大叔一名   (0 bytes , 43reads )
这个,几年以后还有后续么…… 金沙子   (22 bytes , 24reads )
生命不息,折腾不止 大叔一名   (428 bytes , 46reads )
多谢分享,大叔有眼光 金沙子   (38 bytes , 37reads )
强贴,一口气读完,深受启发 cestlavie   (96 bytes , 32reads )
新的贵啊 大叔一名   (58 bytes , 29reads )
层主不是已经净身买HDB了吗? 冰人   (82 bytes , 32reads )
还木有买呢……卖的是队友的房子 金沙子   (270 bytes , 40reads )
其实说到底还是没有按照自己的能力设置买房目标 冰人   (65 bytes , 39reads )
目测撕逼大战一触即发 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 28reads )
挖掘机 我来看你了   (0 bytes , 31reads )
说到律师费,马国的要贵得多啊。。。 凡人   (16 bytes , 134reads )
所以楼主的贷款是在坡做的,木有跟英村拿房贷? 789456   (331 bytes , 129reads )
结果是木有拿贷款 大叔一名   (711 bytes , 164reads )
我住北部呀, 789456   (46 bytes , 229reads )
三巴旺那个地点还好吧 凡人   (0 bytes , 163reads )
价格比海军部高很多, 789456   (66 bytes , 248reads )
是啊,海军部这边10年的EC才700多一尺,大户型居然有500多一尺的 凡人   (257 bytes , 255reads )
年纪大了,记性不好 大叔一名   (330 bytes , 155reads )
先谢谢大叔百忙中抽空解疑, 789456   (385 bytes , 157reads )
既然喜欢现在住的地方,就别折腾了 大叔一名   (540 bytes , 183reads )
牛贴 滚雪球   (114 bytes , 35reads )
船小好掉头,政策变化太快 789456   (18 bytes , 126reads )
大叔来做房版的版主吧 Eight   (160 bytes , 158reads )
泥又来歪楼了 大叔一名   (114 bytes , 146reads )
0 COV目前不可能发生在地段很好的房子上 凡人   (235 bytes , 134reads )
大叔来做房版的版主吧+10086 小妖霖霖   (53 bytes , 115reads )
神马?不可棱,我懂个p啊!看来必须给大叔施加点压力了hmmmm Eight   (48 bytes , 142reads )
八导是打算把华新的爷们都归给我是吗。。。 牛排   (0 bytes , 93reads )
不懂没事啊,以后就会懂了…… 小妖霖霖   (74 bytes , 109reads )
安慰你一下,现在hdb的房价不比你买的时候便宜的…… 小妖霖霖   (124 bytes , 146reads )
哈哈道理我懂嘛,几个月前我买的时候也有些 Eight   (77 bytes , 152reads )
就想赶快有家+10086…… 小妖霖霖   (35 bytes , 113reads )
为啥我都看不懂。。。 牛排   (0 bytes , 124reads )
表卖萌了哦 Eight   (40 bytes , 141reads )
反正都看不懂啊。。。 牛排   (0 bytes , 113reads )
JLL=Jones Lang LaSalle ? 新股新人   (144 bytes , 259reads )
信息量有点大~ haidaoyu   (18 bytes , 146reads )
继续投资大业(之五) 大叔一名   (2096 bytes , 300reads )
看来买房投资也要花功夫 新股新人   (28 bytes , 158reads )
听你这么说,下次去伦敦我是不是该关注一下那边的房地产啊。。。 凡人   (366 bytes , 157reads )
局部沙发 haidaoyu   (94 bytes , 163reads )
继续投资大业(之四) 大叔一名   (1315 bytes , 302reads )
新更沙发~ 坐等大叔继续分析讲述伦敦房事 rosemarry   (3 bytes , 144reads )
继续投资大业(之三) 大叔一名   (1246 bytes , 321reads )
大叔说了半天,怎么没提到和你最近应该也是最熟悉的国内投资 tdy   (370 bytes , 124reads )
我说过我不会玩股票啊 大叔一名   (100 bytes , 185reads )
大叔提到的投资我的理解是应该不限于房地产一种吧,什么回报高风险相对低就去投 tdy   (176 bytes , 146reads )
我们很容易自视过高 大叔一名   (246 bytes , 185reads )
有钱了貌似会比较快乐。。 珍珠仙草   (80 bytes , 148reads )
其实不会 大叔一名   (191 bytes , 210reads )
赞!钱多些心态会好些吧 wen_1982   (114 bytes , 124reads )
人会变的 新双钱   (76 bytes , 124reads )
哈哈。 珍珠仙草   (81 bytes , 112reads )
钱=cash 新双钱   (0 bytes , 114reads )
哦。。。 珍珠仙草   (124 bytes , 140reads )
钱永远只等于cash 新双钱   (59 bytes , 128reads )
en ... 珍珠仙草   (124 bytes , 139reads )
恩,俺不喜欢大上大下的感觉,钻比较适合俺的口味 新双钱   (59 bytes , 111reads )
大叔也许宜回笼现金了 新双钱   (50 bytes , 129reads )
不妨换点美金及投美元资产 tdy   (92 bytes , 128reads )
谢谢 新双钱   (14 bytes , 149reads )
泡茶上来,大叔喝口水继续。 789456   (0 bytes , 155reads )
马国的租金真的不能指望 凡人   (248 bytes , 146reads )
7000马币也能在新加坡租到整套公寓了吧? haidaoyu   (413 bytes , 166reads )
三个卧室的公寓租不到 凡人   (477 bytes , 125reads )
周五出版的马国‘中国报’有一篇报道:探讨禁止外国人在二手市场置产 tdy   (406 bytes , 162reads )
楼上没去今天的讲座很可惜啊。。。 凡人   (30 bytes , 125reads )
凡人可以做个讲座回放,让我们这些没参加的人或早走的人也过过干瘾 tdy   (0 bytes , 121reads )
赫赫 新双钱   (8 bytes , 129reads )
虽然大家讨论清楚了住2年resale可以申请3年后TOP的EC, haidaoyu   (345 bytes , 225reads )
不好意思,这个是回复171楼的小妖的 haidaoyu   (0 bytes , 112reads )
继续投资大业(之二) 大叔一名   (1162 bytes , 335reads )
有一些管理人的做法让人比较无语,能多讲讲么 zhaoyu45   (0 bytes , 142reads )
我有MIIF 大叔一名   (629 bytes , 179reads )
MIIF brjin   (36 bytes , 38reads )
how about AU? 树冷   (60 bytes , 143reads )
澳洲买房要小心 zhaoyu45   (63 bytes , 180reads )
沙发~坐等楼主更多分析 西瓜芒果好吃   (243 bytes , 215reads )
周末讲座都会有的 凡人   (60 bytes , 184reads )
可惜周末有事去不了 haidaoyu   (231 bytes , 118reads )
继续投资大业(之一) 大叔一名   (1292 bytes , 390reads )
请问一下大叔,外国人在英国买freehold可以贷款么? 789456   (56 bytes , 172reads )
别急,我会把我知道的信息都写出来的,这样可以多骗几个十大 大叔一名   (44 bytes , 131reads )
好的好的,板凳瓜子葡萄等。 789456   (0 bytes , 120reads )
感觉不错, flyover2010   (64 bytes , 132reads )
期待大叔的宝贵经验 新股新人   (6612 bytes , 225reads )
个人看法 大叔一名   (2138 bytes , 186reads )
学工程的,没买过任何金融投资的人伤不起啊,想请教一下 haidaoyu   (389 bytes , 131reads )
淹死的多是会水的 新双钱   (277 bytes , 136reads )
多谢回复 haidaoyu   (50 bytes , 161reads )
不要给那些名词忽悠了 大叔一名   (758 bytes , 154reads )
多谢多谢! haidaoyu   (73 bytes , 128reads )
多谢书兄详细的回复 新股新人   (1409 bytes , 192reads )
房产回报5.4%是没加leverage的吗? wen_1982   (43 bytes , 137reads )
回报的数据没有考虑到租金和贷款利息 新股新人   (180 bytes , 141reads )
真是个好文章啊。 flyover2010   (0 bytes , 96reads )
一直看到大叔的这个帖子,今天又耐心的全文从第一页爬到了最后一页~~ 小妖霖霖   (703 bytes , 409reads )
我是这么看的 大叔一名   (322 bytes , 195reads )
大叔说的有理,继续请教大叔和大家~可是我如何比较我现在买EC,3年后入住 小妖霖霖   (131 bytes , 181reads )
没人可以肯定的说未来的价格,但是 大叔一名   (221 bytes , 140reads )
可是对于没房的阶层来说,第一套房是刚需啊。 小妖霖霖   (79 bytes , 172reads )
你就不用考虑投资了 新双钱   (7 bytes , 164reads )
抱歉我不是很喜欢你这个语气。“听劝,乖”什么的请别对我说了。 小妖霖霖   (216 bytes , 150reads )
我个人觉得EC什么都好,就是两点让人不爽 凡人   (106 bytes , 137reads )
是啊,我现在这个阶段还是直接resale hdb自己住舒服方便点吧。 小妖霖霖   (70 bytes , 153reads )
啊,放松点,俺听劝,乖,赫赫 新双钱   (378 bytes , 116reads )
围观女王被调戏。。。 牛排   (186 bytes , 141reads )
哼唧,你怎么还看房产版, 小妖霖霖   (36 bytes , 128reads )
赫赫 新双钱   (219 bytes , 153reads )
对楼上的观点有点异议,何为投资,能为资产升值的都可称为投资 tdy   (267 bytes , 127reads )
第一,我的帖子我只是考虑hdb和ec,哪里说投资了。 小妖霖霖   (105 bytes , 152reads )
别纠结了,买了hdb,要住5年才能申请新EC whsing   (77 bytes , 164reads )
那都是拿过津贴或者跟政府直接买过新房的屋主,买二手房不拿津贴的不在内 凡人   (35 bytes , 139reads )
我觉得没戏 灵山   (59 bytes , 144reads )
ec的ceiling是一万二 小妖霖霖   (284 bytes , 192reads )
满满滴+1 Eight   (72 bytes , 262reads )
我也是这么想的,星星眼~~~ 小妖霖霖   (46 bytes , 127reads )
你们两个没做过家庭主妇的拿衣服想法 大叔一名   (44 bytes , 119reads )
谁说不可以做家庭主妇同时也有女佣的? 小妖霖霖   (168 bytes , 126reads )
小妖,RESALE你得住五年。。。 凡人   (0 bytes , 116reads )
她说的没错,resale住两年然后 申请BTO、EC(估计要3年),这样就5年了 haidaoyu   (22 bytes , 155reads )
嗯,这样算是对的,我理解错了 凡人   (0 bytes , 108reads )
刚买了房子的人来证实一下,没过MOP是不能买EC的 whsing   (154 bytes , 155reads )
额,是哦,我居然没注意这个,被忽悠了,又仔细跑去读了HDB的rule 凡人   (1072 bytes , 161reads )
这个……非津贴组屋是没关系的。 -_-||   (28 bytes , 120reads )
我听说的版本是 wen_1982   (101 bytes , 168reads )
是滴,这个才是完整版 凡人   (0 bytes , 139reads )
大叔这小说才叫给力啊! 牛排   (0 bytes , 104reads )
propnex的讲座还是不错的,最近大家都在往外发展啊 凡人   (384 bytes , 177reads )
在资金紧张的情况下,做国债逆回购是既无风险收益又高的投资 tdy   (0 bytes , 113reads )
毫无头绪啊,诚心请教细节 凡人   (0 bytes , 110reads )
开个户头和做股票一样,不过交易就只是卖出,完了就等收钱 tdy   (0 bytes , 106reads )
国内一般就像凡人一样有一笔买房或买车的钱闲着,就丢进国债 tdy   (84 bytes , 134reads )
新加坡有逆回购吗?收益如何?我还正考虑把钱转回国呢。 hula   (46 bytes , 209reads )
承诺年回报率在10%以上要小心 大叔一名   (74 bytes , 124reads )
他们那个巴西项目的回报率更吓死人 凡人   (211 bytes , 131reads )
最近不是有个新闻说根本没项目很多人受骗了? haidaoyu   (128 bytes , 151reads )
所以还在观望状态啊 凡人   (188 bytes , 129reads )
真兴奋,又可以学习了! haidaoyu   (52 bytes , 124reads )
前排听讲 灵山   (0 bytes , 115reads )
ding! patrician   (0 bytes , 120reads )
Mark dragon7896   (0 bytes , 168reads )
怒赞 应该把十个都送花标注吧 ssstory   (232 bytes , 169reads )
请问小孩最后上到理想的好学校了吗? haidaoyu   (193 bytes , 207reads )
尽人事,听天命 大叔一名   (464 bytes , 199reads )
谢谢分享,搬个坐垫,好好学习。 ilikesgp   (0 bytes , 119reads )
买房,HDB,各种无奈~ 一口一木   (20 bytes , 222reads )
不同时期完整的看了两遍 haidaoyu   (30 bytes , 209reads )
觉得要买房的最后一批鸭子都进笼了,这市场也就完了。现在是买房不如炒股。 昌昊   (271 bytes , 364reads )
此时无为胜有为,昌大不是如此吗? flyover2010   (36 bytes , 121reads )
历史经常重演,但不会一模一样 大叔一名   (637 bytes , 351reads )
大叔买房子的时机很好,感觉10年前的房子跟现在比好白菜了。 じ写☆意ve   (478 bytes , 143reads )
我不是很同意你的看法 大叔一名   (692 bytes , 161reads )
非常同意大叔关于自住的观点 猴子猫咪   (64 bytes , 139reads )
个人觉得 wen_1982   (15 bytes , 152reads )
回帖是为了大叔这个名字:)多谢大叔了。 listen   (0 bytes , 204reads )
是厉害!10年里要买卖三四个房子确实不是一般人能想到去做的。我虽想到但就没有去做。 芳林   (600 bytes , 334reads )
和你满多看法相似 大叔一名   (261 bytes , 267reads )
厉害 jinyangz   (4 bytes , 226reads )
大叔买房子时应该计算过安全margin了吧? flyover2010   (86 bytes , 277reads )
我不清楚你说的安全margin具体指的是什么 大叔一名   (376 bytes , 360reads )
大叔家两个孩子月开支才4-5k? DearEddie   (84 bytes , 362reads )
没有特别节省,可能我们没有很多花钱的习惯吧 大叔一名   (722 bytes , 389reads )
在等大叔更新伦敦买房的时候,忍不住把我这个大叔消费观的帖子再顶一次 haidaoyu   (111 bytes , 189reads )
同赞大叔的消费观。 小妖霖霖   (22 bytes , 128reads )
很合理的开支,何来很朴素一说,比起无车无工人牺牲生活质量攒钱的好太多了 DearEddie   (128 bytes , 272reads )
啥时候朴素也成了贬义词了?? 凡人   (110 bytes , 255reads )
谁说这是贬义词了?不赞同你说这样的开销算很朴素而已 DearEddie   (71 bytes , 291reads )
照你的说法我就在华新贫困线以下:无车无工人单收入 凡人   (823 bytes , 299reads )
看不懂你的逻辑,不过大概理解了你为什么忽然这么激动。 DearEddie   (148 bytes , 275reads )
好吧,我过激了。纯文字的没有语气表情的辅助就容易产生误会啊 凡人   (42 bytes , 241reads )
这个开销真的是很朴素啊,感觉保险有点少,只是医疗和少量人寿险? 凡人   (0 bytes , 241reads )
你说的其实也没错 大叔一名   (694 bytes , 286reads )
大叔写的很好,但是对大多数人参考意义不大 没辙   (230 bytes , 312reads )
这个你说的不对 小诺基亚   (442 bytes , 246reads )
好吧,我就是贫民代表,因为我身边都是贫民 没辙   (484 bytes , 230reads )
我想说房产市场投资是个资金撬动资金的游戏 小诺基亚   (122 bytes , 210reads )
很不幸你看到的只是这一面 大叔一名   (699 bytes , 260reads )
之前看了大叔买房的经历觉得想都不敢想,现在要能有房就不错了 芝麻花生面包   (136 bytes , 278reads )
LS爬楼不认真 AGA   (105 bytes , 266reads )
同意mm!大叔分享经验很好,让別人少钻牛角尖,少走弯路。 vickychen   (73 bytes , 221reads )
哈哈,不是有点酸,是很酸啊 没辙   (0 bytes , 153reads )
来说说读后感而已,绝无冒犯之意,请莫怪 没辙   (0 bytes , 268reads )
思路很有参考意义啊。 田七   (0 bytes , 185reads )
留个爪印。大叔虽然写的不是那么牛气逼人,可取舍之间都彰显智慧。 峨嵋子颖   (0 bytes , 183reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之十,最终回) 大叔一名   (1387 bytes , 2030reads )
佩服LZ有舍有取的思路! AGA   (397 bytes , 259reads )
答案如下 大叔一名   (518 bytes , 274reads )
明白了~谢LZ耐心解释~ AGA   (190 bytes , 244reads )
新政以后,还能再买吗? firestone   (112 bytes , 187reads )
政策一路都在变,没必要去猜 大叔一名   (222 bytes , 239reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之九) 大叔一名   (1547 bytes , 611reads )
期待楼主继续捣腾房子 firestone   (27 bytes , 202reads )
俩condo一House吧~还都NUSnewton等黄金地点~楼主赚钱能力也 西瓜芒果好吃   (22 bytes , 216reads )
投资要凭感觉,有时感觉到了,做什么都顺 tdy   (80 bytes , 216reads )
我不大靠感觉,因为比较烂 大叔一名   (56 bytes , 193reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之八) 大叔一名   (1277 bytes , 574reads )
大叔的孩子去的是哪间分校? niumum   (19 bytes , 187reads )
ACS 有6间学校,很容易混淆 大叔一名   (197 bytes , 317reads )
原来dover那间没有小学,ACSJ和ACSP靠得很近,都在newton交通圈附近 niumum   (41 bytes , 458reads )
精彩,期待第四套房出现 solo_estoy   (0 bytes , 147reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之七) 大叔一名   (1914 bytes , 562reads )
哪个银行可以借90%?我没听过呀。可否告知? seanseans   (0 bytes , 175reads )
那是几年前的事啊,现在已经没有了 大叔一名   (0 bytes , 138reads )
好贴要顶,现身说法有营养,楼主继续 地道中国人   (16 bytes , 199reads )
楼主是同龄人,这样的故事比较亲切 地道中国人   (40 bytes , 236reads )
是啊,握爪 大叔一名   (36 bytes , 194reads )
收藏 Lucille   (4 bytes , 212reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之六) 大叔一名   (992 bytes , 558reads )
终于赶上直播了,急切想知道第三套的经过 firestone   (32 bytes , 226reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之公告) 大叔一名   (849 bytes , 398reads )
机会总是给有准备有头脑的人的。 木鸭子   (0 bytes , 135reads )
其实运气重要,时机重要,但是也要有实力。说白了要是没有实力,机会来了,也无法进场 乒乒乓乓   (0 bytes , 262reads )
同意 大叔一名   (100 bytes , 237reads )
学习了! fionna2012   (183 bytes , 199reads )
好帖子必须留底 一切靠自己   (10 bytes , 230reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之五) 大叔一名   (1050 bytes , 591reads )
顶大叔一下,顺便报下自己的流水账 菠罗包   (1398 bytes , 406reads )
我对国内的房子有戒心 大叔一名   (357 bytes , 303reads )
fionna2012   (163 bytes , 287reads )
和我认为的不谋而合 寒武   (161 bytes , 280reads )
强帖留名。大叔的总结值得借鉴 king   (20 bytes , 175reads )
也来学习一下 留守妈妈   (0 bytes , 195reads )
原来这位大叔这么厉害。学习一下,不过估计现在学也学不来了 jiujiu2222   (352 bytes , 278reads )
上周末大家都疯了 yaya   (383 bytes , 269reads )
对啊,新政出来的第一个周末,我觉得不但没降,房子反而更抢手了 jiujiu2222   (92 bytes , 233reads )
这个绝对疯了…… mgal   (75 bytes , 247reads )
价格超过预期很多有两种可能 大叔一名   (208 bytes , 263reads )
勉强还在负担范围内吧,对于我这种现金不多的人来说 jiujiu2222   (1109 bytes , 215reads )
存在即合理 大叔一名   (762 bytes , 242reads )
隐隐觉得lz说的房子是在tiong baru。。不知道对不对。。那儿的[…] 风起小竹   (21 bytes , 225reads )
买房投资的话一定要稳,价该杀就杀。 hula   (71 bytes , 199reads )
谢谢安慰啊。可能是看别人这么抢大白菜一样买下来,刺激到我了 jiujiu2222   (153 bytes , 190reads )
看你不是买房投资,而是买房自住。。 hula   (260 bytes , 226reads )
受教了,我觉得你说的有道理,我想的太多了。要求也太多了。 jiujiu2222   (0 bytes , 158reads )
记得楼主提过在ACS旁边有套房子,是这个townhouse吗? wen_1982   (0 bytes , 247reads )
不是 大叔一名   (0 bytes , 183reads )
特来膜拜成功人士! -_-||   (0 bytes , 273reads )
我只觉得运气还不错 大叔一名   (182 bytes , 251reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之四) 大叔一名   (1723 bytes , 616reads )
哇xmjdh啊,这房子现在翻番都不止了吧,早结婚是王道啊~ 西瓜芒果好吃   (38 bytes , 184reads )
大叔真牛,组屋的底和私宅的底都被你抄到啦! solo_estoy   (97 bytes , 228reads )
看到这张图想起一个在心中盘桓多年的问题 AGA   (351 bytes , 264reads )
98年4季度为基点 solo_estoy   (345 bytes , 243reads )
正中疑团要点的科普资料 AGA   (22 bytes , 215reads )
谁说这个指数100才合理啊? 大叔一名   (90 bytes , 200reads )
天啊,原来被蒙了这么久~ AGA   (24 bytes , 232reads )
膜拜成功人士。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 217reads )
哈哈 AGA   (53 bytes , 243reads )
我歇菜了。你们继续。 -_-||   (0 bytes , 187reads )
不懂诶 AGA   (28 bytes , 179reads )
第一次赶上直播贴!鸡冻! mgal   (357 bytes , 173reads )
这个也太幸福了,羡慕ing yaya   (0 bytes , 228reads )
支持这种基于事实有启发性的贴子 逃课专家   (52 bytes , 238reads )
好贴,顶~~~~~ 江南style   (0 bytes , 290reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之三) 大叔一名   (1085 bytes , 614reads )
这一段强推,太有教育意义了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 103reads )
谢谢大叔举例分析总结的详细分享 AGA   (64 bytes , 165reads )
+1.马克一下。 micomama   (14 bytes , 193reads )
顶楼主,学习经验! hail99   (0 bytes , 175reads )
喜欢听大叔娓娓道来。 vickychen   (14 bytes , 190reads )
大叔兄弟言谈,见识和坦诚实在令兄弟佩服,当推本坛之首 乐与悲   (0 bytes , 169reads )
顶。顶。顶。 兔巴哥   (0 bytes , 207reads )
好贴 小诺   (31 bytes , 234reads )
赞,最喜欢这样的好帖!大叔继续写啊! ggyt   (0 bytes , 178reads )
顶大叔一下,身边的经验最值得参考学习了,希望继续分享。 田七   (0 bytes , 169reads )
今年是在这里买房10周年,回顾一下历史吧(之二) 大叔一名   (1054 bytes , 633reads )
再回顾到这个,觉得很痛心,我的买房经历基本上就是大叔的反例 凡人   (1957 bytes , 147reads )
买房这事会上瘾的 +1 haidaoyu   (107 bytes , 179reads )
欣赏lz的“努力工作,不断提升负担能力是王道”。 sweetypig   (57 bytes , 134reads )
很同意大叔最后一句总结 Conniesisu   (365 bytes , 232reads )
赞楼主!好评! mgal   (758 bytes , 191reads )
不错,人的贪欲是无止境的 灵山   (10 bytes , 227reads )