所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2008-10-16 11:38

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
给房东一个email or fax。

Dear xxx,

I am sorry to tell you that I am not comfortable with the amount which you want to charge me after the lease ends. It is ridiculous and over charged definitely. You cannot get the flat back the same as the one four year before, that's why we have the word "depreciation". Some stuff can be spoiled naturally, and you cannot charge me for these without the proof of my fault.

Based on our contract and inventory list, my calculation is as follows.

xxxx $xxx
xxxxx $xxx
xxxx $xxx

Total $xxxx

Since you have my $xxx deposit, you need to return $xxx to me after the deduction. I hope I can get my money back by xx/xx/2008. Otherwise I may bring this case to the Small Claim Court.

Thanks & Regards.


起码,这种信一出,房东不会再找你要另外400. 除非是神经病. 如果你有时间精力打嘴巴官司,还可以要回一点.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【求助】关于和房东的dispute--押金问题 蓝莓儿   (1095 bytes , 1203reads )
你们的合同里有写明房东应该对家具等物品的日常耗损负责么? 香陵居士   (38 bytes , 262reads )
没写,不过也没有写要我们负责的 蓝莓儿   (74 bytes , 229reads )
再次感谢楼下各位:) 蓝莓儿   (76 bytes , 277reads )
如果是偶就先跟他要回1400的押金再说 aspernet   (104 bytes , 283reads )
谢谢楼下各位--已经搬走了半个月了,搬家之后清点的 蓝莓儿   (74 bytes , 342reads )
随她去,400元真的没有地方受理,除非他们家自己产律师 阿修   (139 bytes , 291reads )
不怕。房东找律师就让她烧钱去吧。 Mango   (35 bytes , 301reads )
哈哈, 你们都搬走了... 她找什么律师啊~~~~~ lol 西蜀霸王   (20 bytes , 263reads )
也是的阿,都没有证据,也没有什么收据 蓝莓儿   (18 bytes , 298reads )
不用给那400的,你们搬走就行了。 Mango   (441 bytes , 343reads )
似乎小额法庭管这个的。从前不管。 大热卖   (857 bytes , 370reads )
谢谢你的信哦,类似的信已经写了好几封了 蓝莓儿   (63 bytes , 291reads )
有个语法错误,才看到. u cannot get the same flat back as the one 4 years before 大热卖   (0 bytes , 215reads )
已经搬了吗?如果已经搬走了,那就不管他了。。。 liupeng   (32 bytes , 218reads )
是过份 mmbbwdx   (80 bytes , 282reads )
这样的房东太过分了呀。 miuxi2008   (10 bytes , 366reads )
不给会怎样? 蓝莓儿   (235 bytes , 300reads )
当然不给啦,你又没有故意损坏什么, 不需要赔偿. 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 230reads )