所在版块:食全食美 发贴时间:2004-08-18 23:49  评分:

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异族代言人 The most unpleasant thing about human beings is that they don't metamorphose. Your people and mine are born as grubs, but we transform ourselves into a higher form before we reproduce. Human beings remain grubs all their lives.-- 《Xenocide》
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烤面包。。。·偶烤的。。 明月楼   (437 bytes , 831reads )
So 可爱~~支持! 小猫小猫进家门   (21 bytes , 65reads )
好像小丁当喜欢吃的那个东东~ 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 46reads )
娃哈哈,lab有人看过这个图片说了一句话: 鱼片粥   (50 bytes , 124reads )
8错 Climbing   (40 bytes , 53reads )
真好看,好想一口包下去 guigui   (85 bytes , 60reads )
好圆哦。真想抓过来摸一摸。。 临水照花   (0 bytes , 39reads )
做法在这里: 明月楼   (540 bytes , 184reads )
不发酵吗? 月光   (84 bytes , 83reads )
发酵是一个隐形过程~~ 明月楼   (154 bytes , 58reads )
可爱!!饿了~~>.< 嚏嚏   (0 bytes , 53reads )
哇哈哈~~ 支持支持 生烟井   (42 bytes , 115reads )
对对,食谱呢? macfeng   (0 bytes , 47reads )
我吃了。。。。 爬去洗个澡   (10 bytes , 144reads )