交易的 p and l
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2024-09-18 09:08

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
刚才我回复。 好像有sql error

我现在明白了。 突然想到一件事情。 波动不是永远的,提前练习一下p and l 扣成本也是很有用的。
我不用杠杆的。那你怎么做?你用富途? 有否推荐的书,? 我去领悟一下。

不是跟你争。 之前我交给我老公的时候。 他听了说, 不能既要momentum 又要speculation 还是深来的。 他明白了 我也没明白他说什么。 最近在弄PDD

wow, you type a lot. thank you. although
I still don't quite get your point of 1%. basically I think we are just talking about different animals.. you are more on portfolio balancing and I am just on pure directional speculative betting. it is quite different approach.

when you talk about churching volume and leverage, this one I agree. I remembered once I put a few thousand dollars with broker house and they gave me about $200K trading limit. I may just buy and sell every 30 seconds or one minute to complete one trade cycle so that they gave me back the limit and I could restart another fresh trade. I may trade more than 50 times that day until one side of the trade volume reach 8 figures. I guess brokerage firm was the happiest man. but for each trade, I have to make sure each trade must have a risk control of less than $500, because that is 1/10 of my deposit, which is already a lot for that kind of starting capital.

to end, I just want to talk one thing which may be different from your opinion, I think "money management" is the most important thing, if not everything, for trading.
该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2024-09-18 22:00:01。
该帖荣获当日十大第5,奖励楼主10分以及15华新币,时间:2024-09-19 22:00:01。
该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2024-09-20 22:00:01。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
交易的 p and l 小土   (1442 bytes , 2105reads )
如果谈到杠杆我觉得有一个名字最合适:双刃剑。 pymess   (2519 bytes , 38reads )
感谢分享! 贝爷   (60 bytes , 28reads )
基于我描述的交易模式,我不可能交易美股,我只是每天会密切关注它。 pymess   (1473 bytes , 31reads )
谢谢分享 小土   (239 bytes , 24reads )
给你泼冷水 多此一举   (99 bytes , 29reads )
不能一个策略 小土   (62 bytes , 24reads )
咳,你这水泼的好。但就是匆匆读帖不仔细呀。 pymess   (1157 bytes , 32reads )
对了 小土   (207 bytes , 26reads )
啊对,这又是另外一个topic, 就是product(标的) 本身是杠杆产品。 pymess   (3932 bytes , 30reads )
明白 小土   (190 bytes , 26reads )
看来我们的看法趋同 多此一举   (263 bytes , 23reads )
其实最烦的就是这种泛泛而谈的所谓理中客论调 大好人   (262 bytes , 26reads )
SWOT分析 多此一举   (4 bytes , 32reads )
这旁证了我的一个观点 大好人   (118 bytes , 30reads )
谢谢分享 小土   (656 bytes , 30reads )
你说的挺好的,我也觉得我也有必要再解释一下杠杆, pymess   (2157 bytes , 35reads )
我想的是 小土   (587 bytes , 24reads )
各位微操专家 liudehua   (221 bytes , 20reads )
我知道大家其实最关心的都是这东西相比大盘到底表现咋样啊? pymess   (2614 bytes , 21reads )
看到了 小土   (1340 bytes , 27reads )
你看数据 小土   (1700 bytes , 31reads )
Thank you. i know u can do it easily. it is much much clearer pymess   (0 bytes , 37reads )
我跟chatgpt 小土   (385 bytes , 34reads )
小土啊,我知道你脑袋里肯定是有一套自己的想法。。。 pymess   (852 bytes , 36reads )
你说的有道理 多此一举   (63 bytes , 22reads )
看你怎么看 小土   (647 bytes , 29reads )
巴菲特、索罗斯是俩高手 多此一举   (89 bytes , 30reads )
想跑赢大盘一定要有信息优势 多此一举   (36 bytes , 20reads )
假lidehua有真刘德华 大好人   (38 bytes , 20reads )
我不否认有厉害的人 liudehua   (46 bytes , 47reads )
楼主就是例子啊 大好人   (32 bytes , 21reads )
还很难说呢 小土   (199 bytes , 23reads )
我是理性判断的 小土   (90 bytes , 22reads )
我再接着写一些P&L和交易费用的东西。 pymess   (2478 bytes , 34reads )
我这么看波动(以股票市场为例) pymess   (1770 bytes , 32reads )
是这样的 小土   (649 bytes , 28reads )
谢谢分享! youyouy2k   (0 bytes , 29reads )
啊。。你说的这些topic, pymess   (221 bytes , 33reads )
看来是真兴趣,不单单为了钱。 大好人   (100 bytes , 36reads )
嗨,兴趣是真,但大家来市场里的唯一目的还是为了赚更多的钱,是吧。。 pymess   (1638 bytes , 35reads )
brave KC33333   (55 bytes , 31reads )
我只是觉得很有意思 小土   (314 bytes , 33reads )
真是卧虎藏龙 大好人   (22 bytes , 32reads )
谢谢分享 c1jie   (8 bytes , 42reads )