very insightful
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-09 01:28  评分:

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Indeed, the answer to "Where to Go" very much depends on one's level of experience. As in many other industries, senior people usually have more and better choices since they have already proven themselves. (Of course whether they can succeed is another matter, but we do see good examples to follow - 51Jobs as a start-up, or Sun as an incumbent) Just one thing -- for life style, I'm not sure about the point that general management has a better work/life balance comparing to these professional service roles. After all, general management is also about providing professional service to the owners of the company. More over, while consultants can settle with big strategy blueprints, the tougher part of execution is shouldered by the client company's management. Presumably the job is tougher, the stake is bigger, and the pressure is higher.

Sure enough, the question of "What to do after partner" is far-fetched to the most. The more immediate question is what is a good exit for a less experienced consultant.

Financial industry is a sound choice since

1. There are many exsiting skills to leverage on;
2. It pays well;
3. There may be plenty of opportunities in China/Asia looking forward.

As for the dreadful part of life style, everywhere is the same -- in fact, if you enter at associate level, the stress level may even be less. (Again, presumably, with some anecdotes)

Industry is a completely different animal .. I fully agree that a relatively junior consultant should expect to start from scratch upon moving to her/his industry of interest, instead of expecting something more glamorous. For example, Google Singapore recruits Analystics analyst and asscoiate marketing managers former former consultants and investment bankers (maybe because it's Google!). There is no way to move up if one can't prove him/herself in these more or less entry-level or junior management roles. That said, I do believe that the skills developed in consulting can be very helpful in one's way ahead.

Of course, there are quite a few more relevant roles an x-consultant can fit into a corporate, such as corporate planning, internal strategy, business development, corporate development (M&A) etc, with considerable overleap with consulting in terms of job scope. Also there are management trainee roles (serious ones, i mean) for consultant + MBA, which may help to bridge the gap between strategy and operation.

So my point is, for an x-consultant, it looks like a humbler option to go industry instead of consulting or banking. However, if one's really aspired to get hands-on, there are plenty of options. The good thing is, regardless of which option to take, analytical and presentation skills are always helpful.

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parrot jj以及其他consulting的牛人们,讲讲形势吧 倏然梦   (508 bytes , 2662reads )
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谢谢jj!可是如果就没有认识受到invitation的人,直接上网网申,也会一视同仁吗? 倏然梦   (68 bytes , 462reads )
留个e-mail吧 ning82   (24 bytes , 423reads )
发站短了,多谢!!! 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 256reads )
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本家,握手! ning82   (0 bytes , 266reads )
very insightful EchoStar   (2734 bytes , 676reads )
My sincere invitation for you to beome one of the speakers on Sep 20 :) parrot   (60 bytes , 428reads )
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最吸引我的应该是第二点吧^^ 倏然梦   (89 bytes , 465reads )
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。。。是说我么 倏然梦   (44 bytes , 379reads )
原来 monk   (36 bytes , 355reads )
不是说了去做“建筑“了 aspernet   (27 bytes , 413reads )
这回贴的确不错, longman   (89 bytes , 339reads )
哇,红桃贴! parrot   (0 bytes , 291reads )
jj您终于现身了。。。 倏然梦   (40 bytes , 264reads )
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这是一个服务行业,要看客户脸色说话的,客户就是上帝. closercc   (236 bytes , 537reads )
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同意,推荐 The consulting devil parrot   (205 bytes , 602reads )
支持一个。 14202   (41 bytes , 334reads )
自己up一个,长期征集资讯中 倏然梦   (12 bytes , 335reads )
各位大牛都来发言啊! 倏然梦   (126 bytes , 659reads )
但是我觉得你的背景很不错啊 Elsa   (44 bytes , 579reads )
o!你认识我??? 倏然梦   (177 bytes , 549reads )
come in 柳随风   (202 bytes , 776reads )
多两句嘴 ning82   (788 bytes , 510reads )
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。。。那岂不是说我又被random的bs了一次? 倏然梦   (13 bytes , 292reads )
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可是random也总得有点线索吧 倏然梦   (168 bytes , 273reads )
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they do 柳随风   (0 bytes , 333reads )
我们公司正在招人 EchoStar   (12 bytes , 1235reads )
thx! 倏然梦   (14 bytes , 502reads )
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听说BCG的cut-off是first class 闻影   (17 bytes , 488reads )
这个太极端了,要从first class里面至少一半书呆子吧 年糕   (24 bytes , 485reads )
First class 为啥书呆子啊。。。会考试的人一般都不呆:p parrot   (0 bytes , 292reads )
不至于吧。。。在国内bcg也是只要清华北大的啊。。。 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 358reads )
多谢!站内给你咯:) 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 280reads )