所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-06 01:24

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parrot jj以及其他consulting的牛人们,讲讲形势吧 倏然梦   (508 bytes , 2661reads )
补充 ning82   (760 bytes , 712reads )
谢谢jj!可是如果就没有认识受到invitation的人,直接上网网申,也会一视同仁吗? 倏然梦   (68 bytes , 462reads )
留个e-mail吧 ning82   (24 bytes , 423reads )
发站短了,多谢!!! 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 256reads )
看了原非的帖子,忽然觉得这个问题很重要,值得一提:Consultant 的下个职位是什么? duck   (1375 bytes , 772reads )
这是个很好的问题 ning82   (1170 bytes , 795reads )
同意 DINGPeng   (304 bytes , 638reads )
本家,握手! ning82   (0 bytes , 266reads )
very insightful EchoStar   (2734 bytes , 676reads )
My sincere invitation for you to beome one of the speakers on Sep 20 :) parrot   (60 bytes , 428reads )
所以还是要术业有专攻 closercc   (267 bytes , 467reads )
偶觉得做consultant的优势应该是自立门户 aspernet   (30 bytes , 409reads )
即可自立门户,也可指导别的公司发展 duck   (0 bytes , 278reads )
如果做到40岁 EchoStar   (501 bytes , 657reads )
hehe monk   (603 bytes , 611reads )
一语点醒梦中人 duck   (174 bytes , 453reads )
D兄谦虚了 monk   (27 bytes , 370reads )
这是个问题 倏然梦   (850 bytes , 426reads )
这个 原非   (2704 bytes , 1046reads )
最吸引我的应该是第二点吧^^ 倏然梦   (89 bytes , 465reads )
很想问一下 monk   (20 bytes , 446reads )
。。。是说我么 倏然梦   (44 bytes , 378reads )
原来 monk   (36 bytes , 355reads )
不是说了去做“建筑“了 aspernet   (27 bytes , 413reads )
这回贴的确不错, longman   (89 bytes , 338reads )
哇,红桃贴! parrot   (0 bytes , 291reads )
jj您终于现身了。。。 倏然梦   (40 bytes , 264reads )
"consult" = "Con" + "insult" Rick   (289 bytes , 769reads )
management consulting一般是从商学院要人,ITconsulting会从专业找人 closercc   (165 bytes , 611reads )
纠正一点 ning82   (106 bytes , 471reads )
M? monk   (14 bytes , 334reads )
这是一个服务行业,要看客户脸色说话的,客户就是上帝. closercc   (236 bytes , 537reads )
对头。consultant其实和sales没两样 原非   (0 bytes , 384reads )
应该说跟BU BD 没有两样 aspernet   (0 bytes , 257reads )
consulting是个听起来很美的工作 闻影   (245 bytes , 904reads )
同意,推荐 The consulting devil parrot   (205 bytes , 601reads )
支持一个。 14202   (41 bytes , 334reads )
自己up一个,长期征集资讯中 倏然梦   (12 bytes , 335reads )
各位大牛都来发言啊! 倏然梦   (126 bytes , 659reads )
但是我觉得你的背景很不错啊 Elsa   (44 bytes , 579reads )
o!你认识我??? 倏然梦   (177 bytes , 549reads )
come in 柳随风   (202 bytes , 776reads )
多两句嘴 ning82   (788 bytes , 510reads )
如果没有收到random的邀请信,怎么办呢? 倏然梦   (77 bytes , 338reads )
so S.... 柳随风   (46 bytes , 374reads )
。。。那岂不是说我又被random的bs了一次? 倏然梦   (13 bytes , 291reads )
ning82   (79 bytes , 310reads )
可是random也总得有点线索吧 倏然梦   (168 bytes , 273reads )
Does that means.... 倏然梦   (104 bytes , 568reads )
they do 柳随风   (0 bytes , 333reads )
我们公司正在招人 EchoStar   (12 bytes , 1235reads )
thx! 倏然梦   (14 bytes , 502reads )
BCG在nus有talk turquoise   (133 bytes , 530reads )
听说BCG的cut-off是first class 闻影   (17 bytes , 488reads )
这个太极端了,要从first class里面至少一半书呆子吧 年糕   (24 bytes , 485reads )
First class 为啥书呆子啊。。。会考试的人一般都不呆:p parrot   (0 bytes , 292reads )
不至于吧。。。在国内bcg也是只要清华北大的啊。。。 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 358reads )
多谢!站内给你咯:) 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 279reads )