when I read "Temasek JC 一位代表也没有", I believe the 网友 mentioned need to look for the reason(s) by himself as it is not the duties of anyone to answer.
when I read "各大小比赛主办者一定要引以为戒", I believe it is more related to reason(s) to cancel an event.
when I said "一項比赛办了二十五屆,理应有更大的宣傳", I told a few SIXGA EXCO members before the event on 7 to 9 Jun 2010 and this is also one of the reasons for the few publicity posts on it, of course, it would be even better if SIXGA can cover this 25th Raffles Cup in 象总棋讯 later.
I believe all wish to help in the publicity of this 1985 年至今最长记录的象棋赛. :-)