耒自多支棋队的至少三十二位棋手将協助测试 one of the areas, related to membership issue for 棋队团体赛。
As for 社区团体赛, we are thinking of -- all players from the same team are residents within the same CDC, there are 5 CDCs in Singapore, C.C. within the same CDC can form their own teams.
社区团体赛 with only 5 CDC boundaries is easier for forming teams as compared to 选区团体赛 with more than 80 选区 boundaries (During 2008 华族文化节碧山杯个人赛, added 选区团体赛 part by using 队员个人赛排名总分制 and failed) 第1届选区团体赛 was held in 1973 with 40 teams (from 65 选区 boundaries). Currently, 选区团体赛 are used for basketball and table tennis.
六届碧山联谊赛 from 会庆2004"东""南"六队 to 会庆(2005, 2007, 2009)新加坡中区CDC四队 to 新春2010五队碧山联谊赛 and 会庆2010七队碧山联谊赛 can provide more inputs before we decide on 社区团体赛 or 棋队团体赛。
会庆2004"东""南"六队 and 会庆(2005, 2007, 2009)新加坡中区CDC四队 were N队,N-1人,雅柏广场式联谊赛。
新春2010五队碧山联谊赛 and 会庆2010七队碧山联谊赛 follow the concept of 双多台制团体赛, the previous such events were 2002第三届直落亚逸芳林公园民众俱乐部象棋“七雄夺金马“一日循环团体赛(四人)赛制 and 2009象总中秋团体赛(四人)赛制。
For 2010碧山象棋会八周年会庆, 32 players from 义顺南、哥南亚逸、白沙东、北斗、甘榜格南、文礼 are invited to participate in 第六届碧山七队联谊赛, 双四台制 is to be used, teams with 四人 will have 四台 results with two other teams in 2 rounds, teams with 八人 will have 四台 results with four other teams in 2 rounds。