one needle drop blood,thx, i'll try to change..
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-12-29 14:57

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我的飞象定式研究,请大家指教。 吕大侠   (1373 bytes , 1617reads )
抗议三声! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 174reads )
up 棋一生   (0 bytes , 167reads )
(((吕大侠))),今天了解到进七兵的走法和理论, 真的要不同心态... kurubear   (81 bytes , 289reads )
2。 施由炳 先负 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (372 bytes , 342reads )
1。 施由炳 先负 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (552 bytes , 326reads )
张友彬 先负 吕瑞展 03-01-2010 吕大侠   (382 bytes , 320reads )
红弃车无理。车九平八相当优,黑出子速度落后。 peanut   (0 bytes , 244reads )
飞相局不好下的证明 几度   (139 bytes , 324reads )
象棋,象棋,以象局为最难局。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 345reads )
在忙拆解飞象局的对策,因为很多人在甲组下飞象局。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 290reads )
那你有的忙了,起马局,过宫炮,士角炮,进兵局都有人下。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 330reads )
你说得对,先忙飞象。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 228reads )
呵呵,吕大侠下象棋不必下的过于“辛苦”,乐在其中嘛。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 283reads )
如果明年拿不到冠军会变‘笑饼’。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 209reads )
i mean 2010 jun can't get champ, i will become laughing cookie... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 265reads )
大家的意见我会注意的,还是那句话,我要拿冠军! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 221reads )
谦受益,满招损。 桑原秀策   (257 bytes , 326reads )
好。那今年的比赛我在考虑看看,如果真的不行,或许我就不参加了。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 215reads )
老夫希望你参赛。把目标放保八争五比较实际。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 214reads )
Early congratz to 吕大侠 0000 kurubear   (4 bytes , 208reads )
我对吕大侠的评价。 xiaobeidou   (653 bytes , 318reads )
XBD....Can we have a game, when u free online? Late onight? ZJS   (96 bytes , 348reads )
今晚朋友生日不方便。礼拜6可以去象总我会去的。 xiaobeidou   (43 bytes , 258reads )
关于黑马 几度   (643 bytes , 273reads )
应该是今年有很多很厉害黑马冲上来打甲组。不是明年 0000 kurubear   (4 bytes , 224reads )
Technically speaking is 笑柄 ... kurubear   (273 bytes , 323reads )
总结:桑原秀策和几度说。。。 peanut   (104 bytes , 408reads )
直说的话 几度   (595 bytes , 280reads )
还有两句 几度   (104 bytes , 258reads )
From the games I see, kurubear   (190 bytes , 315reads )
还是那句话。 桑原秀策   (191 bytes , 246reads )
拿冠军需要运气 几度   (360 bytes , 252reads )
Add Oil add oil (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 251reads )
Are you sure? Maybe you want to check the game records for 2009-06 event... kurubear   (600 bytes , 347reads )
How strong are they at mid-games? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 234reads )
很辛苦,暂时还没找到满意的方案。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 215reads )
How about use 5-phao, can use... kurubear   (61 bytes , 216reads )
My experience with the elepant defence opening suggest that kurubear   (1265 bytes , 299reads )
吕瑞展盲棋一对二,旋风象棋软3.9 先胜,旋风象棋软1372先和。 吕大侠   (1457 bytes , 475reads )
下盲棋不错。 几度   (36 bytes , 305reads )
dunno, juz trying all sorts of ways to improve... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 232reads )
I chke cked and found your issue already people higlkighted to you. kurubear   (0 bytes , 256reads ) kurubear   (0 bytes , 498reads )
People say Kampong Glam got stronmg enemies, maybe you can try there (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 276reads )
几度 advice: Talk less. Read and think more. maybe can be of help.. kurubear   (98 bytes , 266reads )
简单的来说。学棋要勤劳,多摆摆棋局试靠自己的能力拆棋。 xiaobeidou   (504 bytes , 344reads )
吴特大说得对 HanTing   (226 bytes , 343reads )
黄荣岳怎么有那么多时间玩电脑游戏AION? peanut   (14 bytes , 431reads )
Looks interesting (storywise), if the Koreans can do same thing for XQ.. kurubear   (298 bytes , 298reads )
HanTing & xiaobeidou 你们两个要吃什么? 特级大师洪安豪   (299 bytes , 321reads )
特级大师洪安豪 got play XQ or only come in.. kurubear   (109 bytes , 303reads )
This person fh88_155hg looking for you at CXQ just now (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 239reads )
Got people play (blinded) XQ with software, a bit pointless right??? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 232reads )
第二局 kurubear 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (840 bytes , 302reads )
呵呵吕大侠欺负级别比你低两级的棋手。=P 建议。。 xiaobeidou   (192 bytes , 353reads )
还有6个月 几度   (268 bytes , 275reads )
想要拿冠军的就现在一起努力吧! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 240reads )
先定个理想也不错 几度   (74 bytes , 257reads )
这个不错,我也定个理想吧,明年争取拿个冠军 卷心菜   (69 bytes , 265reads )
You can also train students to win the championships... kurubear   (90 bytes , 345reads )
六个月后,我一定比现在强。我一定要拿冠军! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 222reads )
吕大侠您好,我预测2010年的新加坡象棋个人赛A组冠军为:吴宗翰 乾坤一统吴宗翰   (47 bytes , 401reads )
又来假扮我了。。 xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 240reads )
Use other people actual name to post... kurubear   (134 bytes , 291reads )
Cannot be that no one can pose a decent challenge (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 260reads )
吕大侠争冠军是好事,吕大侠正在研究如何后手“硬胜”先手飞相布局。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 303reads )
Can lead but to win need to... kurubear   (147 bytes , 268reads )
老大,我的想法。 peanut   (274 bytes , 313reads )
peanut所说是金玉良言啊 几度   (80 bytes , 223reads )
one needle drop blood,thx, i'll try to change.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 268reads )
For me.... kurubear   (353 bytes , 254reads )
You are stronger in 5-phao. Why play at discount with 5-elephant? peanut   (64 bytes , 292reads )
Also, he is bored.. kurubear   (978 bytes , 300reads )
Help bro to train for next year national tournament :-)... kurubear   (1075 bytes , 310reads )
这个说法有点霸气的感觉。但是也不能说完全不可能。 xiaobeidou   (245 bytes , 303reads )
“盘盘发挥自己拥有的水平”,这句话我明白, 你是第3 位对我说的人。谢谢! 吕大侠   (29 bytes , 229reads )
有得有失 几度   (226 bytes , 246reads )
我认为轻敌多数是看对到谁不是看争冠的心态。 xiaobeidou   (257 bytes , 315reads )
This player's view should seriously be considered for future tournaments (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 278reads )
预测过小吴世锦八强,小廖不败冠军,我看人的棋力最准。 桑原秀策   (42 bytes , 270reads )
或许你说得对。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 225reads )
Opinion not equal fact, also still 6 mths to go.. kurubear   (383 bytes , 301reads )
桑原秀策说 “看了看你的对局,我预测你明年肯定四强不入。” 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 332reads )
Maybe he not yet discover his mountain shaking skills yet, still got time (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 243reads )
What if enemy don't use elephant opening? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 249reads )
This game... kurubear   (334 bytes , 277reads )
请大家指教,第26着不走炮二进四能下什么? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 247reads )
第一局 kurubear 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (432 bytes , 298reads )
This test game confirmed.... kurubear   (76 bytes , 212reads )
第二局 赵金山 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (516 bytes , 293reads )
Can I take revenge for my DURIAN brother? 歌神   (40 bytes , 373reads )
One day he will need to 1 play 10 enemies same time soon :-) (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 299reads )
my hp number 94895973, call me if you interested to teach me some chess..... 歌神   (0 bytes , 415reads )
请大家帮个忙,后手方的开局错在哪里?谢谢。。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 234reads )
窃以为 几度   (88 bytes , 246reads )
第一局 赵金山 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (420 bytes , 296reads )
最近下的一局 几度   (749 bytes , 328reads )
有个问题 几度   (214 bytes , 349reads )
About the 7-Soldier advance 1... kurubear   (995 bytes , 292reads )
黑横车后第4回合红走兵7进1有自导自演嫌疑。 桑原秀策   (38 bytes , 329reads )
几度说得比较客观。 xiaobeidou   (211 bytes , 320reads )
几度所言极是,开局稳稳度过也没关系,象棋真正的较量在中局和残局。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 302reads )
There is some ... kurubear   (617 bytes , 299reads )
See if there is any loopholes, give comment, then i defend myself with my moves. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 262reads )
Maybe I can get my senior ... kurubear   (130 bytes , 291reads )
吕大侠, 2009-12-26 10.00pm CXQ free to test your elephant opening? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 290reads )
我是说无敌不死阵! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 262reads )
no such opening. 大忙人   (47 bytes , 262reads )
应该没有无敌不死阵,就好象没有无敌神功。 火影   (52 bytes , 281reads )
正么样?很厉害吧。。。简直就是对付飞象局的无敌不阵! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 510reads )
以上的定式是我对付飞象的对策,请问大家觉得如何? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 302reads )
How come all is cross-place phao? Maybe better to play with ppl 1st. (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 281reads )
i welcome any comment... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 232reads )
Cross palace cannon is my solution against flying elephant opening.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 328reads )
2009-12 Group B champion also knows how to play elephant opening... kurubear   (86 bytes , 257reads )