For me....
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-12-29 11:44

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my mentor say if I play elephant or kung-fu style opening, I risk stampede by my own elephant because the direction and control of the game is very precise. If it is playing as Black then is ok because of its lower risk. The pressure is on Red player mainly. So, for now, the simple 5-phao is my good friend for next few months at least. :-)

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我的飞象定式研究,请大家指教。 吕大侠   (1373 bytes , 1615reads )
抗议三声! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 173reads )
up 棋一生   (0 bytes , 167reads )
(((吕大侠))),今天了解到进七兵的走法和理论, 真的要不同心态... kurubear   (81 bytes , 288reads )
2。 施由炳 先负 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (372 bytes , 342reads )
1。 施由炳 先负 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (552 bytes , 326reads )
张友彬 先负 吕瑞展 03-01-2010 吕大侠   (382 bytes , 319reads )
红弃车无理。车九平八相当优,黑出子速度落后。 peanut   (0 bytes , 243reads )
飞相局不好下的证明 几度   (139 bytes , 324reads )
象棋,象棋,以象局为最难局。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 345reads )
在忙拆解飞象局的对策,因为很多人在甲组下飞象局。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 290reads )
那你有的忙了,起马局,过宫炮,士角炮,进兵局都有人下。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 330reads )
你说得对,先忙飞象。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 227reads )
呵呵,吕大侠下象棋不必下的过于“辛苦”,乐在其中嘛。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 282reads )
如果明年拿不到冠军会变‘笑饼’。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 209reads )
i mean 2010 jun can't get champ, i will become laughing cookie... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 265reads )
大家的意见我会注意的,还是那句话,我要拿冠军! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 221reads )
谦受益,满招损。 桑原秀策   (257 bytes , 325reads )
好。那今年的比赛我在考虑看看,如果真的不行,或许我就不参加了。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 214reads )
老夫希望你参赛。把目标放保八争五比较实际。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 213reads )
Early congratz to 吕大侠 0000 kurubear   (4 bytes , 208reads )
我对吕大侠的评价。 xiaobeidou   (653 bytes , 317reads )
XBD....Can we have a game, when u free online? Late onight? ZJS   (96 bytes , 347reads )
今晚朋友生日不方便。礼拜6可以去象总我会去的。 xiaobeidou   (43 bytes , 257reads )
关于黑马 几度   (643 bytes , 272reads )
应该是今年有很多很厉害黑马冲上来打甲组。不是明年 0000 kurubear   (4 bytes , 223reads )
Technically speaking is 笑柄 ... kurubear   (273 bytes , 322reads )
总结:桑原秀策和几度说。。。 peanut   (104 bytes , 408reads )
直说的话 几度   (595 bytes , 280reads )
还有两句 几度   (104 bytes , 257reads )
From the games I see, kurubear   (190 bytes , 314reads )
还是那句话。 桑原秀策   (191 bytes , 245reads )
拿冠军需要运气 几度   (360 bytes , 252reads )
Add Oil add oil (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 251reads )
Are you sure? Maybe you want to check the game records for 2009-06 event... kurubear   (600 bytes , 346reads )
How strong are they at mid-games? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 234reads )
很辛苦,暂时还没找到满意的方案。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 215reads )
How about use 5-phao, can use... kurubear   (61 bytes , 215reads )
My experience with the elepant defence opening suggest that kurubear   (1265 bytes , 299reads )
吕瑞展盲棋一对二,旋风象棋软3.9 先胜,旋风象棋软1372先和。 吕大侠   (1457 bytes , 475reads )
下盲棋不错。 几度   (36 bytes , 304reads )
dunno, juz trying all sorts of ways to improve... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 232reads )
I chke cked and found your issue already people higlkighted to you. kurubear   (0 bytes , 256reads ) kurubear   (0 bytes , 497reads )
People say Kampong Glam got stronmg enemies, maybe you can try there (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 276reads )
几度 advice: Talk less. Read and think more. maybe can be of help.. kurubear   (98 bytes , 266reads )
简单的来说。学棋要勤劳,多摆摆棋局试靠自己的能力拆棋。 xiaobeidou   (504 bytes , 343reads )
吴特大说得对 HanTing   (226 bytes , 343reads )
黄荣岳怎么有那么多时间玩电脑游戏AION? peanut   (14 bytes , 431reads )
Looks interesting (storywise), if the Koreans can do same thing for XQ.. kurubear   (298 bytes , 298reads )
HanTing & xiaobeidou 你们两个要吃什么? 特级大师洪安豪   (299 bytes , 320reads )
特级大师洪安豪 got play XQ or only come in.. kurubear   (109 bytes , 303reads )
This person fh88_155hg looking for you at CXQ just now (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 238reads )
Got people play (blinded) XQ with software, a bit pointless right??? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 232reads )
第二局 kurubear 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (840 bytes , 301reads )
呵呵吕大侠欺负级别比你低两级的棋手。=P 建议。。 xiaobeidou   (192 bytes , 353reads )
还有6个月 几度   (268 bytes , 275reads )
想要拿冠军的就现在一起努力吧! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 240reads )
先定个理想也不错 几度   (74 bytes , 257reads )
这个不错,我也定个理想吧,明年争取拿个冠军 卷心菜   (69 bytes , 265reads )
You can also train students to win the championships... kurubear   (90 bytes , 344reads )
六个月后,我一定比现在强。我一定要拿冠军! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 222reads )
吕大侠您好,我预测2010年的新加坡象棋个人赛A组冠军为:吴宗翰 乾坤一统吴宗翰   (47 bytes , 399reads )
又来假扮我了。。 xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 239reads )
Use other people actual name to post... kurubear   (134 bytes , 291reads )
Cannot be that no one can pose a decent challenge (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 259reads )
吕大侠争冠军是好事,吕大侠正在研究如何后手“硬胜”先手飞相布局。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 303reads )
Can lead but to win need to... kurubear   (147 bytes , 268reads )
老大,我的想法。 peanut   (274 bytes , 312reads )
peanut所说是金玉良言啊 几度   (80 bytes , 223reads )
one needle drop blood,thx, i'll try to change.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 268reads )
For me.... kurubear   (353 bytes , 253reads )
You are stronger in 5-phao. Why play at discount with 5-elephant? peanut   (64 bytes , 291reads )
Also, he is bored.. kurubear   (978 bytes , 299reads )
Help bro to train for next year national tournament :-)... kurubear   (1075 bytes , 309reads )
这个说法有点霸气的感觉。但是也不能说完全不可能。 xiaobeidou   (245 bytes , 303reads )
“盘盘发挥自己拥有的水平”,这句话我明白, 你是第3 位对我说的人。谢谢! 吕大侠   (29 bytes , 229reads )
有得有失 几度   (226 bytes , 246reads )
我认为轻敌多数是看对到谁不是看争冠的心态。 xiaobeidou   (257 bytes , 314reads )
This player's view should seriously be considered for future tournaments (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 277reads )
预测过小吴世锦八强,小廖不败冠军,我看人的棋力最准。 桑原秀策   (42 bytes , 270reads )
或许你说得对。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 224reads )
Opinion not equal fact, also still 6 mths to go.. kurubear   (383 bytes , 300reads )
桑原秀策说 “看了看你的对局,我预测你明年肯定四强不入。” 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 331reads )
Maybe he not yet discover his mountain shaking skills yet, still got time (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 242reads )
What if enemy don't use elephant opening? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 248reads )
This game... kurubear   (334 bytes , 277reads )
请大家指教,第26着不走炮二进四能下什么? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 246reads )
第一局 kurubear 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (432 bytes , 298reads )
This test game confirmed.... kurubear   (76 bytes , 212reads )
第二局 赵金山 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (516 bytes , 292reads )
Can I take revenge for my DURIAN brother? 歌神   (40 bytes , 373reads )
One day he will need to 1 play 10 enemies same time soon :-) (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 299reads )
my hp number 94895973, call me if you interested to teach me some chess..... 歌神   (0 bytes , 415reads )
请大家帮个忙,后手方的开局错在哪里?谢谢。。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 234reads )
窃以为 几度   (88 bytes , 245reads )
第一局 赵金山 先负 吕瑞展 (cxq 25min game) 29dec2009 吕大侠   (420 bytes , 296reads )
最近下的一局 几度   (749 bytes , 328reads )
有个问题 几度   (214 bytes , 348reads )
About the 7-Soldier advance 1... kurubear   (995 bytes , 292reads )
黑横车后第4回合红走兵7进1有自导自演嫌疑。 桑原秀策   (38 bytes , 329reads )
几度说得比较客观。 xiaobeidou   (211 bytes , 320reads )
几度所言极是,开局稳稳度过也没关系,象棋真正的较量在中局和残局。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 302reads )
There is some ... kurubear   (617 bytes , 298reads )
See if there is any loopholes, give comment, then i defend myself with my moves. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 262reads )
Maybe I can get my senior ... kurubear   (130 bytes , 290reads )
吕大侠, 2009-12-26 10.00pm CXQ free to test your elephant opening? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 289reads )
我是说无敌不死阵! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 261reads )
no such opening. 大忙人   (47 bytes , 262reads )
应该没有无敌不死阵,就好象没有无敌神功。 火影   (52 bytes , 281reads )
正么样?很厉害吧。。。简直就是对付飞象局的无敌不阵! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 510reads )
以上的定式是我对付飞象的对策,请问大家觉得如何? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 301reads )
How come all is cross-place phao? Maybe better to play with ppl 1st. (NM) kurubear   (0 bytes , 281reads )
i welcome any comment... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 231reads )
Cross palace cannon is my solution against flying elephant opening.. 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 327reads )
2009-12 Group B champion also knows how to play elephant opening... kurubear   (86 bytes , 257reads )