Wa, ZJS, your chinese really improved !! Can write good chinese......:)
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-08-06 09:02

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越下越过瘾,我开始想下棋了!大家来吧,我向大家挑战!有本事的尽管放马过来! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 1312reads )
洪安豪 1-1 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (703 bytes , 296reads )
吕瑞展 2-0 ZJS 吕大侠   (1759 bytes , 265reads )
他终于恢复一半平时的状态,我不是他的对手,只是同他切磋! :-) ZJS   (0 bytes , 200reads )
都恢复了一些 几度   (25 bytes , 174reads )
Wa, ZJS, your chinese really improved !! Can write good chinese......:) 歌神   (0 bytes , 198reads )
加油ZJS。 火影   (31 bytes , 207reads )
真有趣,你让我想起当年的粱甲。。。 ZJS   (45 bytes , 207reads )
你俩是战友? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 184reads )
Good Games !! Master Lv, Can I challenge you? My number is 94895973. 歌神   (31 bytes , 223reads )
巫汉梃 3-1 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (1702 bytes , 486reads )
我的棋艺简直不堪一击!我要努力!!!我要努力!!!我要努力!!! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 205reads )
那是当然 几度   (239 bytes , 242reads )
非也,你的这几个对手可以说都有强乙的水平了,而你的棋风又不像 杀着大全   (118 bytes , 211reads )
“贪攻忘守” 桑原秀策   (2 bytes , 204reads )
Tonight 0000 I am free, what wants to challenge me ?? 歌神   (0 bytes , 285reads )
Yes, waited for you but see no signs of the self-acclaimed! BS again.... ZJS   (0 bytes , 198reads )
I want to challenge you!!! But I hv no Roti Prata and Chicken Rice. ZJS   (0 bytes , 261reads )
"努力" does not equate to playing more games..... piggy888   (623 bytes , 294reads )
How come so quiet? No response from thy.... ZJS   (0 bytes , 239reads )
这道理我了解,我正在研究非中炮的秘密武器,一旦好了,就向大家 “讨教” 。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 205reads )
Come, challenge you. You are NasiLemak rite? ZJS   (0 bytes , 228reads )
haha...your knife is too sharp for me now, i need to sharpen my knife first.... piggy888   (0 bytes , 270reads )
哈哈。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 173reads )
ZJS 2-0 吕大侠 吕大侠   (1330 bytes , 215reads )
Thanks for the game too. Frankly, I think you are off-form... ZJS   (129 bytes , 256reads )
我又输了!谢谢ZJS我会更加努力的,下次一定要把你打倒。我太差劲了真是无地自容。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 195reads )
ZJS 3-1 吕大侠 吕大侠   (1883 bytes , 413reads )
看来我的状态真的不好 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 171reads )
Yes, people who knows me will know that.... ZJS   (172 bytes , 260reads )
吕大侠要小心!Game5,6,7 输的不是ZJS,90%是软件! Referee   (139 bytes , 360reads )
吕大侠 lost to a person called Lv Rui Zhan piggy888   (0 bytes , 293reads )
大家比赛前最好得罪这位Referee 几度   (34 bytes , 248reads )
game3 吕瑞展 先负 洪安豪(25min game) 吕大侠   (396 bytes , 477reads )
咳!没人理我,真是伤脑筋。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 191reads )
记得曾经看过一个棋评者评注! 棋一生   (84 bytes , 209reads )
多谢棋一生,这答案我喜欢。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 150reads )
好像是这样,黑方没有走炮8进5的传统招法,走了炮8进7考验红方。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 258reads )
请大家帮个忙,红方在第21步应该怎么下? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 186reads )
game2 廖铭濠-先负-吕瑞展 (25mingame) 吕大侠   (252 bytes , 294reads )
多谢大家的言论,我受益良多。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 159reads )
比上一盘好 几度   (40 bytes , 196reads )
咦,这是第几盘? 几度   (69 bytes , 188reads )
这是第2盘,黑方这样布阵能与红方抗衡吧。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 243reads )
需要拆解 几度   (44 bytes , 213reads )
也不需要看得太深马3+4肯定不好。走炮2+4或上个士为宜。 xiaobeidou   (112 bytes , 267reads )
小北斗的见解正确,上仕较马三进四稳正! 棋一生   (183 bytes , 294reads )
我也是这么认为。马3+4不能说是个败着。 xiaobeidou   (149 bytes , 242reads )
话是这么说 几度   (66 bytes , 203reads )
是啊。 xiaobeidou   (253 bytes , 222reads )
马三进四 几度   (56 bytes , 310reads )
比较难说,如是说实战走法那就像电脑了。这棋心理上还是有问题所以比较难接受 xiaobeidou   (211 bytes , 283reads )
不是 几度   (242 bytes , 249reads )
根据不同人的想法吧。 xiaobeidou   (435 bytes , 215reads )
看各人的能力 几度   (52 bytes , 210reads )
”经验同时也可以局限了自己计算的空间“,这句话我最近也在琢磨。 吕大侠   (32 bytes , 216reads )
下彩棋 -- personal experiences ...... 碧山   (689 bytes , 285reads )
This 8-player Round Robin will start soon after Boon Lay Team Event ..... 碧山   (369 bytes , 351reads )
希望大家可以理解一件事情。。 吕大侠   (307 bytes , 289reads )
吕大侠也请理解一件事情 几度   (712 bytes , 334reads )
good, very high 境界 杀着大全   (49 bytes , 232reads )
多谢几度指点迷津。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 250reads )
廖铭濠-先负-吕瑞展 (25mingame) 吕大侠   (673 bytes , 302reads )
说说这盘 几度   (182 bytes , 232reads )
Defeated my younger brother? I want to challenge you hand-to-hand.... Einstein   (17 bytes , 225reads )
i waiting at cxq now! anyone can come especially einstein... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 207reads )
嗯,好。 几度   (22 bytes , 219reads )
谁是第一位,我一定尽全力! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 208reads )
你的挑战是指下彩棋吗?我奉陪! xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 244reads )
对不起,我最近手头紧,而且我想戒赌。如果是新加波币一元,我可以接受。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 324reads )
请不要小看那一元,不是彩多或少的问题,而是尊严的问题。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 192reads )
是啊那么尊严可以当饭吃就好了。 xiaobeidou   (108 bytes , 233reads )
你是为棋而下棋还是为$而下棋? 棋一生   (128 bytes , 306reads )
I agree....as a real chess lover, i despise on people on... Einstein   (72 bytes , 242reads )
Yes, Einstein likes Chicken rice and roti prata more, does not like cash...... 歌神   (0 bytes , 247reads )
Ethics Part 1: The very fact was that you knew you were .... Einstein   (557 bytes , 323reads )
Haha, just a casual funny remark, why you get so agitated ? 歌神   (13 bytes , 291reads )
不是钱也不是棋是时间。 xiaobeidou   (706 bytes , 247reads )
你给我的印象并不是一个为钱而下棋的棋手,谢谢你的澄清! 棋一生   (43 bytes , 273reads )
哈哈哈,称霸新加坡棋坛数十年?敢问棋一生何以断定? 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 205reads )
“称霸”,我指的是“棋力”,不是年年夺冠! 棋一生   (151 bytes , 222reads )
谢谢你的夸奖但是我自己并不认为我的天赋高。。 xiaobeidou   (108 bytes , 226reads )
xiaobeidou不仅谦虚而且勤奋 佩服! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 218reads )
嗯,值得研究研究。数十年。 多啦A梦   (129 bytes , 175reads )
没有断定 几度   (20 bytes , 178reads )
我只是与xiaobeidou在这里轻松的开玩笑相信彼此都无恶意 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 258reads )
是的吕大侠要理解。 xiaobeidou   (210 bytes , 269reads )
我明白。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 251reads )
棋一生请放心以xiaobeidou的经济能力肯定是为了神乎棋技而下绝不会辜负他的天赋 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 226reads )
如果你俩下彩我可以搬个小板凳在旁边看吗? 一刀n断   (29 bytes , 240reads )
现在的小板凳也不便宜 几度   (70 bytes , 179reads )
可以 =) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 196reads )
吕大侠可以不要赌钱吗? 不赌钱才能保持你的尊严。 慢火煎鱼   (0 bytes , 292reads )
不下彩头还肯认真下棋的人我敬佩。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 202reads )
下彩棋的也可以尊重 几度   (540 bytes , 409reads )
你对别人推心置腹,而别人却耍诈! 棋一生   (1068 bytes , 306reads )
你的观点我明白但是听听我的。 xiaobeidou   (872 bytes , 250reads )
世事如此,不需要看得太重。 几度   (340 bytes , 338reads )
You alot of philosophy, you can be my alma-matte for Chess Physics. Ahoy! Einstein   (0 bytes , 254reads )
写华文吧 几度   (52 bytes , 249reads )
好像是晕头转向,写错了。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 187reads )
坦白讲,我写的云头转向。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 208reads )
I m also trying hard to read all the Chinese Text in this Chess column.... Einstein   (30 bytes , 297reads )
说的好!真是金玉良言。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 231reads )