"努力" does not equate to playing more games.....
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-07-31 10:18  评分:

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I feel that "sparring" is actually an "examination" of "what you know" and your ability to apply that knowledge. It also includes a player's physical condition as well as mental strength and stability.

Hence, trainings should be more focused instead of purely playing with different opponents everyday.

Example, if you want to train opening, you do research on a particular topic and conclude whatever you had learnt. If you want to train midgame, you can look at those midgames of china masters and think of what you are going to move if you are the masters. For end games, you can train by learning those "ding shi".

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越下越过瘾,我开始想下棋了!大家来吧,我向大家挑战!有本事的尽管放马过来! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 1315reads )
洪安豪 1-1 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (703 bytes , 296reads )
吕瑞展 2-0 ZJS 吕大侠   (1759 bytes , 265reads )
他终于恢复一半平时的状态,我不是他的对手,只是同他切磋! :-) ZJS   (0 bytes , 200reads )
都恢复了一些 几度   (25 bytes , 174reads )
Wa, ZJS, your chinese really improved !! Can write good chinese......:) 歌神   (0 bytes , 199reads )
加油ZJS。 火影   (31 bytes , 208reads )
真有趣,你让我想起当年的粱甲。。。 ZJS   (45 bytes , 208reads )
你俩是战友? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 184reads )
Good Games !! Master Lv, Can I challenge you? My number is 94895973. 歌神   (31 bytes , 223reads )
巫汉梃 3-1 吕瑞展 吕大侠   (1702 bytes , 486reads )
我的棋艺简直不堪一击!我要努力!!!我要努力!!!我要努力!!! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 205reads )
那是当然 几度   (239 bytes , 242reads )
非也,你的这几个对手可以说都有强乙的水平了,而你的棋风又不像 杀着大全   (118 bytes , 212reads )
“贪攻忘守” 桑原秀策   (2 bytes , 204reads )
Tonight 0000 I am free, what wants to challenge me ?? 歌神   (0 bytes , 285reads )
Yes, waited for you but see no signs of the self-acclaimed! BS again.... ZJS   (0 bytes , 198reads )
I want to challenge you!!! But I hv no Roti Prata and Chicken Rice. ZJS   (0 bytes , 261reads )
"努力" does not equate to playing more games..... piggy888   (623 bytes , 294reads )
How come so quiet? No response from thy.... ZJS   (0 bytes , 239reads )
这道理我了解,我正在研究非中炮的秘密武器,一旦好了,就向大家 “讨教” 。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 205reads )
Come, challenge you. You are NasiLemak rite? ZJS   (0 bytes , 229reads )
haha...your knife is too sharp for me now, i need to sharpen my knife first.... piggy888   (0 bytes , 270reads )
哈哈。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 174reads )
ZJS 2-0 吕大侠 吕大侠   (1330 bytes , 215reads )
Thanks for the game too. Frankly, I think you are off-form... ZJS   (129 bytes , 256reads )
我又输了!谢谢ZJS我会更加努力的,下次一定要把你打倒。我太差劲了真是无地自容。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 195reads )
ZJS 3-1 吕大侠 吕大侠   (1883 bytes , 413reads )
看来我的状态真的不好 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 171reads )
Yes, people who knows me will know that.... ZJS   (172 bytes , 260reads )
吕大侠要小心!Game5,6,7 输的不是ZJS,90%是软件! Referee   (139 bytes , 360reads )
吕大侠 lost to a person called Lv Rui Zhan piggy888   (0 bytes , 293reads )
大家比赛前最好得罪这位Referee 几度   (34 bytes , 248reads )
game3 吕瑞展 先负 洪安豪(25min game) 吕大侠   (396 bytes , 477reads )
咳!没人理我,真是伤脑筋。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 191reads )
记得曾经看过一个棋评者评注! 棋一生   (84 bytes , 209reads )
多谢棋一生,这答案我喜欢。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 151reads )
好像是这样,黑方没有走炮8进5的传统招法,走了炮8进7考验红方。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 258reads )
请大家帮个忙,红方在第21步应该怎么下? 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 186reads )
game2 廖铭濠-先负-吕瑞展 (25mingame) 吕大侠   (252 bytes , 295reads )
多谢大家的言论,我受益良多。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 159reads )
比上一盘好 几度   (40 bytes , 196reads )
咦,这是第几盘? 几度   (69 bytes , 188reads )
这是第2盘,黑方这样布阵能与红方抗衡吧。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 244reads )
需要拆解 几度   (44 bytes , 214reads )
也不需要看得太深马3+4肯定不好。走炮2+4或上个士为宜。 xiaobeidou   (112 bytes , 267reads )
小北斗的见解正确,上仕较马三进四稳正! 棋一生   (183 bytes , 294reads )
我也是这么认为。马3+4不能说是个败着。 xiaobeidou   (149 bytes , 243reads )
话是这么说 几度   (66 bytes , 203reads )
是啊。 xiaobeidou   (253 bytes , 222reads )
马三进四 几度   (56 bytes , 310reads )
比较难说,如是说实战走法那就像电脑了。这棋心理上还是有问题所以比较难接受 xiaobeidou   (211 bytes , 283reads )
不是 几度   (242 bytes , 249reads )
根据不同人的想法吧。 xiaobeidou   (435 bytes , 215reads )
看各人的能力 几度   (52 bytes , 210reads )
”经验同时也可以局限了自己计算的空间“,这句话我最近也在琢磨。 吕大侠   (32 bytes , 217reads )
下彩棋 -- personal experiences ...... 碧山   (689 bytes , 285reads )
This 8-player Round Robin will start soon after Boon Lay Team Event ..... 碧山   (369 bytes , 352reads )
希望大家可以理解一件事情。。 吕大侠   (307 bytes , 291reads )
吕大侠也请理解一件事情 几度   (712 bytes , 334reads )
good, very high 境界 杀着大全   (49 bytes , 232reads )
多谢几度指点迷津。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 250reads )
廖铭濠-先负-吕瑞展 (25mingame) 吕大侠   (673 bytes , 304reads )
说说这盘 几度   (182 bytes , 233reads )
Defeated my younger brother? I want to challenge you hand-to-hand.... Einstein   (17 bytes , 225reads )
i waiting at cxq now! anyone can come especially einstein... 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 207reads )
嗯,好。 几度   (22 bytes , 219reads )
谁是第一位,我一定尽全力! 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 209reads )
你的挑战是指下彩棋吗?我奉陪! xiaobeidou   (0 bytes , 245reads )
对不起,我最近手头紧,而且我想戒赌。如果是新加波币一元,我可以接受。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 324reads )
请不要小看那一元,不是彩多或少的问题,而是尊严的问题。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 193reads )
是啊那么尊严可以当饭吃就好了。 xiaobeidou   (108 bytes , 233reads )
你是为棋而下棋还是为$而下棋? 棋一生   (128 bytes , 307reads )
I agree....as a real chess lover, i despise on people on... Einstein   (72 bytes , 242reads )
Yes, Einstein likes Chicken rice and roti prata more, does not like cash...... 歌神   (0 bytes , 248reads )
Ethics Part 1: The very fact was that you knew you were .... Einstein   (557 bytes , 323reads )
Haha, just a casual funny remark, why you get so agitated ? 歌神   (13 bytes , 291reads )
不是钱也不是棋是时间。 xiaobeidou   (706 bytes , 247reads )
你给我的印象并不是一个为钱而下棋的棋手,谢谢你的澄清! 棋一生   (43 bytes , 273reads )
哈哈哈,称霸新加坡棋坛数十年?敢问棋一生何以断定? 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 205reads )
“称霸”,我指的是“棋力”,不是年年夺冠! 棋一生   (151 bytes , 222reads )
谢谢你的夸奖但是我自己并不认为我的天赋高。。 xiaobeidou   (108 bytes , 227reads )
xiaobeidou不仅谦虚而且勤奋 佩服! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 218reads )
嗯,值得研究研究。数十年。 多啦A梦   (129 bytes , 175reads )
没有断定 几度   (20 bytes , 178reads )
我只是与xiaobeidou在这里轻松的开玩笑相信彼此都无恶意 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 258reads )
是的吕大侠要理解。 xiaobeidou   (210 bytes , 269reads )
我明白。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 251reads )
棋一生请放心以xiaobeidou的经济能力肯定是为了神乎棋技而下绝不会辜负他的天赋 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 226reads )
如果你俩下彩我可以搬个小板凳在旁边看吗? 一刀n断   (29 bytes , 242reads )
现在的小板凳也不便宜 几度   (70 bytes , 179reads )
可以 =) 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 197reads )
吕大侠可以不要赌钱吗? 不赌钱才能保持你的尊严。 慢火煎鱼   (0 bytes , 295reads )
不下彩头还肯认真下棋的人我敬佩。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 202reads )
下彩棋的也可以尊重 几度   (540 bytes , 410reads )
你对别人推心置腹,而别人却耍诈! 棋一生   (1068 bytes , 307reads )
你的观点我明白但是听听我的。 xiaobeidou   (872 bytes , 250reads )
世事如此,不需要看得太重。 几度   (340 bytes , 338reads )
You alot of philosophy, you can be my alma-matte for Chess Physics. Ahoy! Einstein   (0 bytes , 254reads )
写华文吧 几度   (52 bytes , 249reads )
好像是晕头转向,写错了。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 187reads )
坦白讲,我写的云头转向。。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 208reads )
I m also trying hard to read all the Chinese Text in this Chess column.... Einstein   (30 bytes , 297reads )
说的好!真是金玉良言。 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 231reads )