appearing how many times during 2005 to 2009 .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-06-24 22:21

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

except 方建明, all had participated at least once during 2005 to 2008 (counted from the year of promotion to Grade B or later) ......

1 time 1 player 方建明

2 times 5 players 黄毅鸿 熊国玮 洪安豪 许永坤 黄俊阳

3 times 5 players 吴宗翰 梁文杰 潘满意 曹子航 郑木兴

4 times 4 players 莫文耀 朱永吉 刘再成 洪泉发

5 times 5 players 黄俊铭 康德荣 黄荣岳 洪天瑞 倪福良

These 20 records of 2009 全国个人赛 Group A and 4 promotion cases from Group B will be used to update the summary below when we do the next compilation of 有级棋士 in 2007 to 2009 全国个人赛.


2007 & 2008 (From Bishan Newsletter 2009)

40名有级棋士出席了象总主办的2007全国个人赛 与联办的2008全国个人赛(文礼联办)

象棋大师 吴宗翰 黄俊铭 康德荣 郑祥福 许 信 莫文耀

甲级棋士 黄荣岳 朱永吉 吕瑞展 熊国玮 胡海宇 邱冠杰 梁永兴 刘郁兴 杨高正
洪天瑞 卢国龙 倪福良 黄毅鸿 王英再 刘剑慧

乙级棋士 梁文杰 姚威和 刘茂荣 范永康 曹子航 黄培森 洪泉发 陈来兴 洪腓利
柳国斌 陈福全 郑木兴 刘再成 朱国忠 陈茂然 刘亿豪 林超贤 许永坤 刘广强


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
2009年新加坡全国象棋锦标赛! 棋一生   (2068 bytes , 2160reads )
现在全部A组B组名单已经出来了,有兴趣的朋友们可以竞猜各组冠军和前四名。 卷心菜   (32 bytes , 364reads )
我的四强:吴宗翰, 黄俊铭,黄毅鸿,康德荣 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 208reads )
我猜 一刀n断   (31 bytes , 276reads )
i guess 'A'group 1st: Huang Jun Ming, 'B'group 1st: Lai Jun Jie 吕大侠   (0 bytes , 296reads )
B组的名单呢? magician88   (63 bytes , 228reads )
名单在哪儿? 张辽   (0 bytes , 188reads )
综合棋一生和碧山的信息,已知A组20人中的18人名单 卷心菜   (157 bytes , 247reads )
所有A组20人名单出炉 卷心菜   (206 bytes , 361reads )
Omg , i am damn lag Eteng   (74 bytes , 289reads )
不参加的原因之一 几度   (402 bytes , 314reads )
unofficial, 刘剑慧 out, 梁文杰 in ...... 碧山   (0 bytes , 324reads )
appearing how many times during 2005 to 2009 ....... 碧山   (1092 bytes , 311reads )
ranking positions in the last 5 years ...... 碧山   (90 bytes , 283reads )
大多是单身汉,行情不好有家室的却步? 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 212reads )
也不一定啊,我上周刚刚成家,本周就赶着参赛了。 卷心菜   (96 bytes , 196reads )
你报名的是中国象棋吗? 几度   (42 bytes , 249reads )
终于想起来了,马走日,象走田。 卷心菜   (151 bytes , 240reads )
就说感慨 几度   (250 bytes , 239reads )
眼见为实 Eteng   (45 bytes , 216reads )
感谢Eteng和岳安(从唐山专程赶来)亲临我在北京的午宴! 卷心菜   (21 bytes , 289reads )
我就说我一直很欣赏您 Eteng   (22 bytes , 184reads )
Eteng在北京没学到请人吃饭? 几度   (98 bytes , 267reads )
很多danshen 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 378reads )
A组棋赛如期举行,赛制采7+2! 棋一生   (160 bytes , 349reads )
由于四位猛将最后一刻报名,A组人数参赛刚好达到二十名的指标! 棋一生   (188 bytes , 244reads )
恭喜恭喜,请问有二十位猛将的名单吗?俺想预测四强。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 238reads )
本来我跟卢国龙还想如果延期的话可以加入战围。那选拔赛还有吗? 火影   (0 bytes , 267reads )
如无出现特殊情况,应该不会有选拔赛! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 202reads )
打错:A组参赛人数 棋一生   (0 bytes , 244reads )
Changing The Rules of The Games .....……. 碧山   (2374 bytes , 287reads )
correction of typo error ..... 碧山   (52 bytes , 284reads )
象总理事诸公,怎么会无颜见江东父老? 棋一生   (1355 bytes , 362reads )
A study of records ........ 碧山   (1516 bytes , 333reads )
简单声明一下 几度   (524 bytes , 332reads )
by the way can yi ji go for the 选拔赛 waterchess   (0 bytes , 300reads )
过去5年A组的前6名! 棋一生   (36 bytes , 276reads )
if I am using your way of thinking, could I say ........ 碧山   (1408 bytes , 294reads )
章程略有修改,请有意参赛的棋手们仔细阅读! 棋一生   (3197 bytes , 543reads )
棋一生 well say waterchess   (1 bytes , 223reads )
suggest to proceed with Group A with the changes in 奖金 ........ 碧山   (462 bytes , 383reads )
呜呼哀哉!如果接纳这样的建议,要象总理事诸公如何面对棋友啊! 棋一生   (683 bytes , 298reads )
do you know .......... 碧山   (404 bytes , 311reads )
现金变成礼券 -- some clarifications ...... 碧山   (1227 bytes , 301reads )
别太敏感,现金变礼券棋手指的不是你的团体! 棋一生   (70 bytes , 330reads )
象总理事诸公如何面对棋友 ? 碧山   (1259 bytes , 258reads )
saw the latest rules dated 4 Jun 2009 and diagram at SIXGA ......... 碧山   (486 bytes , 365reads )
Todate, more than 30 players for the 3 groups, 2 more weeks to go .... 碧山   (160 bytes , 353reads )
todate close to 50 players with 7 in Group A ....... 碧山   (140 bytes , 257reads )
todate close to 60, one more week to go ..... 碧山   (69 bytes , 296reads )
todate, 10 for Group A, more than 50 for Group B ...... 碧山   (26 bytes , 291reads )
todate, 14 for Group A, more than 55 for Group B ...... 碧山   (306 bytes , 266reads )
Until yesterday, 1大师6甲级7乙级 ........ 碧山   (233 bytes , 283reads )
For Group A, could we have at least 10 more from these two days ....... 碧山   (148 bytes , 318reads )
七年来参加全国赛人数 ......... 碧山   (464 bytes , 266reads )
非典型性肺炎事件 .............. and H1N1 ........ 碧山   (160 bytes , 209reads )
the working staff are preparing for 92 players with 46 tables ..... 碧山   (323 bytes , 278reads )
heard that 公开B组66人, the highest number in the last 5 years ...... 碧山   (401 bytes , 364reads )
heard that someone wishes to register as No. 67 ....... 碧山   (135 bytes , 251reads )
公开A组, heard that 康德荣 registered too, 2 more to go ? 碧山   (0 bytes , 290reads )
In this case, 公开A组 having 25% 大师, i.e. 5 players. 碧山   (0 bytes , 296reads )
to encourage more players to join in future years, may be ....... 碧山   (207 bytes , 265reads )
公开B组 at least more than 25% with potential in Top 8 .......... 碧山   (163 bytes , 275reads )
公开A组 ........... some suggestions for future years .... 碧山   (1516 bytes , 278reads )
If Top 12 to be promoted ........ we could have 6 more Grade A ....... 碧山   (638 bytes , 299reads )
2008 and 2007 Group B Results ........ 碧山   (158 bytes , 262reads )
A&B combined group was used in 2006 and 2005. Top 20 promoted. 碧山   (0 bytes , 256reads )
So far 2008 Group B positions 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 ........... 碧山   (138 bytes , 296reads )
So far 2008 Group A only Position 3 in Top 10 registered....... 碧山   (85 bytes , 273reads )
good to see at least 4 of Top 10 registered....... 碧山   (122 bytes , 264reads )
how many of the names below are in this year competition ? 碧山   (142 bytes , 292reads )
Strange, am I being registered by anyone? ZJS   (109 bytes , 282reads )
I talked about 5 players from 2008 only and asking about others. 碧山   (0 bytes , 265reads )
Learning from the methods used in the last 5 years ....... 碧山   (1080 bytes , 348reads )
经赛务组澄清:今年B组的赛制有点特殊,难以给予一个适当的名称! 棋一生   (484 bytes , 399reads )
Proposal repeated again here for study ..... 碧山   (379 bytes , 291reads )
第八轮开始采用的是双败淘汰制! 棋一生   (967 bytes , 318reads )
八人双败淘汰赛(详细赛制) 卷心菜   (973 bytes , 487reads )
百度最佳答案 碧山   (249 bytes , 271reads )
国际惯例 -- is there a system for 3 rounds 八人双败淘汰 ? 碧山   (382 bytes , 261reads )
鉴于个人赛不可能有那么多时间,现提出简洁版4轮方案。 卷心菜   (809 bytes , 296reads )
这是个好建议,已向有关负责人推荐! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 271reads )
Yes, 7 + 4 proposed method is better ....... 碧山   (166 bytes , 266reads )
双败淘汰赛 ...... 碧山   (886 bytes , 288reads )
真抱歉!各组正确的比赛时限是加秒制60m+30s/每步(用数码棋钟)。 棋一生   (0 bytes , 286reads )
感觉用时大幅度缩短,大约70分钟走完30步后马上进入3分钟10步。 卷心菜   (91 bytes , 178reads )
saw the hardcopy rules at SIXGA, 60 mins + 30 secs ...... 碧山   (188 bytes , 294reads )
In view of the upcoming National Open, lets list the strongest..... sword92   (0 bytes , 384reads )
什么时候出炉比赛名单?斑竹可以开赔率赌马吗?斑竹那么多积分可以坐庄了! 偷天妙手   (0 bytes , 229reads )
i think i know who are u already waterchess   (0 bytes , 226reads )
你这么聪明今年不参加比赛真可惜!不然一定可以升甲级! 偷天妙手   (0 bytes , 237reads )
设想一套方案 偷天妙手   (404 bytes , 280reads )
庄家的基本要求 偷天妙手   (240 bytes , 267reads )
这个至少要等参赛名单出来别人才好下注吧。 卷心菜   (155 bytes , 261reads )
so卷心菜没报上名? 杀着大全   (12 bytes , 269reads )
报了 张辽   (0 bytes , 244reads )
很幸运,我的航班发现疑似病例,最后7排的乘客都被隔离了。我离隔离区仅有3排。。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 227reads )
呵呵,幸运! 张辽   (0 bytes , 147reads )
运气这么好,今年升级有望啦! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 181reads )
can sword92 reveal who are u? magician88   (17 bytes , 229reads )
你猜不到吗? 棋一生   (80 bytes , 259reads )
我认识他吗? magician88   (36 bytes , 202reads )
peanut已经讲得这样清楚,你还是无法猜到,哈哈,你今年升级无望! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 208reads )
玩笑不能这么开,要是真的不幸言中,某小朋友会郁闷的 zyne   (0 bytes , 247reads )
也是,明天上观音庙为他祝福,坏的不灵好的灵! 棋一生   (29 bytes , 268reads )
没有空口说白话,下午去烧香祝福啦! 棋一生   (53 bytes , 326reads )
还是要靠自己 几度   (28 bytes , 249reads )
廖铭濠 confirm no problem in getting top 4, it is only a question.... piggy888   (92 bytes , 332reads )
玩笑而已 zyne   (6 bytes , 201reads )
keke... qi yi sheng so smart woh..... sword92   (0 bytes , 286reads )
我知道你是谁。不是讲好以后不来了?为啥换了个马甲又出现? peanut   (18 bytes , 337reads )
你今年应该参加全国赛,有希望升级! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 198reads )
欢迎新人 撒花=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 196reads )
xie xie sword92   (0 bytes , 217reads )
Wu Ji (unranked) sword92   (0 bytes , 289reads )
Don't forget, I am still around! My knife still sharp! ZJS   (0 bytes , 318reads )
Obviously, an old knife needs more polishing.... ZJS   (56 bytes , 197reads )
yes, this year is tough, after ZJS, Magician, piggy "booked" 3 乙级 tickets, 卷心菜   (147 bytes , 248reads )
被各位漏算的就是黑马了,嘿嘿。 几度   (20 bytes , 211reads )
我相当想当黑马,哈哈! 杀着大全   (22 bytes , 287reads )
是啊? 几度   (34 bytes , 183reads )
no such thing as "booked" lah...... piggy888   (269 bytes , 264reads )
maybe magician is an exception... piggy888   (0 bytes , 274reads )
Yes, I want the top 4 position. Been overdue but.... ZJS   (138 bytes , 290reads )
Chen Guan Wen the legend. HanTing   (42 bytes , 280reads )
Liao Ming Hao HanTing   (0 bytes , 283reads )
廖铭濠, 张友彬, 巫汉廷,洪顺利,蔡俊杰,庄财钧,王相赋,赖俊杰 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 508reads )
呵呵,如此排名岂不是八强战文礼二少要自相残杀了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 223reads )
by the way i won't play this competition waterchess   (0 bytes , 228reads )
because most likely i won't be free waterchess   (0 bytes , 230reads )
廖铭濠 林家勇   (0 bytes , 189reads )
岳安,廖铭濠,乌汗停 Referee   (0 bytes , 346reads )
廖名豪 ... his chess is way above mine now..... piggy888   (0 bytes , 282reads )
Tou Tian Miao Shou 偷天妙手   (21 bytes , 241reads )
When are u free to go cxq play a fewgames? magician88   (0 bytes , 208reads )
看好张友彬! 张辽   (0 bytes , 199reads )
今年我看好郑启岁,张友彬,廖铭濠,三人至少晋级两人。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 211reads )
wu han ting magician88   (0 bytes , 229reads )
zhang you bin magician88   (0 bytes , 210reads )
Zhang You Bin also a favorite fairplay10   (0 bytes , 282reads )
Liao Ming Hao fairplay10   (0 bytes , 319reads )
廖铭濠,张友斌,洪培荣,王印 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 235reads )
Liao Ming Hao sword92   (0 bytes , 288reads )
Yi Ji (Division B player) sword92   (0 bytes , 289reads )
A number of good yijis HanTing   (252 bytes , 445reads )
梁文杰,梁华平,梁志顺 Referee   (0 bytes , 535reads )
lee guo hua ,liang hua ping ,liang wen jie, liu yi hao very strong yi ji waterchess   (0 bytes , 455reads )
李国华.... very very strong yiji. He got jiaji strength definitely piggy888   (0 bytes , 375reads )
Leong Mun Kit, Low Yi Hao, Lim Chau Sian, Ang Chuan Huat 偷天妙手   (0 bytes , 388reads )
Lin Chao Xian fairplay10   (0 bytes , 463reads )
Liang Wen Jie, Lee Guo Hua, Liang Zhi Shun fairplay10   (0 bytes , 361reads )
Liu Yi Hao sword92   (0 bytes , 281reads )
Jia Ji (Division A player) sword92   (0 bytes , 280reads )
Quite a number of strong Jiajis HanTing   (345 bytes , 376reads )
我顶棋一生老师。 peanut   (0 bytes , 326reads )
谢谢你这么看得起我! 棋一生   (82 bytes , 203reads )
棋一生真的不错不是假的 xiaobeidou   (350 bytes , 292reads )
赞同 几度   (200 bytes , 294reads )
谢谢你的夸奖! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 203reads )
路过龙,熊国伟,邱冠杰 Referee   (0 bytes , 379reads )
'路过龙'是外号吧? peanut   (28 bytes , 227reads )
lu guo long,hu hai yu,wang wei qing ,guo wei,wang eng zai,very strong jia ji waterchess   (40 bytes , 366reads )
Khoo jiaji, Ng jiaji, Yong jiaji 偷天妙手   (0 bytes , 280reads )
Huang Rong Yue, Hu Hai Yu, Lu Guo Long fairplay10   (0 bytes , 395reads )
Qiu Guan Jie (Shld be half fight with Lu Guo Long depending on who red) sword92   (0 bytes , 318reads )
Lu Guo Long sword92   (0 bytes , 277reads )
Master sword92   (0 bytes , 210reads )
Every Master HanTing   (340 bytes , 296reads )
赖汉顺大师 林家勇   (0 bytes , 206reads )
黄俊明、吴宗翰, mo wen yao waterchess   (0 bytes , 202reads )
GM Woo, GM Ng, M Mok, M Kng, 偷天妙手   (0 bytes , 227reads )
黄俊明、吴宗翰 张辽   (0 bytes , 275reads )
Wu Zhong Han fairplay10   (0 bytes , 306reads )
吴宗翰大师,黄俊铭大师,林耀森大师 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 235reads )
I support Wu Zhong Han sword92   (0 bytes , 229reads )
今年恐怕还是没时间参加了,祝各位超水平发挥 张辽   (36 bytes , 169reads )
如果经费允许年底可能还会再举办一个B组全国赛! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 201reads )
如果七月三日休息,我就可以参加。 火影   (22 bytes , 196reads )
比赛时间表! 棋一生   (903 bytes , 333reads )
记得! 火影   (95 bytes , 195reads )
有网友问有没有继续采取最后两轮4强半决赛决赛的赛制? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 194reads )
对不起,B组的棋赛制度有更改! 棋一生   (150 bytes , 328reads )
有待小组讨论! 棋一生   (91 bytes , 262reads )
嗯,可惜。谢谢棋一生的比赛时间表,有空我会去支持。 火影   (0 bytes , 236reads )
不会吧,这么巧?我也希望7月3日休息。 卷心菜   (24 bytes , 240reads )
你跟你老婆都是什么星座的? 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 209reads )
都是巨蟹座啊 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 195reads )
可以报名了? 王印   (45 bytes , 179reads )
这次可能只是星期五,六,日。 卷心菜   (59 bytes , 214reads )
。。。 Eteng   (66 bytes , 223reads )
我想这规则只是对男选手的,女选手是允许穿吊带,热裤,短裙,拖鞋的。 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 338reads )
联想一下 几度   (81 bytes , 235reads )
just jking Eteng   (24 bytes , 217reads )