personally, I feel that the two 贴 from "smallfry" are having better meanings (in 棋人棋事, talking about 一刀n断的作文) if we look at the objective for 悟入棋途
创建于2003年3月10日 欢迎在新棋友讨论棋艺棋讯棋人棋事
4. regarding 八卦贴, we can say those 贴 from "碧山" are 八卦贴 too, why compile all future xiangqi activities, let SIXGA or whoever to compile, why talk about [At least 4 of the 12 teams are showing their concerns of the current ......N-1 players for N teams, one day two rounds method. In fact, I discussed about the method with 黄少龙教授 too, I passed to him .......], why talk about .......
5. notice that fewers and fewers writers in 悟入棋途 currently, {after Beijing 2008} could not be the valid reason anymore, all are too busy now ? Any other reason(s) ?