relatively quiet these three days, less than 25 posts and 10 writers ......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-09-07 13:26

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

possible reason, mooncake festival is coming ? :)

黑炮2-1你能炮砸士吗? - magician88 24 字节 2008-09-07 13:20 (6 点击)
另一变 - 几度 172 字节 2008-09-07 13:13 (8 点击)
怡和轩杯第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛(新加坡)(10月20-26日) ...... the programmes .... - 齐启棋 316 字节 2008-09-07 13:07 (2 点击)
2008 宗乡会馆学生个人赛 (22 & 23 Nov) and 碧山会员赛 (15 Nov to 14 Dec) ....... - 碧山 488 字节 2008-09-07 11:59 (7 点击)
may need tp follow BOSS to Zaobao free concert at Botanic Garden on Sunday .... - 齐启棋 90 字节 2008-09-06 09:36 (13 点击)
人协乐龄象棋活动 or 人协象棋活动 ...... - 碧山 287 字节 2008-09-06 09:32 (12 点击)
团体联赛 concept was discussed in July 2006 ........ - 齐启棋 311 字节 2008-09-06 00:00 (15 点击)
转载:中国象棋走向世界的号角已经吹响 - 几度 3289 字节 2008-09-05 21:36 (25 点击)
团体赛还有其他因素 - 几度 1041 字节 2008-09-05 20:55 (21 点击)
全力以赴争取在2009年恢复团体赛--by棋一生 - 卷心菜 14 字节 2008-09-05 14:26 (18 点击)
Recently, the issue of 团队精神 was surfaced .......... - 齐启棋 847 字节 2008-09-05 12:44 (21 点击)
这四位也是我心目中最佳阵容。2001 -- 2008 冠军。 - smallfry 0 字节 2008-09-05 11:33 (17 点击)
其实想起来有点气,明明新加坡实力不止如此! - 火影 436 字节 2008-09-05 11:18 (28 点击)
历届亚洲杯简介 till 2002 .... 1990 and 1992 女子团体亚军新加坡 .... - 齐启棋 4288 字节 2008-09-05 11:01 (25 点击)
Singapore ranking average is between 7th to 8th in past 14 亚洲象棋锦标赛 ...... - 齐启棋 0 字节 2008-09-05 07:45 (20 点击)
没有得罪不得罪的问题。 - 几度 440 字节 2008-09-04 21:26 (34 点击)
do not see any link. ...... or you can say ..... - 齐启棋 162 字节 2008-09-04 14:38 (23 点击)
吕大侠很久没贴棋局了,怪想念的。 - peanut 0 字节 2008-09-04 14:19 (17 点击)
哈哈,被发现齐启棋=smallfry, 还不沾边/辞谈大事? - peanut 128 字节 2008-09-04 14:13 (25 点击)
联系蔡泽文 - 炮卒 21 字节 2008-09-04 14:12 (20 点击)
To use the selection of 2008亚洲赛国家少年代表 as an example ...... - 齐启棋 951 字节 2008-09-04 13:31 (39 点击)
陈一龙是因考A水准而让贤而非被质疑棋力和建议让贤。苹果与橙。 - 火影 0 字节 2008-09-04 13:24 (26 点击)

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
目录 -- 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ........... 齐启棋   (360 bytes , 779reads )
Chapter 15 -- 亚洲象棋锦标赛 ...... 齐启棋   (297 bytes , 278reads )
怡和轩杯第15届亚洲象棋锦标赛(新加坡)(10月20-26日) ...... the programmes .... 齐启棋   (316 bytes , 322reads )
柳大华特级大师一对十闭目赛 ........ 齐启棋   (415 bytes , 305reads )
In addition to 19 Oct at 怡和轩, SIXGA is planning to have another one ..... 碧山   (71 bytes , 262reads )
To include the starting parts ........ 齐启棋   (176 bytes , 292reads )
Singapore ranking average is between 7th to 8th in past 14 亚洲象棋锦标赛 ...... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 261reads )
历届亚洲杯简介 till 2002 .... 1990 and 1992 女子团体亚军新加坡 .... 齐启棋   (4288 bytes , 356reads )
Workplan for Compiling 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ........... 齐启棋   (1163 bytes , 302reads )
The dreams of 一个象棋爱好者 on Singapore Future ....... 齐启棋   (1155 bytes , 311reads )
To use the selection of 2008亚洲赛国家少年代表 as an example ...... 齐启棋   (951 bytes , 290reads )
we should not create noises at this 11th hour ........ 齐启棋   (750 bytes , 276reads )
我, ,齐启棋ci谈大事。 , 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 248reads )
我, 齐启棋辞谈大事. 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 230reads )
不谈也好,辞谈也罢。。(好像有语病) 洛三儿   (129 bytes , 318reads )
不好意思,没有辞谈这个词语 ...... 齐启棋   (182 bytes , 273reads )
我, 齐启棋只谈1995 -- 2009 新加坡十五年象棋活动之一二 ...... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 271reads )
The Selection and Training of 国家队 ....... 齐启棋   (873 bytes , 323reads )
The best approach now is ....... 齐启棋   (1213 bytes , 252reads )
哈哈,被发现齐启棋=smallfry, 还不沾边/辞谈大事? peanut   (128 bytes , 281reads )
do not see any link. ...... or you can say ..... 齐启棋   (162 bytes , 243reads )
Could all Singapore Xiangqi Lovers please do a reading of SIXGA ..... 齐启棋   (180 bytes , 271reads )
10-year (1994 to 2004) report in details ....... 齐启棋   (315 bytes , 306reads )
Chapter 7 or 8 -- 新加坡全国象棋个人赛 七位 or 八位 新冠军 depending on 2009 ... 齐启棋   (388 bytes , 313reads )
等级分 reports in these 对局记录 ..... 齐启棋   (672 bytes , 312reads ) 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 317reads )
Chapter 5 五年来 or Chapter 12. 十二年象总会所 ........ 齐启棋   (79 bytes , 206reads )
象棋个人赛 -- Chapter 7, 8 or 13 (棋讯) ........ 碧山   (359 bytes , 348reads )
2008 甘榜格南象棋个人赛 ...... 齐启棋   (423 bytes , 358reads )
Results -- Players with 11 points or above in the Top 10 ..... 齐启棋   (419 bytes , 528reads )
2008 甘榜格南象棋个人赛颁奖后拍全体照 ...... 碧山   (133 bytes , 261reads )
恭喜张顺喜获得冠军!郑启岁屈居第二. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 338reads )
应该是郑启岁第三,林X炳第二,抱歉不会念这个字。 smmasing   (0 bytes , 272reads )
could be written wrongly, if 猷, 念由。 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 194reads )
Chapter 6 -- 六年的小学象棋团体赛 (Nov 2003 -- Nov 2009) 齐启棋   (313 bytes , 267reads )
Chapter 9 -- 新加坡九支棋队 ....... 齐启棋   (530 bytes , 292reads )
Players by Clubs ........ 齐启棋   (607 bytes , 243reads )
Recently, the issue of 团队精神 was surfaced .......... 齐启棋   (847 bytes , 298reads )
全力以赴争取在2009年恢复团体赛--by棋一生 卷心菜   (14 bytes , 226reads )
团体联赛 concept was discussed in July 2006 ........ 齐启棋   (311 bytes , 278reads )
悟入棋途 will be covered under Chapter 13 棋讯 if decided ....... 齐启棋   (84 bytes , 235reads )
relatively quiet these three days, less than 25 posts and 10 writers ...... 齐启棋   (2135 bytes , 310reads )
A Snapshot of 悟入棋途 ....... 齐启棋   (9437 bytes , 504reads )
Apa ini, lu membosankan la? 火影   (0 bytes , 211reads )
是的。。。 八卦一下。。。我的看法。。。一点意见。。。 齐启棋   (1721 bytes , 320reads )
I just want to share my observations here ..... 齐启棋   (439 bytes , 403reads )
哈哈你不服我的没被删,你的smallfry被删。想借班主之力删我的贴。 peanut   (490 bytes , 228reads )
Yesterday should be the most active day in the past, say about 8 weeks, ...... 齐启棋   (5681 bytes , 258reads )
a check of the writers of last 12 or 13 days ....... 齐启棋   (890 bytes , 343reads )