well done, thanks for showing us the concept .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-10 08:22

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
personally, I feel that 棋人生专栏 is not needed as his main duties now, as mentioned during Bishan Xiangqi Club 6th Anniversary Celebration, is as trainer instead of Acting Chairman for the EXCO members of Bishan Xiangqi Club. He will be doing backroom works and not standing in front of the club, he is hoping to complete all the arrangements in Bishan Xiangqi Club, SIXGA and 悟入棋途 within this month.

As for me, I do not need a 专栏, I will contribute to 悟入棋途 in personal capacity if I have articles / information.

I need to resend 海外来稿 : 黄少龙(中国象棋大师) -- 漫谈象棋人才 to talk about 六种象棋人才 again as I find that some of the players still do not have this concept regarding "although 棋手是最重要的人才 but 六种人才,各有所用,不可缺一"。

You can group 象棋活动组织者 as people playing politics, but at the same time, 象棋活动组织者是象棋活动的领军人物, without 象棋活动组织者, how can we able to have the various competitions ? This is also one of the reasons for me to share the various points to note in 悟入棋途 using 2008 Bishan Cup as an example on how to organise a competition.


From the first day, I have considered my service in Bishan Xiangqi Club as National Service, started with 2 years, extended to 4 years, further extended to 6 years. As mentioned by 碧山象棋会会务顾问 previously, we do not need to have a limit on number of years for the Chairman of the C.C. interest group. Personally, I feel that it is still better to have a limit so that people are more willing to come out to serve, this is why we change our constitution to have maximum of 2 terms for the Chairman.

Of course, no point for me to talk further.

The most important person to me now is my boss, as for others, who care whether is ??? :P

As senior citizen, we share our experiences but the choice is yours.

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