所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2014-04-26 19:37

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
那我是否可以最后只付他255 ? 因为他什么都没做嘛,我们也不想他做了。

All our item is chargeable and we had done and completed. Include painting also, 3 coasting was done. The foc( free of charge item) will be omitted from our agreement.new agreement or invoice will be issue if your agree to do it and price will be chargeable.

1. Supply & install 1 no of lighting point c/w switch. -$35.
2. Provide labour to install 1 no of light fitting. - $10.
3. Provide labour to install 1 no of hanging light. -$30.
4. Provide labour to install 1 no of cystal light depend on size, weight, and design. -$100 to $800.
5. Provide labour to install 1 no of ceiling fan. -$50.
6. Provide labour to disconnect wiring after dismantle of partition.- $80.


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