所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2016-09-06 15:59

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但是你的孩子不一定这样想,你认为义勇军进行曲才是国歌,可是你的孩子只会Majulah Singapura。

最近刚好看到一个二代中国移民的发帖,里面就很好地讲了自己的困惑:自己明明是新加坡人,可是自己的名字和普通话却让别人认为自己是中国来的,所以只敢在外面说singlish或者英文,甚至喊出了Seriously, how many pink ICs must I hold, how many tuition classes do I need to send my future kids for, and how many plates of chicken rice must I eat before such people deem me worthy of passing through the golden gates that would mark me as "a true Singaporean"?



There was once an old lady sat next to me on the train after school. She started talking to me in Mandarin, with me only nodding my head in response (I was pretty tired from a long day at school). It started off nice enough, with her talking about how things have changed. Then, with a loud, accusatory tone, she said, "这些外国人啊,把我们的工作和房子都偷走了。尤其是那些中国人。" I wasn't surprised by her sentiments. I just nodded back in silence - not in agreement, but in resignation.

I see comments online accusing the government of 'buying' "foreign talents" like they're commodities to be traded and not actual people. "Send them back," some say, like these "foreign talents" are defective goods which the government have wasted money on and should demand a refund for. How I wish money was actually so easily and nonchalantly thrown at my family by the government as these people presume it is. Decades ago, during the engineering boom in Singapore, my father was scouted to be one of these said "foreign talents". My parents left their previous jobs, their families, even their language and culture to come here; my mother told me about how she packed along a huge Chinese-English dictionary because she was afraid my father wasn't good enough for Singapore. We never made big money from the government or anything like that. My parents just came here looking for a better life, as did many other people all those years ago.

We're essentially a nation of immigrants, whereby the only possible distinction lies in how far back we draw our family histories. However, during introductions, I still hesitate to tell others my name. When ordering food at hawker centres, I always speak in fluent English/Singlish to the auntie or uncle at the stall, because my accent would betray me if I were to speak in Mandarin. Heck, I was born in Singapore, lived here all my life, went through PSLE, 'O' Levels, 'A' Levels and all that fun jazz. Having been drilled every morning at school since young, I can recite the national pledge word for word, sing "Majulah Singapura" note for note, and have no idea how my supposed home country's equivalent sounds like; I say "supposed" because the only home country I am willing to identify with is Singapore. Yet all that seems to be of less importance when others see or hear my name, or any name of a similar structure to mine. "You from China ah? Your family from China is it?" I dread the times when I hear those questions, because in my mind's eye, I can see the other party turning up their nose and narrowing their eyes ever so slightly at this 'outsider' in their midst, contaminating what they deem the 'pure' social fabric of Singapore. This is obviously just my paranoia speaking, however sometimes I can't help but feel like these fears may unfortunately hold the tiniest bit of truth, especially when I come across certain unpleasant individuals who brandish the title of "true blue Singaporean" in the faces of those they deem unworthy. Seriously, how many pink ICs must I hold, how many tuition classes do I need to send my future kids for, and how many plates of chicken rice must I eat before such people deem me worthy of passing through the golden gates that would mark me as "a true Singaporean"?

- 土豆

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【吐槽八卦】中文这么美好有内涵的语言大家为什麽不珍惜~~~~ Eight   (1311 bytes , 7061reads )
不知道是不是就我有这种感觉。 yuanman66   (108 bytes , 36reads )
很同意,更深一层想,中华文化这么博大精深,我们娃儿不能传承很可惜 政治反动色彩   (26 bytes , 38reads )
我觉得我的中文直线下降了啊 我爱李延亮   (86 bytes , 40reads )
其实我觉得吧,语言这种东西怎么舒服怎么来 Ex2   (290 bytes , 34reads )
阅读理解差评啊 Eight   (112 bytes , 49reads )
哦,确实理解有误 Ex2   (156 bytes , 34reads )
恩各人看法不同 Eight   (882 bytes , 37reads )
这个我赞同 Ex2   (52 bytes , 34reads )
根本不是语言问题 trycatch   (163 bytes , 41reads )
其实我们听马华讲中文和英国人听坡人讲英文感觉应该一样 typhoonzj   (0 bytes , 35reads )
我是觉得要把发音和用词两件事分开看 南洋暴雪   (1159 bytes , 50reads )
没必要把对自己的要求变成对新加坡‘华文’的批判 yueli   (242 bytes , 32reads )
完全赞同你的说法;英国人在新加坡生活一辈子都不会学新加坡英文口音的 又来狮城   (682 bytes , 47reads )
私以为他们不改口音,也是因为singlish腔调和正宗英语差太远 小馋牛   (114 bytes , 42reads )
一直在努力纠正我娃发音 凡人   (737 bytes , 38reads )
幼儿园不少国内华文老师 朵朵樱桃   (111 bytes , 39reads )
听过中国来的华文老师说 一条头发 F_boxin   (42 bytes , 50reads )
说起这个,我女儿每次涂色都会说彩 武汉伢   (151 bytes , 45reads )
因为中国来的中文老师也被坡同化了。。。 塑料玫瑰   (187 bytes , 39reads )
我也注意到彩这个词了 朵朵樱桃   (37 bytes , 35reads )
同意楼主的说法 王小蒙真萌啊   (174 bytes , 34reads )
感觉他们无法发出u这个音 xiaxiaxia   (36 bytes , 33reads )
你不是一个人哈哈~ Seven116   (65 bytes , 31reads )
握爪 xiaxiaxia   (16 bytes , 30reads )
路过支持 明年今日   (0 bytes , 41reads )
地球村就是这样的 大叔一名   (157 bytes , 26reads )
我回国的时候在我家那边剪头发 Eight   (67 bytes , 92reads )
youtube上还有马来西亚做的这种方言的视频 typhoonzj   (109 bytes , 33reads )
其实一些老安替 你说普通话 她可能听的还不顺呢 1743sg   (29 bytes , 47reads )
中文越来越差了~ joeyliu1980   (76 bytes , 39reads )
这里很多口语 SkyBlue042   (24 bytes , 48reads )
这个是粤语的直译 SkyBlue042   (74 bytes , 32reads )
哈哈!所以,来了八年我也还是说普通话,而不是坡语。 塑料玫瑰   (121 bytes , 35reads )
小孩子的发音应该很难控制吧 明楼   (44 bytes , 32reads )
目前为止,还好。老大6.5岁,19个月开始上的幼儿园 塑料玫瑰   (74 bytes , 38reads )
个人经验 是可以控制的 艾嘎嘎   (519 bytes , 34reads )
各人表示不仅中文无法忍 明楼   (32 bytes , 41reads )
去了上海要不要学上海话,说上海话? 粉粉藸   (417 bytes , 39reads )
可是我觉得你用白居易写诗还要不识字的老妇人能听懂这个例子来类比 Eight   (128 bytes , 43reads )
或许你坚持要讲正宗普通话 寻Q人   (3990 bytes , 70reads )
追根究底还是中国歧视 SkyBlue042   (137 bytes , 30reads )
对于老中被歧视这种问题,吃瓜群众表示毫无办法,大家只能默默去抢他们工作房[…] 寻Q人   (12 bytes , 40reads )
@唐甬 请中新大战的大师来说说 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 34reads )
哈哈,大过节的,熊猫不要顽皮 唐甬   (217 bytes , 28reads )
因为靠中文在 SkyBlue042   (966 bytes , 41reads )
不会吧,新马两地的方言楼主爸妈居然统统都会 Ex2   (32 bytes , 28reads )
楼主的口音灰常不标准,胡建人你懂的 Eight   (439 bytes , 47reads )
楼主客气了! SkyBlue042   (1054 bytes , 41reads )
所以层主是熟练掌握华语英语粤语和马来语的人哪 Eight   (114 bytes , 50reads )
其实我觉得说一些方言的词是可以接受的(坡式中文算是方言吧) 小叶女贞   (607 bytes , 35reads )
楼主想多了 1743sg   (114 bytes , 28reads )
没有高级不高级 Eight   (698 bytes , 42reads )
我也没喷你嘛。。。 1743sg   (548 bytes , 46reads )
你说的道理,可能是我比较狭隘 Eight   (213 bytes , 44reads )
哈哈哈科普了好多本地语言啊! Taiboplay   (262 bytes , 36reads )
有时候坚持说标准普通话会让自己和孩子显得格格不入 走走   (218 bytes , 37reads )
你说的也对哦 Eight   (250 bytes , 37reads )
同感 P莹莹   (56 bytes , 30reads )
学当地人的用词主要是为了交流方便(懒) 灵山   (162 bytes , 74reads )
中文:英文!!!华文是个什么玩意儿!!楼主早被同化了还在这里zhuang[…] 冰是睡着的水   (6 bytes , 42reads )
首先14楼里面楼主已经说了,有时候自己也会说一些的,毕竟在这里 Eight   (444 bytes , 44reads )
不滚,我就静静地看着你装*** :P 冰是睡着的水   (0 bytes , 52reads )
哈哈哈哈v587 走走   (28 bytes , 38reads )
撕逼大战恐一触即发 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 33reads )
楼主来啦~ Eight   (0 bytes , 36reads )
语言还是要有点文化因素的,新加坡的中文就是方言的一种 地道中国人   (118 bytes , 30reads )
我在西安读的大学 一米阳光   (213 bytes , 38reads )
楼主好有才 vililytan   (136 bytes , 32reads )
太好笑了 蛋蛋2009   (133 bytes , 47reads )
还有啊 hudasm   (161 bytes , 32reads )
空隙似乎是对的 南洋暴雪   (46 bytes , 33reads )
肮脏好像猪圈我也不这么用 王小蒙真萌啊   (16 bytes , 32reads )
对啦对啦 hudasm   (76 bytes , 36reads )
LZ 8点差4个字出门的? 不睡觉的鱼   (32 bytes , 46reads )
这个几个字的是福建的习惯 baby_donuts   (12 bytes , 38reads )
我家里也说几个字几个字啊,八点三个字,还有做工,目测这是粤语出来的,也是[…] 寻Q人   (37 bytes , 37reads )
语言是被人用的 leciel   (156 bytes , 43reads )
嗯确是不能混淆坡国 人的华语和马国人的华语。 高山流水   (119 bytes , 38reads )
哇好厉害 Eight   (108 bytes , 33reads )
这些词都是华新上看大家帖子学的 Eight   (216 bytes , 42reads )
同意,认识的马国华人中文普遍比坡人好 juliana   (74 bytes , 33reads )
深有同感 Seven116   (181 bytes , 39reads )
曾经听不惯肮脏+1 COM1挣扎者   (159 bytes , 30reads )
第一次听到别人说巴仙是在电话里 juliana   (82 bytes , 28reads )
我也是! COM1挣扎者   (84 bytes , 82reads )
有些词永远听不习惯 疯狂的加菲   (828 bytes , 36reads )
你的中文水平太好了阿哈哈哈哈 COM1挣扎者   (112 bytes , 31reads )
哈哈哈哈,太赞同了 F_boxin   (44 bytes , 35reads )
肮脏 一米阳光   (39 bytes , 34reads )
不用说坡人啦 一厢情愿   (120 bytes , 47reads )
肮脏什么问题啊 小红和阿蓝   (4 bytes , 40reads )
肮脏 r3865488   (142 bytes , 31reads )
那这就不是规范问题 小红和阿蓝   (145 bytes , 34reads )
口语习惯不是大问题 r3865488   (307 bytes , 30reads )
看新加坡网上的中文新闻我最大的感受就是 Eight   (151 bytes , 35reads )
其实人家就是想说“据说” 南洋暴雪   (0 bytes , 37reads )
哈哈哈 lomo35   (22 bytes , 26reads )
还有个更不舒服的 r3865488   (85 bytes , 41reads )
哈哈哈说了我不敢说的话 武汉伢   (16 bytes , 45reads )
其实我也会不自觉说一些的 Eight   (102 bytes , 34reads )
堵出翔~ 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 36reads )
哈哈哈哈笑死我了~~~lz你不是一个人 小馋牛   (129 bytes , 45reads )
同意… 小红和阿蓝   (41 bytes , 36reads )
哈哈哈哈, 某贴里面的“有粒pipe"也挺搞的。 Cogitoergosum   (0 bytes , 64reads )
公然挑衅啊这位层主 南瓜同学   (5 bytes , 42reads )
要讲道理啊,粒做量词应该是指细小的固体。 Cogitoergosum   (96 bytes , 43reads )
是啊工科生 南瓜同学   (24 bytes , 36reads )
楼主挖坑啊 hdeksa   (42 bytes , 53reads )