关于作者 Gombrich
所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2004-12-14 17:37

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
这是很好的文章,但要费一点精神才能明白。昨天初看,一时不敢说什么,今天又读之后我写了一则summary,跟在TeenSpirit的帖子后面了。这里是作者、美术史家Gombrich的简要介绍,转自The Gombrich Archive (www.gombrich.co.uk)。他最著名的著作是The Story of Art。


Professor Sir Ernst Gombrich OM was born in Vienna in 1909 and died in London on November 3, 2001, aged 92. He studied at the Theresianum and then at the Second Institute of Art History at the University of Vienna under Julius von Schlosser (1928-33). He then worked as a Research Assistant and collaborator with the museum curator and Freudian analyst Ernst Kris. He joined the Warburg Institute in London as a Research Assistant in 1936. During World War 2 he was employed by the BBC as a Radio Monitor. After the war he rejoined the Warburg Institute eventually becoming its Director in 1959. His major publications include The Story of Art (1950), Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation (1960), Aby Warburg: An Intellectual Biography (1970), The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. A selection from his work edited by Richard Woodfield, The Essential Gombrich was published by Phaidon in 1996. A full bibliography of his publications to 2000, edited by J. B. Trapp, E. H. Gombrich: A Bibliography, was published by Phaidon in 2000. His book, The Preference for the Primitive, which he completed before his death, was published by Phaidon in July 2002.



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