interesting article
所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2004-12-13 14:00  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
(sorry that I'm typing in English as I do not have Chinese input in my lab. The article is so interesting that I can't wait commenting :P)

The author seems to argue in the following way.

1. Art answers some of the artists' private and communities' collective questions --> it shares some traits with scientific endeavors Since such quetions are time-dependent, art works therefore are also identifiable by specific styles. However, one shouldn't place emphasis on this aspect and ignore more ancient art works because aesthetic problems are never completely solved.

2. Art is somewhat subjective, illusory and cumulatively evolved by the entire artistic community.

Taken together, art is neither empirical science nor madman's frenzy. One shound't try to 'understand' or condescend a work of art; but only to seek self-transcendence in it.

But what is this self-transcendence attitude towards art works he prescribes?

Is it connecting to what the artist feels when he produces the piece? If so, then what should we feel about this?

Is it a kind of Nirvana state?

Is it a kind of transcendental noumenal understanding of art that is not comprehensible but only to be felt in a work of art?


War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
艺术和自我超越 Art and Self-Transcendence (Z) sarah   (14204 bytes , 776reads )
交作业来了。。。。 sarah   (2150 bytes , 328reads )
T_T sarah   (0 bytes , 214reads )
关于作者 Gombrich 沈喑   (1478 bytes , 267reads )
知道咱们桐音瘪管为何跟贴慢了 sarah   (492 bytes , 233reads )
so原创贴比较受欢迎, 也是因为 原非   (21 bytes , 234reads )
改正一下: 原非   (56 bytes , 222reads )
不知道这可否算我的一点领悟 原非   (416 bytes , 184reads )
原非   (60 bytes , 192reads )
给原文吧。应该是翻译作品吧? 马蹄   (64 bytes , 214reads )
悚然间看成"马鞍"了. 失敬失敬 原非   (0 bytes , 181reads )
要不是学长N年前马蹄马蹄的叫,我何必弄这么个ID涅。。。 马蹄   (0 bytes , 221reads )
:-o 真的吗? 偶不是始作俑者吧?? 原非   (0 bytes , 156reads )
英文,找不到。凑合着看吧,是累了点。 sarah   (0 bytes , 168reads )
interesting article SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (1398 bytes , 209reads )
我的阅读 (esp on self-transcendence) 沈喑   (2525 bytes , 256reads )
可否用“止于至善”四字概括? 大象   (0 bytes , 229reads )
读了两遍 省思   (1061 bytes , 202reads )
^_^ 先看着,明天再发作者资料和读后感 sarah   (0 bytes , 154reads )
看着有种被洗脑的感觉 省思   (4 bytes , 157reads )
有脑可洗,不亦乐乎? 九夷   (227 bytes , 282reads )
9妹。。。先师有言曰: 八佾   (150 bytes , 219reads )
偶替偶的祖先冲你微笑一下子:) 省思   (116 bytes , 211reads )
一点纠正 省思   (561 bytes , 209reads )
well..为仁由己,为人亦然 沈喑   (515 bytes , 291reads )
所谓开卷有益。。。 水彩   (327 bytes , 236reads )
艺术文学,不过是精神的附体 水彩   (177 bytes , 178reads )
嗯. 原非   (0 bytes , 224reads )