新加坡是否有孕前检查如题,想请教一下,有没有姐妹们在新加坡做过孕前检查,有没有推荐的医生或者医院。是否比较详细,比较有参考意义。 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [cocoranee (2-25 17:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
mark一下也想做个检查[MichelleYS (2-25 17:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
医生不会主动要求你做但是如果自己坚持要做,可以找私立妇产科医生预约孕前检查。 主要是查身体的各类激素水平,跟怀孕相关的。 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [小傻瓜乖乖 (2-25 18:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
google- pre pregnancy check ,你会找到关键字‘ Preconception Health ScreeningPreconception Health Screening
To have an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby, preparation needs to start before the pregnancy. Preconception care is becoming more important as many couples put off childbearing until they are in their 30s. Prepregnancy health status and lifestyles have an impact on the progress and outcome of your pregnancy.
Preconception care aims to identify and change medical, behavioural and social risks to your health or pregnancy outcome. The care usually involves risk screening, physical assessment, vaccinations and counselling. Your risk factors are evaluated in terms of your:
Potential for inherited genetic diseases
Exposure to environmental toxins and teratogens (factors that affect the development of the embryo)
Nutritional status
Use of tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs
Medical conditions
Exposure to infectious diseases and vaccination status
Psychosocial concerns
The screening is designed to fully evaluate and prepare you and your partner for a healthy pregnancy. This is an opportunity to resolve any existing health issues.
[kellieyanlei (2-26 14:42, Long long ago)]
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有你要是公民 就去polyclinic 开个refer letter 去公立医院查 有补助
pr 不知道有补助吗
查 验血 精子活性 输卵管
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[fyang33 (2-26 18:12, Long long ago)]
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