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【房】Repricing 求UOB banker
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【房】Repricing 求UOB banker17年底签的UOB前两年利率1.08+15MFDPR的贷款,从刚开始的1.28%涨到了现在的2.43%。。。
1. 还剩500k的贷款 (下个月自动还款后就不足500k了。。。)
2. 目前人不在新加坡,也没有在交cpf。如需要可提供国内的收入证明。
[jo_12315 (9-9 14:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

我刚做了refinance私信你了  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [布丁之家 (9-9 15:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 布丁之家:我刚做了refinance私信你了)谢谢啦!谢谢啦![jo_12315 (9-9 15:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

repricing 在线做不就好了吗repricing又不需要提供收入证明  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [功夫熊猫 (9-9 16:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 功夫熊猫:repricing 在线做不就好了吗repricing又不需要提供收入证明)求在线地址搜了下,相关页面里也是说要联系UOB的人:
[jo_12315 (9-9 17:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

打热线问客服会有人联系你的  [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [黑猪也疯狂 (9-9 18:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

refinance要办多久?现在的银行11月锁定期结束,想观望10月份的新配套再签,到时来得及在11月换银行吗?  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [口水 (9-10 10:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

uob有reprice的好配套吗?现在拿sibor挂钩或固定的比较好吧?  [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [口水 (9-10 12:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 口水:uob有reprice的好配套吗?现在拿sibor挂钩或固定的比较好吧?)我收到了UOB给的两个配套,供参考哈OPTION A: FIXED 3 YEARS (3 YEARS PENALTY PERIOD) – PROMOTION VALID FOR LIMITED PERIOD
(For completed properties with minimum loan balance of $200,000)
Yr 1: 1.98% (Fixed)
Yr 2: 1.98% (Fixed)
Yr 3: 2.08% (Fixed)
Thereafter: 2.08 (ML + 1.23%)
*Mortgage Rate (“ML”) is the Bank’s prevailing UOB MLC Rate_PTE which is currently at 0.85% p.a.

Partial Redemption Penalty:
1.50% on prepaid amount within 3 years from date of conversion.
Partial Prepayment is subject to 1 month written notice.

Full Redemption Penalty:
Redemption fee waiver if due to sales of property, if not 1.50% on redeemed amount within 3 years from conversion date.
Full redemption is subject to 3 months written notice.
One-time free conversion after 12 months from conversion date with minimum loan balance of $100,000.

(For completed properties with minimum loan balance of $100,000)
Yr 1: 2.00% (ML + 1.15%)
Yr 2: 2.00% (ML + 1.15%)
Thereafter: 2.08% (ML + 1.23%)
*Mortgage Rate (“ML”) is the Bank’s prevailing UOB MLC Rate_PTE which is currently at 0.85% p.a.

Partial Redemption Penalty:
If loan outstanding falls below $200,000 after partial repayment within 2 years from conversion date, a penalty of 1.50% on prepaid amount will be imposed.
Partial Prepayment is subject to 1 month written notice.

Full Redemption Penalty:
50% Redemption fee waiver if due to sales of property, if not 1.50% on redeemed amount within 2 years from conversion date.
Full redemption is subject to 3 months written notice.
One-time free conversion after 12 months from conversion date with minimum loan balance of $100,000.
[jo_12315 (9-12 17:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

再请教下各位大神,UOB的15m FDPR还有可能降吗?如果会降的话,就不打算repricing了,毕竟repricing还要再付800[jo_12315 (9-12 17:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

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