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ZPP时代已经该过去了.CG Tech的机会大家好好要研究啊
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ZPP时代已经该过去了.CG Tech的机会大家好好要研究啊CG Tech beats forecast with 61% surge in net profit for FY2006.


vested since S$0.255 last Feb.
[bigapple (2-24 8:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

This is a very good stock.with good expansion plan and responsible management.
Plus the bonus issue,

vested too.
[xiaoqiuqiu (2-24 10:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

只有一个知音啊. 与北老大的对比太强烈. :([bigapple (2-24 12:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

关键是发的时间不对.晚上跟周末比较没人气.[ssc (2-24 13:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

(引用 ssc:关键是发的时间不对.晚上跟周末比较没人气.)大家都上班时间偷偷看股市.哈哈![欢乐股市 (2-24 18:08, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

拿花了吧, CG Tech不错,相信用不了多少时间就会到1.10以上[forpc (2-24 22:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼

成功的要点就是,accumulate when it is at low valuation.

牛某觉得太便宜的几个股有,china paper (如果公司没有做假账),reyoung(记得eps 有28-9分人民币),tpv等等。欢迎同学们发表研究成果。
[牛魔王 (2-26 10:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼

Fantistic Result, Gap up today.Cheers for all the investors on this counter.

Bigapple, you shall buy us dinner with more than 300% return, :-)
[xiaoqiuqiu (2-26 10:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼

(引用 牛魔王:重要的是研究如何复制同样的成功故事。 成功的要点就是,accumulate when it is at low valuation. 牛某觉得太便宜的几个股有,china p...)AGree with Lao Niu.For me, after quite some time of investing, I found that I am not good at trading and I just do have the gut to follow the HOP stocks.

So I have been focus on those coutners with low PE yet with clear plan for future growth. CG is one example. SP Chemical is another one(but I missed the run, damn, how come?)

But it is not fun to do this coz lots of patience are needed when you watching those high flyers keep on rising every other day.

[xiaoqiuqiu (2-26 10:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼

(引用 xiaoqiuqiu:Fantistic Result, Gap up today.Cheers for all the investors on this counter. Bigapple, you shall buy us dinner with more than 3...)sigh, only keeping half of my original position,selling along the way fornot breaking my diversification rule.[bigapple (2-26 10:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼

(引用 xiaoqiuqiu:AGree with Lao Niu.For me, after quite some time of investing, I found that I am not good at trading and I just do have the gut ...)I bet this one fits well with your criteria - Willas-ArrayIt's a true value play.

[bigapple (2-26 11:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼

(引用 bigapple:I bet this one fits well with your criteria - Willas-ArrayIt's a true value play. vested.)thanks for the info. Will find time to do the homework on it.that's the beauty of Forum, one man can neven have enough power for all the stocks.[xiaoqiuqiu (2-26 11:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼

(引用 牛魔王:重要的是研究如何复制同样的成功故事。 成功的要点就是,accumulate when it is at low valuation. 牛某觉得太便宜的几个股有,china p...)上周看到TPV有个量大的底部反转信号已经买入。

[tonys (2-26 11:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼

(引用 牛魔王:重要的是研究如何复制同样的成功故事。 成功的要点就是,accumulate when it is at low valuation. 牛某觉得太便宜的几个股有,china p...)有一段时间涨势很凌厉,但因为大股东抛售股票就一直跌到现在.很想买,但不敢,害怕有什么不知道的内幕,不知各位有没有研究?[tongci (2-26 12:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼

(引用 tongci:有一段时间涨势很凌厉,但因为大股东抛售股票就一直跌到现在.很想买,但不敢,害怕有什么不知道的内幕,不知各位有没有研究?)China Paper[tongci (2-26 12:53, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼

(引用 tonys:上周看到TPV有个量大的底部反转信号已经买入。 ...)The reason I don't like TPV.1. Margin under extreme pressure. To make things worse, 鸿海(the infamous margin killer) just entered the industry. (there was a long artical about TPV in the EDGE magazine several weeks ago)
2. Big shareholder, 京东方, has announced the plan to sell off all the TPV shares due to it's own cash needs.
3. From the chart, how to make sure this rebound is different from those 2 in Jan?
[xiaoqiuqiu (2-26 12:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]16楼

(引用 tongci:有一段时间涨势很凌厉,但因为大股东抛售股票就一直跌到现在.很想买,但不敢,害怕有什么不知道的内幕,不知各位有没有研究?)management integrity showed big flaw, better avoidthere are more better stocks for selection on SGX. :)[bigapple (2-26 13:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]17楼

TP: S$1.20Report analysis:

[ssc (2-26 16:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]18楼

Analysis from newspaper, fair value: 0.98.CG Technologies: Better than guidance, as expected
By Rachel Ng
Mon, 26 Feb 2007, 15:50:48 SGT

Summary: CG Technologies (CGT) previously guided for a 50% YoY growth in net profit, but as expected, it outperformed its own guidance with growth standing at 61.2%, bringing net profit to RMB134.8m. This was on the back of a 52.1% increase in revenue to RMB707m. The strong growth was due to an increase in the production capacity for products as such bright and semi dull PET chip, alkali soluble PET chip and yarn products. Introduction of new products such as high shrinkage PET chip and combed yarn also fuelled growth. Despite fluctuations in oil prices, CGT achieved better margins mainly due to the introduction of the new products which yielded higher margins than most of the existing products. Gross profit margin (GPM) increased from 25% to 26% in FY06. GPM was the strongest in 4Q06 at 27.5% compared to 24.9% in 3Q06 and 25.7% in 4Q05. Prospects for FY07 remain promising and CGT is well on its way to launch polyester short fibre by 3Q07 which will help to maintain its high margins since CGT has to currently procure PSF for use as raw materials for its various products. Management has proposed a final dividend of 1.5 Singapore cents per share and a 1-for-2 bonus share issue. The bonus share issue could potentially cause a 33% decrease in our EPS estimates, but we have yet to factor this in our earnings forecast. CGT share price has performed very well, rising 32% since our initiation two weeks ago. We continue to like CGT and believe in the strategies and plans it has in place for the next few years. . In terms of valuation, we will continue to use a price earning ratio (PER) of 7.5x for FY07/08 (previously only FY07) to capture the growth in FY08 as well. This translates into a fair value of S$0.98 (previously S$0.89) and we maintain our BUY rating.

Better than guidance. CG Technologies (CGT) reported its FY06 results with net profit growth of 61.2% YoY at RMB134.8m beatings its own guidance of 50% YoY growth but inline with our estimate. This was on the back of a 52.1% YoY increase in revenue to RMB707.0m. The strong growth was due to an increase in the production capacity of bright and semi dull PET chip, alkali soluble PET chip and yarn products. Introduction of new products such as high shrinkage PET chip and combed yarn also fuelled growth.

Margins are on the rise. In 4Q06 and FY06 CGT achieved better margins mainly due to the introduction of the new products which enjoy higher margins compared to most of its existing products. Gross profit margin (GPM) increased from 25% in FY05 to 26% in FY06. GPM was the strongest in 4Q06 at 27.5% compared to 24.9% in 3Q06 and 25.7% in 4Q05. This margin growth was mainly on the back of pro-active strategy by CGT to introduce and switch to new and better quality products.

Future continues to be promising. Prospects for FY07 remain promising. CGT is well on its way to start production of polyester short fibre (PSF) by 4Q07. The PSF production in turn will reduce CGT's reliance on externally sourced PSF and help to maintain its high margins for its various products. In 2007 CGT also intends to phase out the production of bright and semi dull PET chips and utilize the production lines for higher margin high shrinkage and dye absorbing PET chips. We expect these initiatives to boost absolute gross profit by approximately 19% YoY to RMB221.5m and GPM to increase from 26% to 29% in FY07.

Maintain BUY with higher fair value. To reward shareholders as well as to increase share base, CGT has proposed a final dividend of 1.5 cents per share and a 1-for-2 bonus share issue. The bonus share issue could potentially cause a 33% decrease in our EPS estimates, but we have yet to factor this in our earnings forecast. However we see the dilution as a one-off effect. Finally in terms share price performance, CGT has done very well, rising 32% since our initiation two weeks ago. We continue to like CGT and believe the strategies and plans it has in place to drive earnings for the next few years. As for valuation, we have revised up our fair value from S$0.89 to S$0.98 on the same PER multiple of 7.5x but on FY07/08 earnings. We maintain our BUY rating.
[ssc (2-26 22:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]19楼

(引用 bigapple:I bet this one fits well with your criteria - Willas-ArrayIt's a true value play. vested.)move liao. up 6.1%.[bigapple (2-27 10:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]20楼

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