The reason I don't like TPV.
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-02-26 12:57

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1. Margin under extreme pressure. To make things worse, 鸿海(the infamous margin killer) just entered the industry. (there was a long artical about TPV in the EDGE magazine several weeks ago)
2. Big shareholder, 京东方, has announced the plan to sell off all the TPV shares due to it's own cash needs.
3. From the chart, how to make sure this rebound is different from those 2 in Jan?

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ZPP时代已经该过去了.CG Tech的机会大家好好要研究啊 bigapple   (222 bytes , 967reads )
Analysis from newspaper, fair value: 0.98. ssc   (4259 bytes , 293reads )
TP: S$1.20 ssc   (72 bytes , 256reads )
Fantistic Result, Gap up today. xiaoqiuqiu   (112 bytes , 278reads )
sigh, only keeping half of my original position,selling along the way for bigapple   (37 bytes , 337reads )
重要的是研究如何复制同样的成功故事。 牛魔王   (189 bytes , 334reads )
有一段时间涨势很凌厉,但因为大股东抛售股票就一直跌到现在. tongci   (56 bytes , 303reads )
management integrity showed big flaw, better avoid bigapple   (53 bytes , 283reads )
China Paper tongci   (0 bytes , 238reads )
上周看到TPV有个量大的底部反转信号 tonys   (55 bytes , 437reads )
The reason I don't like TPV. xiaoqiuqiu   (385 bytes , 288reads )
AGree with Lao Niu. xiaoqiuqiu   (442 bytes , 345reads )
I bet this one fits well with your criteria - Willas-Array bigapple   (32 bytes , 277reads )
move liao. up 6.1%. bigapple   (0 bytes , 194reads )
thanks for the info. Will find time to do the homework on it. xiaoqiuqiu   (83 bytes , 237reads )
拿花了吧, CG Tech不错,相信用不了多少时间就会到1.10以上 forpc   (0 bytes , 256reads )
关键是发的时间不对.晚上跟周末比较没人气. ssc   (0 bytes , 251reads )
大家都上班时间偷偷看股市.哈哈! 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 298reads )
只有一个知音啊. 与北老大的对比太强烈. :( bigapple   (0 bytes , 228reads )
This is a very good stock. xiaoqiuqiu   (88 bytes , 284reads )