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[招工] Mobile App Developer & Web Developer
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[招工] Mobile App Developer & Web DeveloperWe are a local technology start up company in the mobile communications domain. We are looking for part time or freelance candidates and the requirements are as below:
Position1: Mobile App Developer

* Development experience with Mobile App develop in smart phone
* Excellent teamplayer
* Can start work immediately

Position2: Web Developer

* Development experience with PhP/Asp/Jsp and any other language for web development
* Innovative with any web UI design skill will be added advantage
* Excellent teamplayer
* Can start work immediately

Interested parties please email CV and salary expectation to hr@sgpop.com, cto@sgpop.com
[eboy (10-3 22:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

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