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2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第一轮王印(先)胜胡博勇[王印 (6-26 0:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]141楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第二轮王印(后)胜陈忠信[王印 (6-26 0:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]142楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第三轮王印(先)和翁文龙[王印 (6-26 0:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]143楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第四轮王印(后)胜梁燊虢[王印 (6-26 0:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]144楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第六轮王印(先)胜黄晓华[王印 (6-26 0:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]145楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第七轮王印(后)胜杜耀宗[王印 (6-26 0:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]146楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手对局(总贴)请大家把棋局贴于此)B组第八轮王印(先)胜谢韵达[王印 (6-26 0:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]147楼

(引用 heartshapedbox:Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to...)为何今年的裁判组如此软弱无能!!!!![棋一生 (6-26 0:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]148楼

(引用 heartshapedbox:My reply to your cheating assMy friend told me "Hey, Dan Tan replied to your post." I was wondering who Dan Tan was. Now then I ...)我支持你揭露棋手作弊的正义精神!!!破坏象棋棋道精神的败类,象总理应严厉处罚!!![棋一生 (6-26 0:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]149楼

(引用 几度:不允许讨论棋局跟规则明文规定的不允许现场阅读参考棋谱等资料是一个道理。违例行为需要确认才能处罚。赛务人手多寡是执行时的一个考量。...)根据刑事法,如果有两位或以上的第三者能够作证,犯人被定罪的机率可能性应该高吧!凡棋赛发生的事件都要裁判亲眼看到才能定罪,未免太不实际吧!!![棋一生 (6-26 0:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]150楼

(引用 香陵居士:首先,我觉得应该直接判负而不是判违例否则如果一方被一名高手指点一部关键的棋而反败为胜或者为和,而只是记一次违例,对对方太不公平。...)属作弊,应即刻取消其参赛资格!!![棋一生 (6-26 0:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]151楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:怀疑可能棋手本身也不知道不可以的。)是比赛,不是平时玩玩,棋手有可能不知道吗?你未免太天真了!!![棋一生 (6-26 0:55, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]152楼

(引用 heartshapedbox:Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to...)郑海文在天之灵,看到以他命名的棋赛,居然有人明目张胆的作弊,看来他会。。。默默的伤心的流泪。明年的棋赛是否还要用他的名作为棋赛名称,看来值得三思![棋一生 (6-26 1:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]153楼

(引用 SG-Reporter:关于走来走去看别人棋局的棋手,你有什么意见?)这个问题过去已经谈论过了,你不妨去查看!有的棋手解释他们这么做的目的是解压,我则认为是一种藐视对手的行为。[棋一生 (6-26 1:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]154楼

(引用 棋一生:这个问题过去已经谈论过了,你不妨去查看!有的棋手解释他们这么做的目的是解压,我则认为是一种藐视对手的行为。)没有明确指定如何处理。[SG-Reporter (6-26 1:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]155楼

(引用 棋一生:是比赛,不是平时玩玩,棋手有可能不知道吗?你未免太天真了!!!)棋老师,是习惯的问题,平常下棋一些棋手已有这个习惯,惯性问。·加上这次牵涉的是年轻棋手。小孩子很多是有样学样,而且很快的。[SG-Reporter (6-26 1:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]156楼

(引用 棋一生:是比赛,不是平时玩玩,棋手有可能不知道吗?你未免太天真了!!!)我只能说这两年多,我看到许多棋手对竞赛规则,循环待判局面如何处理不是很了解。Rules of xiangqi 是任何判决的依据,尽量避免优裁判长临场做判决。

[SG-Reporter (6-26 1:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]157楼

(引用 棋一生:属作弊,应即刻取消其参赛资格!!!)章程没有,不能随意判的。写报告笔动不了。[SG-Reporter (6-26 1:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]158楼

(引用 danny00:Luck back, you ChingI think, you filthy asshole, that you need a landslide defeat in a game of chess to quash your quacking mout...)My last reply to you cheaterThis will be my last reply to your cheating scumbag ass.

Tan Zhong He, look at the manner in which you are strangling yourself gradually. In your first reply, you admitted that yes, you did talk to your old hippie mentor constantly but it was about meaningless gossip and nothing about chess (despite the fact that both of you were staring intently at the chess board during round 2, despite the fact that you were overheard directly consulting hippie X about the game). This is ludicrous enough as an excuse. In your last reply, after you kicked yourself by admitting that you did talk to your mentor during the game, you tactically switched track and now wanted me to bring out "3 pros" (slang for professionals or rather in this case, strong chess players) that must agree with me before it can be proven that you cheated.How laughable your words are!

Why are you constantly challenging me to go bishan, meet you and play 3 games of chess with you in futile hopes of defending your honour? Were you to win me in chess, does that mean that you didn't cheat,that life is a bed of roses for you again? No! I saw and heard you cheat and whether or not I play 3 games of chess with you won't change that.I welcome you to "dig me out and make me compensate you". I am 90%, no make that 100% sure you cheated from what I have seen and heard. You are not going to change my opinion by some threats or some diversion technique challenges.

Speaking of which,I should be the one suing you for calling me a ching/chink, as that is a racial slur. I have heard you talking with a ridiculous accent so I suppose you psychoed yourself to believe you are some sort of pseudo-caucasian or something. But kindly look at the race of the people frequenting this forum before you dish out racial attacks on Chinese for no reason.
[heartshapedbox (6-26 2:13, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]159楼

(引用 danny00:Luck back, you ChingI think, you filthy asshole, that you need a landslide defeat in a game of chess to quash your quacking mout...)你的嬉皮士朋友已把真相说出![WalkingDead (6-26 8:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]160楼

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