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(引用 吕大侠:piggy888 hav a good point, how can we have a walkover in the knockout stage?)how can we have a walkover B grade, shouldn't measure be taken to minimise that?[吕大侠 (12-17 11:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]261楼

(引用 吕大侠:how can we have a walkover B grade, shouldn't measure be taken to minimise that?)kurubear hav a good point too, CONTINGENCIES PLAN ARE REQUIRED![吕大侠 (12-17 11:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]262楼

(引用 吕大侠:kurubear hav a good point too, CONTINGENCIES PLAN ARE REQUIRED!)I SAY WE PUSH UP THE 9TH POSITION PLAYER & LET THEM TRASH IT OUT![吕大侠 (12-17 11:18, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]263楼

(引用 吕大侠:WALKOVER ISSUE!If one or two of the top 8 player OFFICIALLY!! declare to withdraw from the compeitition. THE RIGHT THING TO DO ...)Actually, anyone know what is the organiser stand and final decision? (NM)[kurubear (12-17 11:28, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]264楼

(引用 碧山:A study of Methods used in Singapore Xiangqi Open ..... A study of Methods used in Singapore Xiangqi Open ..... SIXGA may wish...)呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。今年6月,针对象总首次采用的8强3轮淘汰制的改进(优于7轮4强直接晋级),我在此基础上设计了一个强三轮简易双败淘汰制,可以继续讨论和改进。也可以在其他一些比赛中先试验试验,找出优缺点。


八人双败淘汰 -- 7 + 3 method

胜者组 4人 select positions 1, 2, 3 and 5
负者组 4人 select positions 4, 6, 7 and 8

Position and results

1 胜 胜 胜 胜者组
2 胜 胜 负 胜者组
3 胜 负 胜 胜者组
4 负 胜 胜
5 胜 负 负 胜者组
6 负 胜 负
7 负 负 胜
8 负 负 负
[卷心菜 (12-17 11:30, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]265楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。今年6月,针对象总首次采用的8强3轮淘汰制的改进(优于7轮4强直接晋级)...)Well done! EXCELLENT IDEA! Things should always be changing for the better[吕大侠 (12-17 11:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]266楼

(引用 吕大侠:WALKOVER ISSUE!If one or two of the top 8 player OFFICIALLY!! declare to withdraw from the compeitition. THE RIGHT THING TO DO ...)吕大侠 maybe you can...consolidate your thoughts for a few hours then post unless you are trying to create a special effects in the postings.

You seems to be everywhere discussing in the same post discussing about the same issue.

So far you are the only one who can consistently have best results with my opening. Hope to have chance to learn from you at CXQ again after Xmas.


[kurubear (12-17 11:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]267楼

(引用 吕大侠:how can there be integrity on that(skill of one)with walkover win(less accurate))FURTHER MORE WALKOVER WIN AND BECOME B GRADE REALLY MAKES YOUR BLOOD BOIL![吕大侠 (12-17 11:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]268楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。今年6月,针对象总首次采用的8强3轮淘汰制的改进(优于7轮4强直接晋级)...)So it is still played over 3 rounds? (NM)[kurubear (12-17 11:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]269楼

(引用 吕大侠:WALKOVER ISSUE!If one or two of the top 8 player OFFICIALLY!! declare to withdraw from the compeitition. THE RIGHT THING TO DO ...)With so much excitement, hopefully, more ppl will be at this week matches (NM)[kurubear (12-17 11:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]270楼

(引用 吕大侠:FURTHER MORE WALKOVER WIN AND BECOME B GRADE REALLY MAKES YOUR BLOOD BOIL!)Whose blood is boiling? i know piggy888 are..[吕大侠 (12-17 11:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]271楼

(引用 吕大侠:Q4 胡伟良 vs 大地空气?)Let's see if 吕大侠 's 3 predictions come true. (NM)[kurubear (12-17 11:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]272楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。今年6月,针对象总首次采用的8强3轮淘汰制的改进(优于7轮4强直接晋级)...)No lah, you suggested 简易8强双败4轮淘汰制 ........
No lah, you suggested 简易8强双败4轮淘汰制 but I saw example in China Competition but could not locate the article, later found in this year a competition in Malaysia.

鉴于个人赛不可能有那么多时间,现提出简洁版4轮方案。 - 卷心菜 2009-06-04 16:26 (809 bytes , 92reads )

国际惯例 -- is there a system for 3 rounds 八人双败淘汰 ? - 碧山 2009-06-04 18:54 (382 bytes , 56reads )

第三届棋总杯大马象棋精英争霸赛 .......2009年7月24日至26日 rank - 碧山 2009-07-31 14:38 (2116 bytes , 97 reads )

* 争霸赛前三轮双败淘汰赛,至少取得2胜才能踏步四强。 - 碧山 2009-07-31 14:57 (0 bytes , 71 reads )

[碧山 (12-17 11:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]273楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。今年6月,针对象总首次采用的8强3轮淘汰制的改进(优于7轮4强直接晋级)...)Is there a picture form to visualise with? ...- Maybe you can send me the details later this weekend
- and we make it easier for others to understand through diagrams or sth ,
- put out on web then
- we further discuss at huasing.org

We should not waste the efforts put in so far to develop sth that suits Singapore scene more.

[kurubear (12-17 11:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]274楼

(引用 卷心菜:呵呵,是啊,八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。今年6月,针对象总首次采用的8强3轮淘汰制的改进(优于7轮4强直接晋级)...)In this case is 5 people max will promote? (NM)[kurubear (12-17 12:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]275楼

(引用 吕大侠:WALKOVER ISSUE!If one or two of the top 8 player OFFICIALLY!! declare to withdraw from the compeitition. THE RIGHT THING TO DO ...)BTW, this walkover is for 1 or 3 days of the event? (NM)[kurubear (12-17 12:15, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]276楼

(引用 碧山:A study of Methods used in Singapore Xiangqi Open ..... A study of Methods used in Singapore Xiangqi Open ..... SIXGA may wish...)if all 7 players agree to 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制 ..........

if all 7 players agree to 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制, then may be SIXGA can consider to implement it for the next three days, of course, in this case 卷心菜 is 8th position or no ranking position.

The good point is there is no change to the pairings for the next three rounds except you need to interchange the positions for 4th and 5th, in this situation, 胡伟良 needs to get a win in Rounds 9 or 10 before promotion, otherwise, his position is 5th under 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制 even he has a walkover tomorrow evening.

Position and results for 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制

1 胜 胜 胜 胜者组
2 胜 胜 负 胜者组
3 胜 负 胜 胜者组
4 负 胜 胜
5 胜 负 负 胜者组
6 负 胜 负
7 负 负 胜
8 负 负 负
[碧山 (12-17 12:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]277楼

(引用 碧山:if all 7 players agree to 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制 .......... 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制需要八强棋手胜2场才能晋级。 if all 7 players...)Maybe hard for organiser to make informed decision at such short notice (NM)[kurubear (12-17 12:22, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]278楼

(引用 kurubear:Maybe hard for organiser to make informed decision at such short notice (NM))I have called SIXGA on this matter ......

I have called SIXGA on 八强三轮简易双败淘汰制, even if SIXGA agrees to implement, all 7 players need to agree before the Round 8 starts tomorrow evening.

In fact, all positions no change except Positions 4th and 5th for




[碧山 (12-17 12:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]279楼

(引用 155HgFH88:I think it's only fair to stick to the rules of the competition.The original rules have already stated that the top 8 players wi...)2 points...- ours only national tournament. Other people rules is for our reference. Good cats we adopt, bad cats we run far away from them. Probably we should explore options so long as it fits the long term positive development of the sports.

- if it is a withdrawal from the tournament for all 3 days, then it affects a total of 3 matches. I am not sure if replacement is not allowed or because of the difficulty of locating the next best International enemy. Anyone familiar with this issue?

People say Singapore just a little red dot, so maybe still can mobilise the next best suited local enemy and so on as replacement. I am sure s/he will not complain of the chance.

[kurubear (12-17 12:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]280楼

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