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(引用 卷心菜:ZJS和歌神非常强,看好这两位中坚棋手。)We are both well known for being NUS Durian Brothers...So please don't let us pick 'durians' during the game, haha :P[ZJS (12-10 18:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]81楼

(引用 ZJS:We are both well known for being NUS Durian Brothers...So please don't let us pick 'durians' during the game, haha :P)榴莲兄弟。。。看来Cabbage由于太便宜而没人捡。[卷心菜 (12-10 18:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]82楼

(引用 卷心菜:榴莲兄弟。。。看来Cabbage由于太便宜而没人捡。)My brother underestimated the value of cabbage last sunday....i won't. :-PCabbage has master standard...[ZJS (12-10 19:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]83楼

(引用 卷心菜:As per mutual understanding, it should starting June/July 2009)In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 move into .......
In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 move into Top 8s (Grade B) in the coming 3 rounds, say one by one on coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 to 13 Dec 2009 .......

Next week, 18 to 20 Dec 2009, 3 more rounds (knock-out system) for Top 8s to decide the final ranking.
[碧山 (12-10 20:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]84楼

(引用 ZJS:My brother underestimated the value of cabbage last sunday....i won't. :-PCabbage has master standard...)He is more deadly than what he appears to be. :-) (NM)[kurubear (12-10 21:06, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]85楼

(引用 碧山:In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 move into ....... In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 ...)correction -- 廖铭濠....
correction -- 廖铭濠.

(cut and paste from the wrong place.)
[碧山 (12-11 11:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]86楼

(引用 碧山:In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 move into ....... In this case, likely to see 廖明濠, 赖俊杰 and 卷心菜 ...)magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关



碧山兄提到的Waterchess和卷心菜则路途漫长。笔者认为卷心菜此次机会渺茫,而waterchess晋级需过两个cai jun关。

waterchess此次抱着必升的决心参加B组个人赛,气势如虹,气场刚强,但第五第六轮可能会连遇两个cai jun守关,如能获得关云长附体,斩颜良诛文丑,则能一马平川,直通乙级。

今晚第五轮:waterchess vs 1号cai jun (cai jun jie)
预测第六轮:waterchess vs 2号cai jun (zhuang cai jun)

[卷心菜 (12-11 13:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]87楼

(引用 卷心菜:magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关 目前只有...)Wow, caijun r u playing tonight?Caijun, 你的智商是经过专业机构认证的, 哈哈, 加油。
(现在把你哄开心, 明年过年给红包的时候要记得我哦 ~哈哈哈 )
[Eteng (12-11 13:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]88楼

Ranking Positions after Round 5 ...... In theory, those in the first 12 boards (Top 24) with 2.5 points and above still have chances to enter Top 8 after Round 7 but a few need to represent team event tomorrow at NUS, .....

[碧山 (12-11 22:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]89楼

(引用 碧山:Ranking Positions after Round 5 ...... In theory, those in the first 12 boards (Top 24) with 2.5 points and above still have cha ...)Since men/women events is combined, what is the situation for ladies now? (NM)[kurubear (12-11 23:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]90楼

(引用 kurubear:Since men/women events is combined, what is the situation for ladies now? (NM))The three ladies, positions 11, 24 and 30.[碧山 (12-11 23:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]91楼

(引用 碧山:The three ladies, positions 11, 24 and 30.)Will any of them be getting any monetary bonus? (NM)[kurubear (12-11 23:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]92楼

(引用 kurubear:Will any of them be getting any monetary bonus? (NM))祝贺kurubear第五轮执先妙手战胜对手,希望第六轮能再接再厉!另外,女子应该也需要进前八才有奖金,否则没有。[卷心菜 (12-11 23:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]93楼

(引用 kurubear:Will any of them be getting any monetary bonus? (NM))Maybe can give them a small bonus...as meal or transport allowance since they are instrumental to get the event going. Or maybe can return their register fees.

Just a small thought.

[kurubear (12-11 23:52, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]94楼

(引用 卷心菜:各轮排阵表和成绩总贴)第六轮对阵表:第一台:廖铭濠 先手对 林家勇

[卷心菜 (12-11 23:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]95楼

(引用 卷心菜:棋手精彩对局总贴)第五轮对局: 赵金山 先负 廖铭濠廖铭濠让我帮忙发给他的某个朋友看

[一刀n断 (12-12 1:19, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]96楼

(引用 一刀n断:第五轮对局: 赵金山 先负 廖铭濠廖铭濠让我帮忙发给他的某个朋友看廖铭濠记录 ...)Some ideas from this game....1 Round = (odd number + 1)/2 or (even number)/2

This is a really good game to understand the complexity of open-ended opening used by both outstanding players and importance of opening concepts.

[04R] Since Red is a horizontal 6-Rook and no longer protecting Red's right, could moving the Horse to line 4 a better choice? This will form a barrier to Black 8-rook, protect the 3-Soldier and 2-Artillery and most allow the Red Rook to create some havoc while ignoring Red's own right sector. The linked Red Artillery also provide a strong defence when needed to both sides.

[06R] Advancing the 7-Soldier to inconvenient the Black 3-horse might be another option making use of the overcrowding at Black right. If Red Rook can eat the 3-infantry, this 7-Soldier can also advances to add pressure to Black right.

[07R] Look like a opening error which allow black rook control the pawn line and extend control to both Red sectors. This results in success for the cross-palace artillery. Maybe can consider use the left Horse protect the 5-Soldier and then develop Red's left .

[09R] Once Black form the stable Fan-Gong-Ma formation, Red can consider to get ready to develop the slower left section.

[10R] My own choice would be to move the Horse to line-7 instead of line-9. This way I can linked the 2 Horse at line-5 if needed and can also be used faster to add pressure to Black right compared with the 9-Horse. Also because Red don't have 8-Rook to guard line-8. the Black 2-artillery basically has free movement which is risky for Red. One possible variation is

[10] 马8进7 车5平7 [11] 马3退1 炮2进4 [12] 炮7进1 车1进1 [13] 马7进6 炮2平5
[14] 士6进5 卒7进1 [15] 马6进5 马3进5 [16] 炮8进7 士5退4 [17] 车7平5

[17R] Can also consider 炮3进1 to trade and reduce pressure. One possible variation is

[17] 炮3进1 炮3平7 [18] 炮8平3 车2进9 [19] 马9退8

[20R] Another weaker variation also does not favour Red because of Black's threat to form a 5-artillery attack.

[20] 炮3退1 炮6平5 [21] 炮3平4 车8进5 [22] 马3进5 象3进5 [23] 炮8进6 马7进6

[20B] Black can also consider focusing on the 5-artillery attack with 2 rook (2nd-hand Kill Move). One possible variation is

[20] 马3进1 车8退2 [21] 车6平7 炮6平5 [22] 炮3平4 车8+7 [23] 炮4退1 车7平6
[24] 马1进3 车6退5

Red's fighting spirit (especially the Red 3-Horse) till the end is something all of us should emulate. Any mental or move weakness by Black in such case will mean a Red Victory or Draw.

A closely fought game till the end. Worthy of its Table 01 status.

[kurubear (12-12 3:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]97楼

(引用 kurubear:Some ideas from this game....1 Round = (odd number + 1)/2 or (even number)/2 This is a really good game to understand the comp...)Do you play I chess?Do you play I chess?cause the way u 复盘 certainly looks like one in the I chess magazines.haha =)[magician88 (12-12 8:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]98楼

(引用 卷心菜:magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关magician88一骑绝尘直奔乙级,waterchess冲级需过两个cai jun关 目前只有...)前八即升乙级棋士?[桑原秀策 (12-12 12:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]99楼

(引用 卷心菜:各轮排阵表和成绩总贴)第七轮排阵表:第一台:廖铭濠 先手对 施由炳

[卷心菜 (12-12 20:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]100楼

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