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(引用 棋一生:许多菜肴现在学习,改天实践,现在实践成功的是早年出名的“拉车面”!!! 有兴趣品尝我的手艺的棋友,请预约,改天送到象总让你大快朵...)可以先学一道菜炮制冰封卷心菜。 :P

[几度 (8-27 7:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]141楼

(引用 棋一生:你们有没有怀疑过由于几度太钟情于“左道”是他至今无法取得前三甲的主因???)另外还要谢谢xiaobeidouxiaobeidou说的有道理。去年我名次不佳,是因为过分争胜了。今年虽然好了很多,但还不能做到胜负完全无动于心。对xiaobeidou和后来对熊国玮的两盘,虽然有其他因素,但多少有胜负心的影响。团体赛不一定要胜,如果能为队友制造有利的态势也就可以满意,所以比较容易下。也可以说目前为止我比较习惯下团体赛。和我一样情况的棋手还有好几个。这种情况可说是一种无奈吧。但很感谢xiaobeidou能直言指出。



[几度 (8-27 8:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]142楼

(引用 smallfry:我不沾边.)zyne 是忠实粉丝,我是吃大餐粉丝![smallfry (8-27 10:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]143楼

(引用 smallfry:zyne 是忠实粉丝,我是吃大餐粉丝!)small fry 写贴的风格真象齐启棋。[peanut (8-27 11:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]144楼

(引用 peanut:small fry 写贴的风格真象齐启棋。)写贴的风格? peanut写贴的风格真象。。。。。。?[smallfry (8-27 11:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]145楼

飞鹰队领队 周详杰 sms 一个数字给棋一生。
国家队代表 xiaoneidou 或 吕大侠 sms 一个数字给棋一生。

两数相加,odd 就是国家队一三台先手; even 就是国家队二四台先手。

[卷心菜 (8-27 11:42, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]146楼

(引用 peanut:small fry 写贴的风格真象齐启棋。)嘻嘻。1. 回复快
2. 对棋坛了解
3. 写华语短(不习惯)
4. 自己回复自己贴
5. 绝对支持国家队。
6. 不谈对局。
[peanut (8-27 11:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]147楼

(引用 卷心菜:为方便飞鹰队准备,能否提前事先抽签定先后?内含方法建议。建议方案: 飞鹰队领队 周详杰 sms 一个数字给棋一生。 国家队代表 xiaoneido...)飞鹰队定台了没?[smallfry (8-27 12:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]148楼

(引用 peanut:嘻嘻。1. 回复快 2. 对棋坛了解 3. 写华语短(不习惯) 4. 自己回复自己贴 5. 绝对支持国家队。 6. 不谈对局。)我,smallfry不谈大事。[smallfry (8-27 12:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]149楼

(引用 peanut:嘻嘻。1. 回复快 2. 对棋坛了解 3. 写华语短(不习惯) 4. 自己回复自己贴 5. 绝对支持国家队。 6. 不谈对局。)辞谈就是不谈,辞是辞职的辞。露馅了。[peanut (8-27 13:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]150楼

(引用 卷心菜:为方便飞鹰队准备,能否提前事先抽签定先后?内含方法建议。建议方案: 飞鹰队领队 周详杰 sms 一个数字给棋一生。 国家队代表 xiaoneido...)我认为国家队1跟3台先手,2跟4台后手,否则就有人执三先有人执三后了。[火影 (8-27 13:50, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]151楼

(引用 smallfry:菜兄不拿一分,我没有大餐吃!)卷心菜力求和棋从上面这帖看:卷心菜不和,拿的是2分或0分,大餐不能落实;




[几度 (8-27 14:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]152楼

(引用 peanut:嘻嘻。1. 回复快 2. 对棋坛了解 3. 写华语短(不习惯) 4. 自己回复自己贴 5. 绝对支持国家队。 6. 不谈对局。)辞谈 = 不谈吗? peanut 请问齐启棋 --> ...... : )[smallfry (8-27 14:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]153楼

(引用 火影:我认为国家队1跟3台先手,2跟4台后手,否则就有人执三先有人执三后了。)有道理我还从来没注意这个问题。主办当局怎么说?

[几度 (8-27 14:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]154楼

(引用 几度:卷心菜力求和棋从上面这帖看:卷心菜不和,拿的是2分或0分,大餐不能落实; 从之前其中一帖的语意看:如果只有卷心菜和棋(1分),smallf ...)如果只有卷心菜和棋(1分),smallfry 吃棋一生请的大餐。。 。 。 。
只看到棋一生请 smallfry 吃大餐,没看到 smallfry 请棋一生吃大餐。。 。 。 。呵呵呵。 。 。 。

[smallfry (8-27 14:17, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]155楼

(引用 peanut:嘻嘻。1. 回复快 2. 对棋坛了解 3. 写华语短(不习惯) 4. 自己回复自己贴 5. 绝对支持国家队。 6. 不谈对局。)已经问了所有的人除了齐启棋。90%认为=[peanut (8-27 14:59, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]156楼

(引用 bls:It depends.If Ruizhan is planning train with non mainstream opening to improve his understanding of opening theories, then it is...)don't worry i won't use such cuckoo opening in compeititive tournament. Haha...[吕大侠 (8-27 17:23, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]157楼

(引用 bls:It depends.If Ruizhan is planning train with non mainstream opening to improve his understanding of opening theories, then it is...)or waste my red initiatives in tournament...[吕大侠 (8-27 17:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]158楼

(引用 bls:It depends.If Ruizhan is planning train with non mainstream opening to improve his understanding of opening theories, then it is...)My view is...I was thinking if i could win a match with a lousy opening , it would mean my mid game have improved...because i believe if a china grandmaster were to play stupid opening like i did...i believe they could still win or get away with a draw...but i can't do it means my midgame level not up to grandmaster level yet, so i need to train more.

Actually i'm either playing everyday or preparing opening and solving endgames for this coming beijing tournament, quite tiring...i'm exhausted...really tired...i welcome any challenger to play a game with me, but i can't use the opening i'm preparing yet, 'cause not finish yet...once completed,i will start using it...hopefully can complete by mid september then can test water before i go beijing....
[吕大侠 (8-27 17:38, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]159楼

(引用 bls:It depends.If Ruizhan is planning train with non mainstream opening to improve his understanding of opening theories, then it is...)For singapore 2008 individual compeitition,if someone were to say...that i got 4th in this year compeitition purely by opening, i would agree with them because its true... if only i got more midgame and endgame skill i could have gotten champ...too bad i don't have that's why i only got 4th...

Plus the stupid system this year i hav to fight huangrongyue and allen again in semifinal and finals, otherwise i could have fight with other opponent with lower cumulative points, because i have fought all the top 8 players in this compeitition.

i don't mean that those with lower cumulative points are no good but just that they hav no form, so should be easier to dealt with...

Lin Yao Sen once told me one is not a good player if they can only play 顺风棋 well,if one can also play 逆风棋 well ,then that person would be a formidable player.

Just look at Alvin, this year some of the opening he use is no obviously no good, but he still use it and win with it even when the situation is no good and can still win meaning his midgame quite magic or his luck damn good, i believe in skill more than luck, so it can't be luck.

If anyone say i'm no good... c'mon let's fight...if i lose...one more game...if i lose again then one more..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................let's see how much longer you can win me!

If i don't win any medal in beijing this year, i'll try again...

if anyone want a match i welcome u any place anytime...when i'm available.
[吕大侠 (8-27 18:04, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]160楼

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