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找学日语的buddy,时间:周末一起学习(周六或周日,最好是下午;weekday evening 也可以考虑);
地点:nus campus (其他地方也可以考虑);
联系:g0505998@nus.edu.sg or 91170625 (after 7pm)
[hahata (8-21 13:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

能有4-5人最好 :)[hahata (8-21 13:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

报考日语JLPT的方法Dear all

The registration for the Japanese Language Proficiency test is now open. The Japanese Studies Society will be doing registration/sales of forms on 23, 28 and 29 August, at the Japanese Studies Department Meeting Room located at AS4-03-35, from 6pm to 7:30pm daily.

The cost of the form is 2 Singapore dollars each. The fees for the respective levels are as shown below:

JLPT 1 - 36 dollars
JLPT 2 - 30 dollars
JLPT 3 - 25 dollars
JLPT 4 - 20 dollars

For those who wish to register on the spot, please bring along 2 passport size photographs of yourself. The photographs must not be self-printed, and both must be identical. The fee for the test should be enclosed in an envelope with your name and test level written on it, and it must be the exact amount. There will be no change given. No change will be given for the sale of the forms as well.
[ (8-23 12:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

其实4级没什么必要阿因为4级根本就没用,还不如努努力考个3级,最好2级,因为一般如果你想用你的JLPT的话要2级以上才有优势。而且日语不用一级一级考上去的……嗯,所以不要浪费钱:)[记忆里的棉花糖 (8-24 0:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

你好我好象有点晚了~~~ 你还在找学日语的buddy吗? 请联系我isabella_d7@hotmail.com[yolia (10-7 22:03, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼

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