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卖书 books of computing. calculus,phy and chem
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卖书 books of computing. calculus,phy and chem
1> Data Structures and Problem Solving using Java
(second edition by Weiss) $15

2〉physics(fifth edition, GIANCOLI) $20

3〉calculus (sixth edition HOWARD ANTON)$20

4> Basic inorganic Chemistry(third edtion) $25

5> computer Organization & Design
Digital logic circuit analysis and design
2 books for $30. one for $20
lecturers suggested to buy these two books for CS1104 in yr2002 sem1.

pls contact Yang at 97602830
price negotiable

[Godloved (8-17 20:41, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

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